Thursday, December 30, 2021





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YOU get a Dundie Award! YOU get a Dundie Award! EVERYONE gets a Dundie Award!






Sunday, December 26, 2021





Epstein Was Blackmailing Politicians For Israel's Mossad, New Book Claims

Epstein Was Blackmailing Politicians For Israel's Mossad, New Book Claims


The Mossad and 9/11
by Gordon Thomas

The complex and often uneasy relationship between Israel's Mossad and the U.S. intelligence community is emerging as a prime reason for the catastrophic failure of the CIA and FBI to act on advance warnings of an impending attack on America.

Eight days before the September 11 attack, Egypt's senior intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, informed the CIA station chief in Cairo that "credible sources" had told him that Osama bin-Laden's network was "in the advanced stages of executing a significant operation against an American target."

Prior to that, the FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley had revealed, there was a similar warning from French intelligence.

Both warnings, Globe-Intel has established, originally came from Mossad.

The Israeli intelligence service chose to pass on its own intelligence to Washington through its contacts in French and Egyptian intelligence agencies because it did not believe its previous warnings on an impending attack by the bin-Laden network had been taken seriously enough in Washington.

Part of the reason has already emerged by President Bush acknowledging for the first time there had been a serious breakdown between the twin pillars of the U.S. intelligence community – the FBI and CIA.

"In terms of whether or not the FBI and the CIA were communicating properly, I think it is clear that they weren't," he has said.

Behind this admission is the long-standing suspicion that both the FBI and CIA have about Mossad and its ongoing activities in the United States.

Ostensibly, Israel denies it has ever spied on its most powerful ally. But the reality is otherwise. Both the FBI and CIA regard Mossad as a clear and present danger to U.S. national security. It places the Israeli spy agency just below the espionage totem pole that has China's Secret Intelligence Service at its top.

A full ten months before Mossad started to sound its own warnings against bin-Laden, senior officials in both the FBI and CIA saw them as "blowing smoke" to divert attention from Mossad's own activities in the United States.

Evidence of this may well be contained in the more than 350,000 documents that the CIA has already turned over to the hearings of the Senate and House of Representatives intelligence committees.

These are now underway in sound-proofed rooms before 37 members of those committees.

Already, in the atmosphere of leak and counter-leak in Washington, the consensus is emerging on Capitol Hill that the U.S. intelligence community had enough data to have been able to prevent the September 11 attacks.

Richard Shelby, the senior Republican on the Senate intelligence committee has spoken about "a massive intelligence failure."

A hint of the extent of that failure has come from Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak. He has spoken of "a secret agent who was in close contact with the bin-Laden organisation."

Globe-Intel has been told that the "agent" was in fact the senior Mossad source who tipped off Egypt's intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, that an attack on America was coming.

During last year, senior Egyptian officials have told Globe-Intel there were five separate contacts between Suleiman and his Mossad counterpart, Efraim Halevy.

Understandably, Israeli government sources in Tel Aviv have denied such contacts.

But an official close to Mubarak have confirmed that they did take place.

Mubarak's public statements on the matter – the first ranking statesman to break cover over the building controversy of who-knew-what-and-when, will at minimum be seen as clear indications that there were lapses in the interpretations of both the CIA and FBI.

Coupled to the warnings that Mossad arranged to be passed through French intelligence and which Coleen Rowley has used to lambaste her chief, FBI director Robert Mueller, the failure to act assumes frightening proportions.

The revelations make a mockery of George Tenet's claim that he was "proud" of the CIA's record. Its embattled director, currently in Israel trying to broker a doomed peace deal, has found in his absence that his own staff are admitting to mistakes.

"Part of the problem is that the CIA and FBI are loath to share vital information with each other, or with other government agencies because they have this deep-seated fear of compromising their own sources," a senior State Department analyst told Globe-Intel.

But in the coming days the relationship between Mossad and the CIA and FBI will become the subject of close scrutiny in the closed hearings of the intelligence committees picking their way through the mass of documents now in their possession.

It is beginning to emerge that intelligence relating to pre-September 11 stopped at the desk of National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice.

The question as to why the President was not fully briefed has led to others. Had a decision been taken by Rice in consultation with Secretary of Defense and other high-ranking members of the Bush Administration to effectively not inform Bush of what was developing because they did not trust his limited experience in dealing with global terrorism – or a major threat of any kind?

Officially such a question is dismissed around the White House as nonsensical. Yet it persists within the State Department – where Secretary of State Colin Powell remains outside the charmed inner circle surrounding Bush.

There, senior officials point to the fact that the CIA briefing to Bush last August, less than a month before the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, turned out to be conspicuous by what was not said.

Yet, at that time the CIA knew of the impending threat. There are other pointers that the President may have been kept out of the loop.

Within his own circle there is a determination to distance him from taking the advice of his father. President George Bush Snr is seen by some in the White House as being out of touch with todays world. And that the advice he proffers his son during their Texas cookouts is out-moded.

All this may go some way to explain why President Bush has now publicly acknowledged there was an intelligence failure. Much else will flow from that.

GORDON THOMAS is the author of forty-three books. Seven of them are major motion pictures including five times Academy Award-nominated Voyage of the DamnedEnola Gay, which won the Emmy Awards Foreign Critics Prize.

His books of best-selling David Morton novels are being filmed by IAC International as a 22-hour television series to be screened worldwide in 2003. His Gideon's Spies: Mossad's Secret Warriors became a major documentary for Channel Four which he wrote and narrated. It followed three years of research during which he was given unprecedented access to the Mossad's key personnel. The book has so far been published in 16 languages.

Gordon Thomas lives in Ireland, with his wife.

Vaccine-Salesman-In-Chief Donald Trump Faces Strong Backlash From His Supporters

Trump’s embrace of and support of these dangerous vaccines which have caused hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions and deaths, even according to the American regime has led to major backlash from those who have been supportive of him. Growing numbers of Trump supporters are coming to the realization of the reality that we are in as a country and that reality is that there is no political solution at this time.


Vile, Worthless Trump Doubles Down On COVID

Vax (BioWeapon) - Tells Candace Owens It's
'One Of The Greatest Achievements Of Mankind'

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Alex Jones Issues Emergency Christmas Message to President Trump on Covid Injections

Alex Jones Issues Emergency Christmas Message to President Trump on Covid Injections 



The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
BREAKING NEWS from the Lawyers’ Committee

Dear John:



A six-year legal battle against the National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST] and the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] to get access to data they used in preparing FEMA’s Building Performance Study of the collapse of World Trade Center [WTC] buildings on 9/11 has culminated in a court decision granting discovery to 9/11 researcher David Cole. Cole, the plaintiff, is represented by Lawyers’ Committee attorney Mick Harrison.  The Lawyers’ Committee has supported this litigation from the start. NIST and FEMA fought to dismiss Cole’s Freedom of Information Act case but on December 21, 2021, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia denied their motion for summary judgment and granted Cole discovery. Discovery will allow Cole to inquire via depositions, document requests, and interrogatories into why FEMA and NIST failed to disclose key records known to exist regarding the collapse of WTC buildings on 9/11. 


Cole submitted his FOIA request for records of the background and raw data FEMA used for its Building Performance Study on May 20, 2011. Among the items Cole requested were photographs, video, audio, field notes, memoranda, lab samples and lab results. FEMA initially claimed they had no responsive records. Later, they said they had sent all their records to NIST without keeping paper or electronic originals or even copies for themselves. NIST and FEMA then delayed releasing any records to Cole for four years. Cole sued the agencies in November 2015. The following April, the agencies produced some records to Cole but withheld key responsive agency records that were known to exist, including a set of WTC-related drawings, CDs and a video. The recent court decision granting discovery should enable Cole to discover the fate of these key 9/11 agency records that NIST and FEMA have refused to produce for so long. If those records still exist, as they should, Cole will be able to ask the Court for an Order that these records be provided to him and the public. A detailed synopsis follows for those who wish to dive deeper into the details. The full 41-page decision by the Court is posted on the Lawyers’ Committee website. The Lawyers' Committee will keep you updated on this historic case for which we will need your ongoing support to see us through discovery and final decision.


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A few days ago, the Lawyers’ Committee sent you a year-end greeting and update anticipating one or more 9/11 legal breakthroughs in the coming year. We hoped we’d see one of these soon, and now here one is: a breakthrough federal court ruling, giving us a new opportunity to get accountability from some recalcitrant federal agencies, which we cannot take advantage of without your help! The Lawyers’ Committee and 9/11 Researcher David Cole are pleased to announce this significant legal victory in the fight for 9/11 transparency and accountability. 


This week, on Tuesday December 21, 2021, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Judge Sullivan, issued an important and long-awaited decision in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case David Cole v. May et al., which was brought against the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This case involves a request to FEMA under the FOIA by 9/11 researcher David Cole for records of the data used by FEMA in preparing its Building Performance Study (BPS). The FEMA BPS was a study of the World Trade Center (WTC) (and nearby) buildings that collapsed or were seriously damaged on September 11, 2001 (9/11). In Judge Sullivan’s Opinion and accompanying Order of December 21, 2021, the District Court denied the agencies’ motion for summary judgment and granted Plaintiff Cole’s motion to conduct discovery.


The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc. has supported Plaintiff Cole in this lawsuit from the beginning of this six-year litigation. Mr. Cole is represented by the Lawyers’ Committee’s Executive Director, public interest attorney Mick Harrison (at no cost to Plaintiff Cole), who serves as lead counsel. This case has a long history of FEMA and NIST failing to produce key agency records related to FEMA’s study of the WTC building failures on 9/11. 


201l: Cole Files His FOIA Request for FEMA BPS Records (and FEMA Hides the Pea)


This saga began May 20, 2011, when Mr. Cole submitted his FOIA request to FEMA for records of the background and raw data used in the FEMA BPS regarding the collapse of WTC buildings on 9/11. The records requested included photographs, video, audio, field notes, lab samples, memoranda, and lab results. By December 19, 2011, FEMA claimed to have finished its search, asserting that it possessed no responsive records. Although some FEMA BPS related records had been previously posted by FEMA, key documents known to exist (that had been referenced by FEMA itself in its BPS report and in agency correspondence) were not released. 


FEMA eventually offered the explanation that the reason FEMA could claim in 2011 to have no records of any data used for the detailed study it admits to publishing was that FEMA had sent all its BPS-related records to NIST, around May 2002, and that it had retained no physical or electronic copies of those records. On December 23, 2011, FEMA forwarded Mr. Cole’s request to NIST, which located numerous responsive documents. The two agencies then spent almost four years delaying release of these responsive records to Mr. Cole, until Mr. Cole sued them in November 2015, even though FEMA had determined by June 29, 2012, that it and NIST possessed at least 3,789 pages of records that were both responsive to Mr. Cole’s request and releasable under FOIA. The explanation offered to the Court by the Defendants for this extensive delay was an agency “mix-up” regarding which agency would respond to Mr. Cole.


In addition, FEMA also informed Mr. Cole in August 2012 that it had determined there were approximately 490,000 pages of boxed FEMA WTC-related records that had been placed in storage at the National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”). FEMA did not volunteer to search these 490,000 pages of documents to determine if they contained records responsive to Mr. Cole’s FOIA request, nor have any of those documents been produced.


2015: Cole Files His FOIA Lawsuit (and FEMA Produces the Shells but Not the Pea)


Cole filed his FOIA lawsuit in November 2015. On April 20, 2016, FEMA produced to Mr. Cole and his counsel numerous records responsive to Cole’s FOIA request, but the key records were missing. On June 7, 2016, Attorney Harrison sent an email to Defendants’ counsel identifying important records known to exist but which had not been produced. Harrison noted, e.g., although a FEMA document showed a set of WTC drawings had been sent to a FEMA contractor, FEMA had failed to produce those drawings. Harrison also cited an agency inventory of BPS records which listed CDs, a video, and other drawings, all of which were missing from the records that FEMA produced. FEMA replied it was unable to locate those missing records.


2020: Magistrate Judge Finds Defendants’ Search Inadequate and Delays Unacceptable


Magistrate Judge Harvey was assigned by Judge Sullivan to make a recommended decision on the parties’ motions. Magistrate Judge Harvey issued a Report and Recommendation on March 9, 2020, recommending that the Court deny the Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment and grant the Plaintiff’s Motion for Discovery. Magistrate Judge Harvey found that “Defendants have not shown that their searches were adequate due to their failure to provide this Court with sufficient details about their methodologies.” 


Magistrate Judge Harvey also found that “Defendants’ conduct—engaging in lengthy delays and inconsistent representations and failing to adequately explain [the delays and inconsistent representations] despite this Court’s clear expressions of concern,” warrants “limited” discovery for Mr. Cole (limited to the facts and issues related to the adequacy of the government’s records searches). Magistrate Judge Harvey in his Report pointed out “FEMA’s repeated failures to locate missing records that are undisputedly referenced in its disclosures,” FEMA’s “cursory explanations for its inability to locate those missing records,” and FEMA’s “inadequate descriptions of its searches.” Magistrate Judge Harvey concluded that Defendants FEMA’s and NIST’s pattern of conduct 'raises a question’ as to whether Defendants have ‘been diligent and expeditious in complying with [their] FOIA obligations.’”


District Court Finds Defendants’ Failed to Demonstrate an Adequate Records Search


District Court Judge Sullivan, in his recent decision, adopted virtually all of Magistrate Judge Harvey’s recommendations. Judge Sullivan found that, like FEMA, NIST “fails to lay out its search terms or methodology in any detail.” 


Judge Sullivan noted that Mr. Cole had “raised significant questions as to whether FEMA [had] processed documents in good faith in response to [his] FOIA request” and that it was “troubled by multiple aspects of the government’s actions,” including FEMA’s delay in disclosing responsive records until April 2016 despite its June 2012 determination that 3,789 pages of documents were releasable. The District Court was also “troubled by the government’s inconsistent, even contradictory, responses to [Mr. Cole’s] inquiries ....” District Court Judge Sullivan agreed with Magistrate Judge Harvey that Mr. Cole be granted limited discovery. Magistrate Judge Harvey found the explanation the agencies offered for their delay to be “problematic.” District Court Judge Sullivan noted that the Defendants concede that their proffered explanation for their delay is “far from a satisfying one,” and that FEMA’s “[s]leeping on its FOIA obligations for several years makes for a glaring lack of oversight by FEMA.”


Court Finds Defendants’ Handling of 490,000 Pages Sent to NARA Reflects Bad Faith


Judge Sullivan noted and agreed with Plaintiff Cole’s Attorney’s argument that in regard to the 490,000 pages of FEMA WTC records sent to the National Archives, that “[t]he Defendants’ handling of this issue of the 490,000 pages of agency 9/11 records sent to NARA reflects bad faith, because: (1) Defendants did not even identify these 490,000 pages of records to Plaintiff in their initial response to his FOIA; (2) Defendants then did not conduct a search of these files once their existence was disclosed; (3) Defendants then required, contrary to law, Plaintiff to file an additional FOIA request if he wanted these files searched to determine if they contained responsive records; (4) Defendants then made a false representation to Plaintiff which clearly misrepresented that the 490,000 pages of 9/11 files sent to NARA were known to contain no responsive records, contrary to their initial representation; and (5) finally Defendants argued to this Court ... that the Magistrate erred on this issue in concluding there was an inconsistency in Defendants’ representations, without disclosing to this Court the complete language of Defendants’ initial representation that made this inconsistency apparent. ... The Court agrees with Mr. Cole, even reviewing the [Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendations] de novo.”


District Court Concludes Plaintiff Cole is Entitled to Discovery


Judge Sullivan in his recent decision held that “[b]ased on the continued lack of details in the affidavits provided by FEMA, the Court concludes that this is the rare case where discovery, rather than supplemental declarations, is warranted as to the Defendants’ searches.” The Court has ordered Plaintiff Cole and the government to confer and to submit either a joint discovery plan or their separate proposed plans by January 7, 2022. 


We Need Your Support to See this Case Through


The Lawyers’ Committee is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible. The critical discovery process is just starting. We will need your continued support to see this case through to its conclusion.

Donate Now

Thank you for your support for the Lawyers’ Committee’s work.


Mick Harrison, Ex. Dir., and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc. Board of Directors.




Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
P.O. Box 14125
Arlington, TX 76094

Visit Our Website




Friday, December 24, 2021


Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix - Annotated Edition

The Moon is the debris of a spacecraft? - David Icke - Saturn & The Moon Matrix - Escaping the Matrix - Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation to a Prison Planet/Body - THEY RECYCLE YOUR SOUL - WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap! - When you die, should you go into the light?

9/11 Christmas reading: 3 great books...

To Reinvestigate 911 contacts list

September saw the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and there is little sign of it going away as an issue that is at least intriguing  and at most has the potential to destabilise Washington even now - as the clumsy censorship of Spike Lee's TV series demonstrates.

So with the quiet days post Christmas looming and possibly more lockdowns, now might be the time to check out for yourself (or give a friend) one of the excellent batch of 9/11 books newly published in 2021. Here they are...

1. Jamie Macphail: 911 Unravelling the Lies. A well researched and cogently argued free web book looking across the board at the various issues from CIA shenanigans to the still simmering doubts about what hit the Pentagon.

2. Ray McGinnis: Unanswered Questions. Written from the perspective of the 9/11 relatives' questions this is primarily a book about the coverup but it is elegantly written and brimming with research detail. For instance the author has dug up many more reports corroborating the accounts of explosions in the basement  of the buildings before the planes hit

3. Ian Henshall: 911 The New Evidence911 Revealed was published in 2005 as a glossy book crammed with pictures, diagrams etc by Rowland Morgan and myself and serialised in the UK's Daily Mail. It has since then been completely overhauled and republished as 911: The New Evidence and now overhauled again as an e book

Hope to see you some time in the New Year

Ian Henshall

Reinvestigate 911

Friday, December 17, 2021

Washington Compost Debunked: How 9/11 'Truther' conspiracy theories fueled the war on reality | Opinion



Conspiracy theories blaming George W. Bush for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have been debunked, yet millions of Americans still believe them. When Osama bin Laden was the obvious "outsider," why did so many people turn against Bush and what does it say about U.S. society today? In this short film, conspiracy theory researchers Evan Laine and Raju Parakkal connect the dots between 9/11 "trutherism" and the "Big Lie." #September11 #911 #washingtonpost

Been debunked? By who? Not by your gutter rag certainly, or anyone else...
Well, I take that back. Truthers, as in those who seek actual truth, and not just to pseudo-skeptically defend an establishment narrative, have actually debunked some stuff...

Constructive Criticism and Real Debunking

They of course hone in on just the Bush angle and in doing so mischaracterize the nuance of real investigators by pigeonholing us into mutually exclusive and thus adversarial camps...

Many people subconsciously make the mistake of only seeing the issues concerning 9/11 in black and white, as opposed to shades of gray. This is known as the black-or-white fallacy. In this case, the false dilemma is: 9/11 was either carried out by Al-Qaeda or it was "an inside job."

Just because the evidence suggests that rogue elements of the US government and intelligence apparatus, as well as other international intelligence agencies, were involved, doesn't mean bin Laden and Al-Qaeda hijackers weren't involved.

In the fight to uncover the truth about 9/11 we must contend with individuals and groups that distort, omit and lie about important details in order to defend the official narrative - the 911 truth debunkers.

ThemTube has removed the dislike button in an transparent attempt to hide the widespread public distain for the Biden Regime/official COVID narrative, etc., but the free speech remnants still allowed in the form of comments, clearly favor the 9/11 truth movement. Let's sample just a tiny fraction right from the top down, no cherry picking done or needed, and then I'll add a little extra research material/factual back-up as a cherry on top.

Daniel F 
This is such a helpful video! Because sometimes I think “Hey wait a minute, how could Building 7, which wasn’t hit by a plane, come down at free fall speed despite being one the sturdiest high rises ever created?” Then I watch videos like this and I remember that I that I have cognitive dissonance and am just not thinking clearly.

Of course, Daniel F, has his tongue in his cheek and knows he is thinking clearly! › debunking-mick-west-on-hulsey-wtc-7
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Sep 5, 2019 ... Mick: Modeling complex events is hard. Here's a comparison between the NIST simulation of the collapse of WTC7 (left), the actual collapse ( ... › 2015/12 › was-nist-wtc-7-simulation-bunk
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Dec 4, 2015 ... 9/11 debunker Frank Greening seemed to think so. Time will tell! Excerpt from The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: ... › debunking-governments-wtc-7-report
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Sep 18, 2019 ... Are there more problems with the UAF/Hulsey/AE911Truth WTC7 Draft Report or the NIST WTC 7 Report? You Decide. › 2012/05 › wtc-7-petition-to-national-institute
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May 19, 2012 ... WTC 7 Petition to the National Institute for Standards and Technology, U.S. Congress, and President Obama. Revise the U.S. government final ... › eddie-bravo-rants-about-tower-7-moon
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Jan 2, 2018 ... Nov 12, 2008 ... "Observations: WTC-7 does not collapse neatly into its own footprint; you can see that it starts straight down but the ... › 2016/12
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Dec 20, 2016 ... FRAUD EXPOSED IN NIST WTC 7 REPORTS — PART 1 OF 5. All things being equal, the fire would have spread consistently. But the NIST computer ... › gerrycan1-debunks-debunker-mick-west
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Sep 26, 2019 ... Are there more problems with the UAF/Hulsey/AE911Truth WTC7 Draft Report or the NIST WTC 7 Report? You Decide. › wtc-7-evaluation-is-two-year-study-by
Thumbnail image
Feb 12, 2018 ... WTC 7 Evaluation is a two-year study by Dr. J Leroy Hulsey, Chair of UAF's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, and two Ph.D. › 2019/09 › are-there-more-problems-with
Thumbnail image
Sep 10, 2019 ... Are there more problems with the UAF/Hulsey/AE911Truth WTC7 Draft Report or the NIST WTC 7 Report? You Decide. › 911-bombshell-cnbc-news-anchor-ron
Thumbnail image
Sep 28, 2019 ... 9/11 BOMBSHELL CNBC News Anchor Ron Insana WTC-7 Brought Down by Controlled Implosion Related: Ph.D. Structural Engineer: “$10,000 to Anyone ...

I love how they basically imply that if you ever question the “official narrative” that you don’t know how to think and that you’re reaching for conclusions that make you feel more comfortable because you’re afraid. We need to teach people how to think by getting them to not think is basically what he’s saying. 

Whistle Blower1
‘It’s easier to fool a man than to convince them that they have been fooled’ -Mark Twain 

If you’re old enough to remember, everything that has led up to today, began on 9/11. 


Digital Media and “Warp-Speed” Censorship in the Covid Era

Way Back in 2008 when Biden was in the White House legitimately!  

Rampant Un-American Censorship of the 9/11 Truth Movement

And oh, by the way, debunking the 2020 stolen election claims is the very thinly veiled ulterior aim of this hitpiece I'm currently composting away. Equating the two in an attempt to destroy both is lazy on its face and falsely assumes that the public largely feels the official 9/11 story is AOK. A more direct route would have been somewhat wiser, but either way the strategy is lame, as far too many can see through both charades. 

9/11 Truth Petitions/Polls and Debunking of Debunker Analysis Suggesting 9/11 Truth is Dead

Updates: A Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story

Regarding 2020 funny business, please do bear witness... They Admitted That They Did It! Don't Let the Deniers Forget It! Click below image to enlarge...

Plus, Democrats on video screaming "coup, this is my party but this is not shit I can't do!" You know who else knew? Former Democrat mayor Rod Blagojevich too! He said we always steal elections like this, it's just what we do! But never this bad, I feel bad enough to tell you all it's a screw, job, thank you Rod! Sworn affidavits of such things in droves and droves, but the media said there's no evidence, so, Trump didn't fall in line. This is the path HE CHOSE. Trump could have shut up like a good RINO and just not let us know! Look at the drama he's caused by not just enjoying the political theater, world wrestling show!

And this is what the Compost calls the big lie, while their eyes cross from staring at their glaring and flaring, growing, lies showing, Pinocchio nose. Think we've been hosed? Hell no! Despite your puppet string media and Muppet, hand up their ass, fake TV show hosts, it's clearly really a case of death throes and even Pinocchio knows! Well, I guess your partisan election whistle blowers are in on it too, OR they are brethren unless they're exposing what you do! You know what they say about shoes? If they fit you must not acquit! I could rest my case there, but my laurels don't want me to. That's the slacker shit the fake-vomit-stream, legacy media types do. Here's the rest of the still unfolding case that I've compiled, it's wild, and compelling, it's true. A spade is a spade, Bush stole two elections too and we expose that shit too... AKA

BILL COOPER REPORTED ON 911 THAT THE TWIN TOWERS WERE BROUGHT DOWN BY CONTROLLED DEMOLITION Editor's Note: The reasons he thought it was carried out and his predictions of things to come are especially noteworthy given the current state of affairs.

Shane Elliott 
How is this debunking any theory? I feel even stronger about the “theory” after watching this. 

Duh-bunk-turds have been known to help persuade open-minded thinker thunkers that they are full of shit via their logical fallacy and omission ridden arguments. Transparent spin and agendas on full display has the ability to make the truth shine, while the lies turn gray. Here is a prime example from a blog post here by Adam Taylor, who wrote:

So I've just finished watching a repeat of the History Channel's documentary "The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction?" And I basically felt the same thing I usually feel when I watch this particular piece: disgust. This documentary has always had a special significance with me, because it was this very piece that got me interested into researching 9/11. And to this day I still believe it is the most biased and slimy propaganda piece ever put out attacking the 9/11 Truth Movement. I find it both funny and sad that they actually aired this piece again. Funny because many of the debunking attempts in the piece have themselves long been debunked (particularly the section on Building 7, where almost every argument they brought up has been discredited by NIST itself; damage, fuel tanks, etc.

Those who can't see the light in the face of such (to borrow a Biden campaign slogan/old man adjective) malarkey, have blinders on anyway and must be convinced via other means, such as pointing out the substantial support from victim's family members and firefighters for instance.

The below link proves that many thousands of family members want a new investigation. Likely the amount of people killed that day is outnumbered by these 9/11 victim's family members.

Paul Revere
“The first element of all warfare is deception.” Sun Tzu the art of war

adam courville
The irony of him talking about cognitive dissonance! Lmao 


"Cognitive dissonance relates to the concept of being exposed to information or having experiences that conflict with our existing base of “what we know.” “Conspiracy theories” seem to be the quintessentially cognitive dissonant concepts of our culture. For many people, the idea that JFK was killed by the government or “9/11 was an inside job” threatens the entire fabric of their consciousness. These things simply cannot be true and people will bend over backwards and resort to irrationality and ridicule to avoid considering them." - Source:

FirstName LastName
“Fear creates a different narrative.” Yes, that’s exactly how the government does it. 

don dada 
I’m more worried about a person that believes everything the media says than a person who believes conspiracy theories. 

Think about the Air Force's F16 pilots playing "war games" on the morning on 9-11-2001. They were playing out a scenario out over the ocean far away from the primary airspace that they are tasked to protect. The scenario included two large aircraft were hijacked and used as missiles crashed into the twin towers. This "practice" scenario wasn't just for "practice", but it was ACTUALLY HAPPENING at the same exact time, day, location, same target, and same weapon within MINUTES of the practice scenario. The odds of all of those things neatly happening together simultaneously is statistically impossible.


Duh-bunk-turds call that reasoning hollow conspiracy theory. A mind must be of that consistency to think such a vacuous story isn't the epitome of vacant, coincidence theorist tripe, in which to wallow, in an desperate attempt to choke down a red pill so big, it'd take an airplane engine sized orifice to swallow. Much like the 9/11 Omission Report...

...and all the other debunked official excuse documents...

...the swiss cheese like holes in the NORAD account might well just be of sufficient size to fly the whole damn plane through! Better kindling that steel framed buildings and 1000% more deserving! See the large amount of linked red text above to learn how the debunkers have indeed been demonstrated to be the ones peddling bunkum on the lack of needed air response that day! The material is free, written, and compiled by yours truly.

Funny that they bring up Loose Change, but neglect to tell you about the film maker's major efforts to refine their arguments and they forget their own related reporting!

Unsurprisingly, the duh-bunk-turds hate even the best of the "Loose Change" films, but loose ends are no biggie.

The Washington Post reported on August 2, 2006 that:
Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources... "We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. 'It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."
So, if 9/11 didn't have an inside element, what's to stop such a scenario from taking place in the future when we get investigations that have attributes like these? 

Of course, that was under the old ownership of the paper. 
Amazon chief and hyper-partisan anti-Trumper, Jeff Bezos, bought the Washington Post in 2013.

They use the tired talking point that people seek meaning out of random chaos and use JFK conspiracy belief as one example. But yet again, they overplay their hand, especially since...

Majority in U.S. Still Believe JFK Killed in a Conspiracy

The reason this is so, is because there is not only droves of unofficial, but much OFFICIAL EVIDENCE that this is the case. Don't act like you don't know Compost Clown Show!

Proof of a JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet


You have one hell of an argument without debating a magic bullet when you combine this material with the other facts Marrs speaks of in the interview especially those concerning the 
doctoring up of the Zapruder film and autopsy records to cover-up the exit wound in the back of Kennedy's head thus covering up the kill shot from the front. The latter is the subject of this little book as detailed in the related link below the interview.

In the book above an official government investigator into the JFK assassination testifies to seeing doctored autopsy evidence proving a second gunman.

The government also officially concluded there was a conspiracy. This is from a .gov page of the National Archives, outlining the conclusions of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

I.A. Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at President John F. Kennedy. The second and third shots he fired struck the President. The third shot he fired killed the President
I.B. Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy. Other scientific evidence does not preclude the possibility of two gunmen firing at the President. Scientific evidence negates some specific conspiracy allegations
I.C. The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.


It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It

Furthermore, as if that wasn't enough, the recently released official JFK files that had long been sealed, but were released under President Trump, provided bombshell corroborative evidence, despite mainstream fake news media denials, which served to prop up propaganda like the 9/11 trash reporting I'm skewering here, but also denied Trump any accolades...

JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities

JFK files: British paper got anonymous call just before assassination - Memo from CIA to FBI says senior reporter at Cambridge Evening News was told to call the American embassy for ‘some big news’:


JFK files BOMBSHELL: New evidence of SECOND gunman behind assassination released: 

JFK Files: CIA Plotted To Kill Castro, Stage Bombings In Miami: 

JFK Documents Reveal That the CIA Floated the Idea of Bombing Miami and Washington D.C.: 

More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files: 

The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year: 

Regarding the last link above, that yet again comes from official sources, the next time a 9/11 "debunker" tells you that 9/11 couldn't have been an inside job because someone involved would have talked, ask them how many of the 1 million serious crimes the CIA has committed in the last decade they are aware of. Ask them if they are aware of this following CIA criminality factoid and if not, why not? Demand a conspiracy query as to who must have worked with the media they frequent, as to keep them in the dark about such shocking history...

Operation Gladio was a false-flag terror program set up by the CIA and NATO. Although Gladio was eventually exposed officially and without question, it was not just a single event, but an ongoing operation that remained secret for decades, in which hundreds of innocent people were killed and injured in terrorist attacks that were blamed on other groups.

Such info should be common knowledge, as it forever should rightly inform our thought processes when possibly similar current events unfold, or when such a basis in knowledge gives important greater context to other historical issues under the microscope, such as...

An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing


Attorney General Robert Kennedy was not a believer in the lone gunman theory.  Like many Americans, he could not accept that a man as ordinary as Lee Harvey Oswald could have acted alone in assassinating the president of the United States, his brother John F. Kennedy.  Who did he suspect was part of the plot?  "Apparently Bobby Kennedy’s first suspicion was that it was some rogue element in the CIA," said Philip Shenon, author of a new book on the JFK assassination.

As the story goes, the CIA spooks were able to convince him with their patented brand of "intelligence" that he was sniffing up the wrong tree, although he reportedly maintained a belief in a larger conspiracy excluding their involvement, but not ruling out the Mafia or Cuba.

Or perhaps they "spooked" him enough to nearly pee and pray "please I hope I'm not next, please God not me!" You see, that speculation isn't kooky at all when one knows of the extreme nefariousness that has long festered in the agency, but without that foundation, one might come off as being too paranoid. 

NBC News Excerpt:

Why the spooks? President Kennedy — killed in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 — was thought to have had a prickly relationship with CIA brass, mostly appointed under his White House predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Heading the agency at the time was Allen Dulles. Below him were Richard Helms, the director of central intelligence, and James Angleton, chief of counterintelligence. Where the CIA under Dulles had spent years working to topple foreign heads of state — in Guatemala and Iran, for example — Kennedy preferred a more diplomatic approach, though he was not entirely opposed to covert operations. Before Kennedy, the CIA acted largely without restriction; under him that changed. CIA officials were reportedly deeply angered by Kennedy’s lack of support in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion to oust Cuba's Fidel Castro, a debacle that cost Dulles his job in 1961. Conspiracy buffs argue that Dulles's firing incited plans for an assassination. Kennedy was even once quoted in a New York Times report, by an anonymous source said to be a trusted aide, as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," following the Bay of Pigs. “It would be odd in a way if [the CIA] didn’t go after Kennedy,” said Lisa Pease, a Los Angeles-based author and researcher who recently spoke at a JFK conspiracy symposium in Pittsburgh, Pa. “He was one of the few leftist leaders still standing.”

The overarching point here, is that there is an solid intellectual case for a conspiracist worldview. That is to say, that conspiracy is the MO of power, not an aberration, but the norm... 

Debunking Myths on Conspiracy Theories:

Responses to 'The truth is rushing out there: why conspiracy theories spread faster than ever':

Quotes on Conspiracy Theories:

This isn't manufacturing reality or conspiracies, or ignoring science, rather it's simply
acknowledging the existence of all of the above as they are. Not as we would like them to be, which the Compost argues, is exactly these nightmare scenarios! Why would any of this be more comforting than lone nut jobs and upstanding intelligence institutions devoid of criminality. It's absurd on its face.

Nor do the implications of the science the Compost ignores bring me any solace...

Peer-Reviewed 9/11 Truth - Who is Winning the Peer-Reviewed Scientific Literature Battle?

Just as it is absurd that the government would need to write, "
We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin." A truth such as this, if it were so, should simply reveal itself to be self evident as the facts are laid bare in a no nonsense fashion. But that is not what happened, (with JFK, 9/11, many other events) because the facts and circumstances were as clear as mud and as suspicious as the hamburgler creepily tip toeing and trying to be incognito, while wearing his stereotypical crook outfit, and trying to steal living/talking hamburgers that are each ratting him out as he tries to steal 20 screaming witnesses, all while the clown cop is two feet away! I am not exaggerating either! I'm seriously trying to illustrate a point.

Any of the these following things (non-comprehensive list) could have not gone in the peculiar way that they did, but they all did...

Excerpts from an academic peer-reviewed paper entitled 9/11, JFK, and War:  Recurring Patterns in America’s Deep Events...

While I myself am still open-minded as to how seriously we should interpret these similarities, we should also open our minds to the alternative: that it was not by chance that two major events were soon followed, first in 1965 and again in 2003, by America’s longest military involvements in the nation’s history. JFK and 9/ll: Possibly Innocent Similarities I will begin with three similarities which could possibly, especially in the case of the first, be marginal or irrelevant to how the events themselves unfolded. 1) Stock market speculation: By this I am not referring to the dip and recovery that followed both events, which is common after any unsettling news. I am referring to the dealings in special stocks which suggested, in both cases, prior knowledge of what was to come. In early November 1963, David Harold (“Dry Hole”) Byrd and his investment partner, James Ling, bought $2 million worth of stock (132,600 shares) in Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), their own defense company. Then in February 1964 LTV received from the Navy the first major LBJ prime defense contract – for a fighter plane to be used in limited wars like Vietnam.  I have calculated that this $2.5 million insiders’ purchase was worth $26 million by the end of 1967. Moreover the prescient purchase was about one hundred times the size of any other insider purchase in aerospace issues in the same period. This does not prove that Byrd and Ling were directly involved in the Kennedy assassination, but it is likely that Byrd may have had inklings of what was going to happen. For Byrd owned the Texas School Book Depository building, where Oswald had been hired as an employee in October 1963. I have hypothesized that Oswald thought he was there on a surveillance assignment, to report on a fellow worker who was under investigation by the Dallas Police. Byrd may have been privy to this arrangement, and have suspected more. This stock purchase is comparable to the notorious “put option purchases” just before 9/11 in 2001, in the stock of United Airlines and American Airlines. Here too the advance purchases suggest special knowledge, but here too the purchasers and the perpetrators need not have been the same, especially if we accept the indications that many widely scattered people and agencies had prior indications of the event about to occur. There were scattered indications that a few people had advance knowledge of the Kennedy assassination, a fact hard to reconcile with the Warren Commission conclusion that Oswald, a disgruntled loner, acted on his own. The most significant case was that of a Southern racist and activist, Joseph Milteer, who correctly predicted to a Miami police informant, that Kennedy would be shot "from an office building with a high-powered rifle." But Milteer was not unique. There were also pre-9/11 indications and warnings, far too numerous to enumerate here, of knowledge about an impending attack using hijacked airplanes.

To reiterate, no nonsense facts being laid bare and revealing self evident truth is the antithesis of key evidence being dismissed, ignored, altered, and suppressed. You don't have to have a screw loose or be on drugs to clearly see, that this is as clear as mud.

The JFK facts of the case, just as it was... was... way before it existed or was cool to call something SUS. The conspiratorial view is likely not askew if one can easily say "you can't make this shit up!" What that really means is, that you can and it does seem like a fiction purporting to be random stuff. 

The “Legend” of Lee Harvey Oswald


Although he was someone who tried to defect to the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, he traveled in right-wing, anti-Communist circles of former Russian émigrés. His new best friend was George de Mohrenschildt, a petroleum geologist with international business connections who was a CIA contract agent and colleague of George Herbert Walker Bush... Upon his return to the US, Oswald continued his counterintelligence role as agent provocateur, informer, and ultimately as “patsy.”

Lee Harvey Oswald died proclaiming his innocence. Hours before being shot by Jack Ruby while in police custody just two days after JFK was assassinated, Oswald not only refused to confess, he insisted “I’m just a patsy!”

On November 24, 1963, Oswald is going to be shot by Dallas night club owner Jack Ruby in the garage of the Dallas Police headquarters in full view of television cameras broadcasting live to millions and die at Parkland Hospital. Ruby had stalked Oswald at police headquarters all weekend since his arrest. Jack Ruby had long standing connections to organized crime figures, all the way back when he was a numbers runner for Al Capone’s mob in Chicago while a youth. In the weeks prior to the assassination he had been in contact with major crime figures from around the country.

How many licks to get the center of a Tootsie Pop and how many coincidences does it take to equal a conspiracy? Inquiring minds want to know! But wait there's more!


This is just the tip of the iceberg, but sufficient enough to say that it wasn't financially motivated authors and nutters that were grasping at straws. This is part of the psychological operations document strategy that the CIA sent out to "media propaganda assets" to use against critics of the JFK Warren Commission. This official declassified memo gave birth to the derogatory, weaponized, version of the label "conspiracy theorist" that the Compost is still utilizing today.

The CIA Didn't Literally Invent the Term 'Conspiracy Theorist' But THEY ARE Responsible for the Connotation:

Lastly, I just want to note that this also serves to illustrate the point that, right or wrong, the Sandy Hook issue with Alex Jones that the Compost touched on, is again, ass backwards. He is not the one who broke down institutional faith. Nor is he the one to first suggest the seemingly outrageous idea of faking deaths for political goals, nope, that was your government...

Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong


In his "Final Statement on Sandy Hook" video from late 2016, which was memory holed thanks to censorship, Jones stated that he considered all sides, that he changed his mind at times, but that he had returned to his original position of thinking kids were killed, but still noted many anomalies that he did not think had been debunked while others had. Politifact essentially confirms he is telling the truth in this characterization while at the same time trying to give Hillary Clinton a victory over him.

He has repeatedly sincerely apologized if he hurt the feelings of any victim's family members.

Analyzing the official story of an historical event and considering the political impact of it, even if that means offending people involved, is not a crime. It's exercising free speech and just plain smart if one knows their history concerning government corruption and proven conspiracies.

These 33 conspiracy theories turned out to be true and here are 42 admitted false flag attacks. Source:

Sorry, I always question whether people's indignation is healthy when others question if people actually died in an event. Seeing as how our government actually put these phrases in a document...

"Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
"Conduct funerals for mock-victims"

Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

How low does the rabbit hole really go? I don't know, but we never win the prize of societal trust and relative collective sanity again unless we seriously reign in statist/secret/unelected power and tyranny and face our systemic and spiritual sins and I don't mean, divide and conquer, majorly (not totally) contrived racial and law enforcement distractions.

Two Key Things That Got Overlooked About Project MK Ultra:

Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI: SATANISM AND THE CIA: INTERNATIONAL TRAFFICKING IN CHILDREN


Then President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 on June 4th, 1963. This order authorized the Treasury to issue a new government currency, the US Note, based on silver in Fort Knox, recycled from the huge magnets used in early Uranium enrichment at Oak Ridge. This allowed the Kennedy administration to purchase four billion dollars worth of goods and services without having to borrow the money from the Federal Reserve, and signaled Kennedy's intention to restore the nations' economic system to the model used by the Founding Fathers. John F. Kennedy's United States Note. Five months later, John Kennedy was assassinated and his US Notes withdrawn from circulation. The Warren Commission, now widely acknowledged to have been a cover-up, included as a member John J. McCloy, President of Chase Manhattan Bank and President of the World Bank.