Thursday, November 29, 2018

9/11: An Architect's Guide - Part 3 - Twin Towers and Extreme Heat (11/29/18) Webinar - R Gage)

9/11: An Architect's Guide - Part 3 - Twin Towers and Extreme Heat (11/29/18) Webinar - R Gage)


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 16 - 9/11/2018 JM Talboo Interviews Richard Gage about the 3000+ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

Suddenly Corporate Mockingbird Faux Right Media Endorse Dread Conspiracy Theorists Corsi and Stone

9/11 conspiracy theories[edit]

According to Corsi, "A video clip widely circulated on the Internet shows a test that pulverized an F-4 fighter on impact with a hardened target, providing evidence to answer members of the 9/11 Truth movement who question why so little identifiable airplane debris remained after the hijacked American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon."[103] Audio and a YouTube video were circulated, especially among those questioning Corsi's credibility of Corsi's January 29, 2008 interview on Alex Jones's radio show.[104][105][106] In the interview Corsi discusses "the findings of Steven Jones, physicist and hero of the 9/11 Truth movement who claims to have evidence that the World Trade Center towers collapsed due to explosives inside the building, not just the planes hitting them, during the attacks".[104] Corsi cites Jones's findings of microscopic forensic evidence that seemingly negates the U.S. government hypothesis that the aircraft's jet fuel-fed heat alone was sufficiently hot to collapse the steel superstructure of the buildings.

Why Roger Stone’s JFK book has to be taken seriously:

Suddenly Corporate Mockingbird Faux Right Media Endorse Dread Conspiracy Theorists Corsi and Stone

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 20: JM Talboo Interviews Stan Gordon about Recent Bigfoot and UFO Sightings In Pennsylvania, Meaning of the Bigfoot UFO/Connection, and Possible Alien Nature of the Kecksberg UFO Crash

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 20: JM Talboo Interviews Stan Gordon about Recent Bigfoot and UFO Sightings In Pennsylvania,  Meaning of the Bigfoot UFO/Connection, and Possible Alien Nature of the Kecksberg UFO Crash

Show Notes/More Info:

Invasion on Chestnut Ridge


Alien Paranormal: Bigfoot, UFOs And The Men In Black

Debunking Bigfoot Debunkers:

Highly Probable, Possible, Inconclusive, and Widely Rejected Sasquatch Videos and Photos:

Best Evidence for the Existence of Sasquatch - Forensic, Audio, Video, Photo, Statistical Data:

Debunking UFO Debunkers:

Undebunking UFOs Exclusive - Amazing UFO Accounts Supported by Newspaper Clippings:

Overwhelming Evidence for a Bigfoot / UFO Connection:

Is Bigfoot Possibly an Alien Entity?:

Bigfoots From Space | Monsters and Mysteries in America:


UFO Pictures:

The Cometa Report: The French Disclosure:

Materialism/Macrorealism DEBUNKED with Science:

Learn about the life of 9/11 truther Lynn Margulis

Infowars Press Pool Petition Update: Over 40,000 Signatures! (Sign and Share!)

Infowars Press Pool Petition Update: Over 40,000 Signatures! (Sign and Share!)

Sunday, November 25, 2018

OLE DAMMEGARD ~ "JFK & 9/11 Conspiracy & Cancer Killing Machine" [Age Of Truth TV] [HD]

One of the most legendary and on-going "Conspiracy Theories" in world is the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy! On November 22, 2018 it marks the 55th anniversary of JFK´s killing (on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas), and the mystery surrounding his untimely death, continues to fascinate and intrigue people all over the world. One of the leading experts and researchers into the JFK assassination is author, lecturer and truth speaker, OLE DAMMEGARD, who is one of the top conspiracy researchers into not only JFK, but 9/11, False Flag Terror attacks, New World Order politics and the assassinations of Robert Kennedy Jr., Martin Luther King, Swedish Prime Minister Oluf Palme, John Lennon along with, what he calls, the "Hollywood Hippie Movement Psy-Op" in the 1960´s. But HOW IS THE JFK ASSASINATION connected to DEADLY CANCER VACCINE? Who was really behind the murder of President Kennedy, and how is that connected to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001? What is theory and what is fact? In this new, deeply compelling, extremely controversial, eye-opening and mind-blowing 2 hour 20 mins. AGE OF TRUTH TV interview special, Ole Dammegard is explaining how he understands these world changing events after almost 40 years of research and how they are connected. Ole Dammegard is interviewed by Age Of Truth TV presenter, Lucas Alexander on October 8, 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to mark the 55th anniversary of the JFK mystery, which gave "birth" to the term "conspiracy theory". But what are the facts and who were involved? SELECTED TOPICS: - JFK ASSASINATION Who were involved? An entangled web! - Who was Lee Harvey Oswalt? Was he really JFK´s killer? - Who is Judyth Vary Baker, the former girlfriend of Lee Harvey Oswalt? How is she involved in Cancer research, who played an important part in JFK assassination? - Dr. Alton Ochsner´s supposed connection to a planned deadly cancer vaccine. - Vaccines and Big Pharma medicine. Is it good for people in general? - "The Manchurian Candidate" and the Hollywood connection: Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Roseanne Barr, The Beatles, Jim Morrison and The Doors, John Lennon, Frank Zappa, Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski, Rosemary´s Baby etc.... - Mind Control - MK Ultra - The Tavistock Institute - Project Paperclip. Brice Taylor, Cathy O´Brien. Fear mongering. - Laurel Canyon and the 1960´s Hippie Movement. - Occult symbolism and rituals. Secret societies. - Illuminati - New World Order - Bilderberg Group - Freemason. - The Flat Earth Theory. - President Donald Trump! Who is he? - Las Vegas shooting and "Lone Wolf Gunman", Stephen Paddock. - Good advice about "awakening" and a message of LOVE. That and more in this Age Of Truth TV episode with Ole Dammegard. Filmed in Copenhagen, Denmark [AOT TV] October 8, 2018. Ole Dammegard Website: AGE OF TRUTH TV website:


More JFK Files Revelations: CIA Employed 40 Journalists, KGB In Possession of Data Indicating LBJ Killed JFK - LBJ Admin Official: 'We Can Convince the Public Oswald is the Real Assassin' - FBI Informant: J.D Tippit was the REAL Assassin:

JFK Files: Foreknowledge Warning to Media, 2nd Shooter Evidence, CIA Plan to Bomb US Cities

It is NOT a Mystery in a Conspiracy Scenario as to Who Killed JFK, We Know Exactly Who Did It:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 10 - JFK Document Dump - Release of JFK Assassination Files:

Debunking 'JFK: The Smoking Gun' - A Response to Questions about the Film: 

Proof of JFK Assassination Plot Without Debating a Magic Bullet:

The CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Crimes Each Year:

Bill Hicks on JFK: Two Critical lessons for the Citizens of the USA:

Captain Dan Hanley 9/11 Whistleblower vs ALPA and United Airlines

Dan Hanley was a United Airlines 777 Captain. After 9/11, Captain Hanley started connecting the dots and realized the official story was beyond implausible. When the airline failed to implement promised FAA safety improvements, Dan began to speak up. Like any good pilot, passenger safety was the paramount goal, beyond even his own. Captain Dan was summarily squashed. He was relieved of his duties, stripped of his salary and personally destroyed by a corrupt system that suppresses whistleblowers rather than embracing them. Field McConnell joins Captain Dan and me to discuss the massive corruption within the FAA and ALPA and the ongoing quest for a legitimate investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.
VIsit Captain Dan's website –

Captain Dan Hanley 9/11 Whistleblower vs ALPA and United Airlines

US President Donald Trump is leaking out a little bit of forbidden truth about the false flag operation of 9/11, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says.

US President Donald Trump is leaking out a little bit of forbidden truth about the false flag operation of 9/11, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says.

Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a verbal between Trump and Adm. William H. McRaven, the former Navy SEAL commander who oversaw the mission to kill Osama bin Laden.


France Protests Turn Deadly Over Macron, Fuel, Living Conditions & Taxes. Wow! [Paris Protest 2018] - France Rises Up Against Macron. John Kerry Says Climate Change Fuels Migration. - Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise

France Protests Turn Deadly Over Macron, Fuel, Living Conditions & Taxes. Wow! [Paris Protest 2018] - France Rises Up Against Macron. John Kerry Says Climate Change Fuels Migration. - Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Unbelievable Fantastic and Magical California Fires As Explained By Mockingbird MSM News

Editor's Note: The word around the conspiracy campfire is that the deep state is trying to push a global warming agenda. If there is anything besides forest management at play here, nobody has any way of knowing who is doing it. It could also be China, Russia, an evil genius, aliens, or demons with a completely different agenda. Apparently these fires were predicted as part of a directed energy weapon plan nearly a year ago, but these theories have been floating around for awhile when fires happen in California. Predicting more fires in the future was a given.

The Unbelievable Fantastic and Magical California Fires As Explained By Mockingbird MSM News

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Cruelty of Shark Finning | Sharks Attacked - This Young Woman Will Stop at Nothing to End Shark Finning - Shark Fin Soup is Not Healthy - Smithsonian Channel Shark Girl Documentary

Văn Thọ Nguyễn
"Oh hey look at me! I'm a white middle-class born and raised knight in shining armor who had never for one day tasted hardship! I grew up scuba diving with my fancy equipment and expensive underwater camera! Out of all the things I could do and professions I could choose, I choose to be as white, middle class as possible and lecture them filthy ch*nx for consuming our lovely oceanic friends! Which are totally inseparable from our everyday lives! Never mind how many companies I could put out of business, never mind how many fishermen's family I could have ruined, let's all be shark huggers! I can't put a hammer to a nail, I can't write one line of computer code, but let me shape the world in my own image and in my own way! You with me my fellow white middle-class born and raised snowflakes and white washed non-whites who totally share my progressive world view?" 

White liberals is a bane to this world, a spell on humanity and a plague desperately needs to be cured. 

My Response:

Debunker Buster
I'm not a liberal, but you don't know what you are talking about at all with this. You should watch the documentary. She isn't against fishing. She's against ecosystems being upset by unethical fishing. Among other sensible things, she simply wants solutions like there being seasons for certain fishing (just like hunting) so populations are not decimated. This has been implemented in other countries and works, she just wanted the same for her area at the time the film was made. She's also concerned about humans eating fish loaded with mercury like shark fin soup. You really should follow Michael Savage's lead on stuff like this. Conservatives ought to want to conserve ecosystems.

Image result for Shark Fin Soup mercury
Shark fin soup has erroneously been associated with positive heath benefits. However there is no accepted scientific evidence that shark fin provides any medicinal or health benefit. In fact studies show thatshark has among the highest levels of mercury and other dangerous toxins found in fish.

Cruelty of Shark Finning | Sharks Attacked - This Young Woman Will Stop at Nothing to End Shark Finning - Shark Fin Soup is Not Healthy - Smithsonian Channel Shark Girl Documentary

LOGIC and 9/11: Assessing the Evidential Weight of Expert Opinion

It is interesting how easily smart people can slip into poor reasoning when attempting to refute skeptics of the official 9/11 story. One such mistake comes up when discussing the multitude of architects, engineers and other experts that have publicly doubted the NIST account of the WTC building collapses. Debunkers often concede that more than 2,000 experts (in relevant fields) have indeed voiced such skepticism; but they object that this number is actually just a small fraction of the total pool of such qualified professionals (most of whom have not publicly voiced this skepticism). The insinuation is that such skepticism is unwarranted, since it is only expressed by a minority of the people that work in those areas. Unfortunately, there is a formal logical fallacy that underlies this rhetorical strategy. It is called affirming the consequent.
Formally, it can be expressed as the following syllogism.
Premise 1.) A, therefore B
Premise 2.) B
Conclusion: A 
Or, in this case,
Premise 1.) [A] If a person is an expert that publicly criticizes the official 9/11 story, then [B] they doubt the official 9/11 story.
Premise 2.) [B] An expert doubts the official 9/11 story.
Conclusion: Therefore, [A] that expert will publicly criticize the official 9/11 story.
Obviously, the conclusion in this argument form does not follow. One can visualize it in a Venn diagram (see below). If all members of A are members of B, that doesn't entail that all members of B belong to A. There may be many more experts that doubt the official story, but for one reason or another (careerism, fear of ridicule, peer pressure, etc.), refuse to voice their objections. 
Another crucial consideration is that not all experts in relevant fields have even looked into the issue and scrutinized the data. The only germane opinions are the ones of experts that have evaluated the data in a scientifically dispassionate way. If that group became our set C (see diagram), it may be that B would be a relatively large subset (if not coterminous with C). We can also represent the totality of those with relevant expertise as the biggest set [D], becoming the outermost circle in the Venn diagram.  By appealing to this totality, debunkers may be covertly treating set C as coterminous with set D, and contrasting that fallaciously conflated set with A.  But the only ratio that matters is that of subset B (i.e. all the relevant experts that doubt the official story) and set C (i.e. the entire pool of relevant experts that have evaluated the data in a scientifically dispassionate way). Unfortunately, this ratio is not easily accessible.  However, given the myopic bias that plagues the official explanations advanced by NIST (and derivative parties), it wouldn’t be surprising if B encompasses a majority of the members of set C.  It would certainly be a mistake to infer that A:D (undoubtedly, a small ratio) accurately reflects B:C (which may be very large).  Once these substantive categorical nuances are introduced, A:D becomes largelirrelevant to assessing the evidential weight of credentialed opinion on the issue of the WTC building collapses, insofar as appeal to expert consensus is concerned.

FAQ #9: Why does AE911Truth Represent Only a Small Percentage of Architects and Engineers?

Kids Say the Darndest Things about 9/11

Kids Say the Darndest Things about 9/11

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Experienced 911 Researcher, the WTC Forensics, Key Analytical Points and Disinformation: An Email to Richard Dolan - Terrorism Tip

Dear 911 citizen investigators,

Please review and independently investigate the following court filings which are filed in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Appeal No. 17-2025 (Brief  filed on 10/27/2018) which can be downloaded directly at WWW.PACER.GOV.  These court filings document the illegal kidnapping of a witness against Al-Qaeda, which was ordered by Obama/Clinton to try and rig the 2016 election.  The kidnapping triggered a series of events that resulted in a terrorist attack orchestrated by an Al-Qaeda-linked associate of Seddique Mateen, who is a Hillary Clinton supporter and FBI informer/double-agent. 

The Judge assigned to the case (Judge Kearney) was just recently removed from the litigation directly by the Third Circuit, which means his rulings will be reversed (or else they are trying to delay Supreme Court review until past the 2020 election).  Please spread the word so that we can complete the 911 investigation and have a free and fair election in 2020.

You can also find the filings posted on the following website:

The complete report (including the audio/video recordings with various government officials) will be posted on the website approximately September 2019.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

9/11: Architect's Guide | Part 1: World Trade Center 7 (11/8/18 webinar - R Gage) - 9/11: An Architect's Guide - Part 2 - Twin Towers and Extreme Heat (11/15/18 Webinar - R Gage)

9/11: Architect's Guide | Part 1: World Trade Center 7 (11/8/18 webinar - R Gage) - 9/11: An Architect's Guide - Part 2 - Twin Towers and Extreme Heat (11/15/18 Webinar - R Gage)


Truth Teller's Radio Episode 16 - 9/11/2018 JM Talboo Interviews Richard Gage about the 3000+ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

Friday, November 16, 2018

Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise

Is Trump The Last Republican President? - American Socialism On The Rise


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Says the Electoral College is Like Slavery and Must Be Abolished


Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It - VIDEO: DO ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ SUPPORTERS UNDERSTAND SOCIALISM?

Socialism VS Democratic Socialism | Why Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Just Doesn't Get It


“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out.”

Last month, 28 year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked the world by defeating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley to earn the Democratic nomination in New York’s 14th Congressional District.
Ocasio-Cortez gained notoriety nationwide not just for her youth, but for her unabashed embrace of Democratic Socialism.
In her official platform, Ocasio-Cortez offers support for free college, “housing as a human right”,  “medicare for all,” and a mandatory minimum living wage.
Wanting to know if her supporters liked the idea of Democratic Socialism, and if they’d support the government offering these services for free, I headed to Ocasio-Cortez’s district, in Astoria, NY.
People on the street were quick to offer support for Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of socialism, and overwhelmingly supported her vision for the district.
They were more hesitant, however, to offer ideas for how to pay for all of the free things that Ocasio-Cortez is promising.
“I don’t know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out,” one person stated confidently.
“Oh, God… Us, I guess,” conceded another.
One supporter seemed to think Americans would be okay with paying higher taxes, saying “with a good idea, and a good reason to spend their tax money, people wouldn’t actually mind paying more taxes.”
Another admitted that they’re not quite sure what it is that they like about Ocasio-Cortez’s economic philosophy, but insisted that “I just know that democratic socialist is better than conservative.”
What would these people think when asked how socialism is working in Venezuela? Watch the full videoto find out!
