Monday, April 29, 2019

Debunking the Book: Republic of Lies American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise

Republic of Lies American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise Alex Jones reviewing this false flag book and going through some of the biggest lies in it including some of and interview with the author. Alex Jones is also offering one million dollars if you can verify some massive lies in the book. Video also shows Mike "Macheal" Obama "coincidently" on a boat next to the Notre Dame church fire celebrating some kind of solar weapon igniting almost unburnable 800 year old oak magically. Link will be emailed after purchase. Warning, this book is 100% fiction and not real. You might be able to get this fiction book for free via During and interview the author Anna Merlan seems to not even care about the book showing that many treasonous people probably wrote it and she was chosen only because of her name. Lee Ann McAdoo of infowars named her dog Merlin. I'm sure this is not a coincidence. If you put the book through a word analyzer and compare it to other things Anna has written it would probably look like she suddenly started to type different. You could then find out who did write it. Google/CIA has this kind of stuff in place to identify people and copyright issues, pretty basic stuff. From what I've heard Anna Merlan is going to be facing a pretty bad defamation law suit and your never going to see this book again. Nice try dumb ass, you went from author to excape goat lol. Conspiracy theory is a phrase that's meant to deter people from from finding out about the massive amount of death penalty crimes committed by government employees and globalists on a daily basis. If they call someone a conspiracy theorist they are really trying to hide the truth that person is trying to get out. It mostly an outdated term over used since 9/11 was done by the US government and global cooperation. Don't believe 9/11 was an inside job? Then you haven't seen the massive crater left where building 6 was. No plane could do that, only US military just taking orders blowing things up with traceable weapons. To sum up this book globalists are desperately trying everything possible to stay in power before the rest are exterminated after Trump wins in 20/20 End Game. Book Info: Republic of Lies American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power by Anna Merlan 9781250159052 (Hardback, 2019) Product details Format:Hardback Language of text: English Isbn-13:9781250159052, 978-1250159052 Author:Anna Merlan + Many More Publisher:Metropolitan BooksImprint:Metropolitan Books Publication date:2019-04-16 Pages:288 Product dimensions:165.1mm (w) x 239.776mm (h) x 24.892mm(d) Farce Overview: Blends historical analysis with on-the-ground reporting to examine the relevance of modern conspiracy theories, discussing how contemporary social conditions have created a climate of alienation and resentment that fuels suspicion and paranoia.


Responses to 'The truth is rushing out there: why conspiracy theories spread faster than ever':

Debunking the Debunkers: THE REICHSTAG FIRE WAS NOT A 'FALSE FLAG!' - DEEPTRUTH 2018 “False Flags” PART 1 & 2:

Antisemitic? Is (((Jim Fetzer))) a Liar? You Be the Judge!:

April 2019: The Sandy Hook Evidence That Alex Jones Has NEVER Backed Down From:
Feb 11, 2011 ... New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the day before the Oklahoma City ...
Jun 23, 2012 ... Oklahoma City: Tim McVeigh & Dr. Jolyon West - Was he an Army Intelligence ... Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bombing
Apr 19, 2010 ... On This Day in History 1995: The U.S. Government Allowed the Oklahoma City Bombing to Happen. The following video debunks the new ...
Jun 3, 2013 ... The 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City was a direct blow to the heart of America. 168 people were killed, including nineteen children. For those ...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Jew Debate! Owen 'Big Bear' Benjamin vs Andrew 'Don't Tase Me Bro' Meyer Discuss Jewish People

Jew Debate! Owen 'Big Bear' Benjamin vs Andrew 'Don't Tase Me Bro' Meyer Discuss Jewish People


Antisemitic? Is (((Jim Fetzer))) a Liar? You Be the Judge!:

Jewish Researcher David Cole Visits Auschwitz:

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Trump has never renounced his belief in bombs in the WTC. And he is right



Lists: Mixed Bag, Trump is Wrong, Trump is Right:

The Truth About 9/11

From those that don't know to those that do. When this truth finally becomes mainstream we'll be a free people.

The Truth About 9/11

Joe Rogan leaves to piss for 2 minutes. Comes back, Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo are planning a trip to Antarctica lol

Another hilarious moment animated by PaulyToon from the Joe Rogan Experience #1255 - Alex Jones Returns! (

Joe leaves to piss for 2 minutes. Comes back , Alex & Eddie is planning a trip to Antarctica lol 😂


Storytime with Eddie Bravo: How He Discovered Jiu-Jitsu

Personal life[edit]

Bravo is married to Lux Kassidy and has a son.[14]
Bravo takes an interest in conspiracy theories,[15] and is best known for his advocacy of the Flat Earth conspiracy theory[16]and the World Trade Center Tower 7 controlled demolition conspiracy theory.[17]
Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

Debunking Eric Dubay's 200 Flat Earth Proofs, Debunking Flat Earth Without Citing NASA, Debunking Scriptural Case for Flat Earth, & More...

MUST SEE--> Alex Jones ERUPTS Over #Democrat Support for POST-BIRTH #ABORTION -- And IT WAS PERFECT! (VIDEO)

RANT: Bernie Sanders Wants BOSTON BOMBER’S Vote?! | Louder With Crowder

So Owen Benjamin said that Crowder called Alex Jones a nut and warned him not to go on his show. Crowder has interviewed Jones several times in the recent past, however, including once after the recent very popular Rogan interview with Jones. Take from that what you will, but understand this, Jones was right about the Boston bombing being screwy...

RANT: Bernie Sanders Wants BOSTON BOMBER’S Vote?! | Louder With Crowder


Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...

Sanders: Convicted Felons Have a Right to Vote– Even from Behind Bars - Voting Rights: 6 Reasons Ex-Felons Shouldn't Vote

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April 2019: The Sandy Hook Evidence That Alex Jones Has NEVER Backed Down From Censored Via Court Order For Defending Free Speech And Talking About Sandy Hook - Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:

April 2019: The Sandy Hook Evidence That Alex Jones Has NEVER Backed Down From

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Owen Benjamin Jailbait! (In Canada) Full Special

What I do in the special was once called "comedy" and now called "hate." I could have went to jail for this. Much love to for putting this on and the great Greek Orthadox legends who stand up to Justin "sodomy lobby" Trudeau. Peter Puffing is big business in Canada.

Owen Benjamin Jailbait! (In Canada) Full Special

In Canada, they need Underground Comedy Speakeasies in Greek Orthodox Churches. This isn't even a joke.

Mossad Reveals Al-Qaeda Alliance on International TV

Mossad reveals Israels allies to the whole world.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, April 19th, 2019.]


The architect says there was no renovation at the site where the fire first broke out. This excludes welding conspiracy theories etc. Furthermore, the architect says 800-year-old oak does not catch fire without an accelerent. Security protocols were put in place to prevent this type of catastrophe according to numerous reports... No lack of suspects for this terror attack either... deep state, antifa, or other terror groups.

Is this a false flag event designed to distract from the yellow vests movement or is it intended to encourage conflict within France between natives and migrants, or is this yet another for real attack by Islamists intent on taking over the country?


Notre Dame fire 2019-04-15 - Person moving and flash on the roof?   

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, April 20th, 2019.]

They Don't Know What To Say!

Editor's Note: People going silent in the face of an argument usually means something good for said argument.

They Don't Know What To Say!

The Truth of Charles Manson - Charles Manson Was INNOCENT! Not Guilty!

The Truth of Charles Manson - Charles Manson Was INNOCENT! Not Guilty!


In this video, I explain some theories that different people have about 9/11. I also try my best to disprove all of the theories.

Disprove this! They REALLY oughta know better: Critiques of claims made by several prominent and semi-prominent 9/11 debunkers:

A Message to the 9/11 Grand Jury - ATTENTION POTENTIAL 9/11 GRAND JURY MEMBERS! - The NIST 9/11 report, is inadmissible in a court of law in the United States, because it fails the *Daubert* standard + Listen to These Three NIST Whistleblowers:

RESPONSE: Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People Did Something on 9/11

Mainstream Media Doubles Down on Trump Conspiracies

Mainstream Media Doubles Down on Trump Conspiracies

“Mainstream media coverage of the Russia-collusion story has been dead wrong for two years, yet the effort to smear President Trump continues — even after Thursday’s release of the Mueller report,” David Harsanyi writes in the New York Post.

“In a responsible media environment, journalists who had been misled by their partisan sources for years would be clamoring to find out how the entire country could be plunged into a 22-month-long destabilizing investigation that amounted to nothing more than a now-debunked conspiracy theory . . . Instead, they’re doubling down.”

Click here to read more.
“President Trump has every right to feel liberated. What the report shows is that he endured a special-counsel probe that was relentlessly, at times farcically, obsessed with taking him out,” Kimberly Strassel writes in The Wall Street Journal. “What stands out is just how diligently and creatively the special counsel’s legal minds worked to implicate someone in Trump World on something Russia- or obstruction-of-justice-related. And how—even with all its overweening power and aggressive tactics—it still struck out.”
“While the Democrats continue to cling to the fantasy that evidence of collusion really is lurking somewhere in the dark recesses of the Mueller report, the report itself makes it clearer than ever what any unbiased observer of the Russia story has been able to see for more than a year: Robert Mueller knew very early on in his investigation that there was no collusion,” former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova writes in Fox News.
“An illegal immigrant from Mexico got pulled over this week in Ohio with a 15-year-old girl — who turned out to be a child sex slave from New Jersey, according to cops,” Chris Perez reports for the New York Post. “State officials told reporters that Morales-Pedraza had been living in the US illegally and was previously deported.”
“The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits fell to more than a 49-1/2-year low last week, pointing to sustained strength in the economy,” Reuters reports. “Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 5,000 to a seasonally adjusted 192,000 for the week ended April 13, the lowest level since September 1969, the Labor Department said on Thursday.”
Source: West Wing Reads


Responses to 'The truth is rushing out there: why conspiracy theories spread faster than ever':

9-11-01 AE911 Truth & The Incriminating History Lesson That Wont be told in CIA$$

9-11-01 AE911 Truth & The Incriminating History Lesson That Wont be told in CIA$$

There are no popular conspiracy theories about the Unabomber because there is no evidence of a conspiracy.

There are no popular conspiracy theories about the Unabomber because there is no evidence of a conspiracy... "The “democratic” system of the West has evolved mechanisms for deflecting rebellion that are far more sophisticated and effective than any that existed in the Soviet Union. It is a truly remarkable fact that in modern Western society people “rebel” in favor of the values of the very system against which they imagine themselves to be rebelling. The left “rebels” in favor of racial and religious equality, equality for women and homosexuals, humane treatment of animals, and so forth. But these are the values that the American mass media teach us over and over again every day. Leftists have been so thoroughly brainwashed by media propaganda that they are able to “rebel” only in terms of these values, which are values of the technoindustrial system itself. In this way the system has successfully deflected the rebellious impulses of the left into channels that are harmless to the system." Ted Kaczynski

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Clown World Order #08: Meet The Experts

Clown World Order #08: Meet The Experts


NY TIMES Releases Bizarre Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Story

NY TIMES Releases Bizarre Sandy Hook 2nd Shooter Story


Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:

Banned Jewish Activist Defiant In The Face Of Fake News Smears - Avi Yemini has been smeared by MSM and even Jim Jefferies for his views on Islam and immigration. Avi joins Alex to discuss solutions for taking these lies head on.

Banned Jewish Activist Defiant In The Face Of Fake News Smears - Avi Yemini has been smeared by MSM and even Jim Jefferies for his views on Islam and immigration. Avi joins Alex to discuss solutions for taking these lies head on.

CGI editing proof New Zealand shooting?

Stop Blaming Trump For The New Zealand Massacre - MUST-LISTEN ---> Interview with 'Top Newsman in New Zealand' Who Breaks Down All the Suspicious Things about the Mosque Killings Including Shooter Drill Taking Place the Same Day - Did Gladio do New Zealand as a false flag to demonize Trump and shut down the Right? - MK-Ultra Mind Controlled Perp?:

CGI editing proof New Zealand shooting?

Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo Talk Chemtrails

Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo Talk Chemtrails

NOT Debunked - Admitting the reality of chemtrails is hardly debunking them!:

Alan Hart & Alex Jones 5/28/2010 - Hart stated consultants close to the world's most prominent construction company assured him that 'The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion'

9/11 'Truth' movement
In May 2010, Hart stated on various media, including the Kevin Barrett Show, that consultants close to the world's most prominent construction company assured him that "The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes."'Truth'_movement

Clown World Order #07: "Everything Is Fine"

Clown World Order #07: "Everything Is Fine"


Wisdom from Al Capone

Mueller Report was a WASTE OF MY MONEY - More Exoneration: No Collusion - No Obstruction

More Exoneration: No Collusion - No Obstruction
Attorney General William Barr on Thursday released a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s long-awaited 448-page report.


100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities

Hillary Clinton Did NOT Win Popular Vote... She Stole It - Electoral College Should NOT Be Abolished

Hotep Jesus asked about Mr.Bond - HONK HONK

Hotep Jesus asked about the greatest rapper of all-time

Hotep Jesus asked about Mr.Bond - HONK HONK

Is (((Jim Fetzer))) a Liar? You Be the Judge!

So after my recent interview with physicist David Chandler, I was perusing professor Jim Fetzer's website when I came across this...

Click Pics to Enlarge

Gee, what's this triple brackets thing around Chandler's name? HMM...

Triple parentheses or triple brackets, also known as an (((echo))), are an antisemitic symbol that has been used to highlight the names of individuals of a Jewish background, or organizations who are thought to be owned by Jewish people. The practice originated from the alt-right blog The Right Stuff; the blog's editors have explained that the symbol is meant to symbolize that the historic actions of Jews caused their surnames to "echo throughout history".[1] The triple parentheses have been adopted as an online stigma by antisemites, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists to identify individuals of Jewish background as targets for online harassment, such as Jewish political journalists critical of Donald Trump during his 2016 election campaign.[2][3]
Use of the notation was brought to mainstream attention by an article posted by Mic in June 2016.[4][5] The reports also led Google to remove a browser extension meant to automatically place the "echo" notation around Jewish names on web pages,[5] and the notation being classified as a form of hate speech by the Anti-Defamation League.[4] In the wake of these actions, some users, both Jews and non-Jews, have intentionally placed their own names within triple parentheses as a sign of solidarity.[6]
Prior to its use in this manner, ((( screen name ))) had been used in online communities such as AOL to indicate that a user was "cyberhugging" the user with the specified screen name.[7]

The Wikipedia article is a bit hyperbolic. The use of the brackets is often used to criticize (((they)) who cannot be otherwise named, because the (((censors))) will unjustly accuse the criticizer of being antisemitic. That being said, Chandler isn't Jewish. So why does his name appear this way?

This question was posed to Fetzer in an email chain of interested individuals. His answer? He didn't do it and don't you know it he "isn't into symbolism." Furthermore, the original author, Craig McKee, denies doing it and did not display Chandler's name like this in his original posting of the piece.

Looking elsewhere on Fetze's site, the mysterious symbol appears on postings of his time and time again...

As I stated in the email chain...

This still begs the question of how the, very widely used in alt right circles (see Red Ice TV YouTube comments), symbol got into that article and several others. This apparently was because unrelated authors, one of who says he did not put in his original article, put in their original articles. On top of all that, the poster of said articles failed to notice or wonder about this well known symbol. I have a bridge to sell you if you believe all that. 

Architect Richard Gage from, who I interviewed this past 9/11, apparently bought this explanation. I'm not an architect, professor, or physicist, but I'm no fool and I have a nice big orange bridge in the San Francisco area Gage is located for sale. 

Blogger Ziggi Zuggam explained to Richard in the email chain...

I would like to see a big heartfelt "thank you" from Richard to JM Talboo for discovering this and exposing this internally - BEFORE it was discovered and exposed externally by hostile msm down the road, say maybe around Hulsey Report release time or grand jury time. 

No thank you was forthcoming. 

Fetzer acted like this line of a questioning was an attack and then proceeded to drone on about his criticism for Jews and Israel. Sorry, not gonna work on me buddy. As I explained to a few people in another email...

Oh I really don't think she was dog whistling the 9/11 truth movement at all. I agree with Owen from Infowars that she meant Jews given the larger context of what she was saying, who she was speaking to, and her history. I have responded...

Blaming Jews for 9/11 is misguided because the Jews are a people. Blaming Israel would be more fitting, but Israel is a country so not really. Blaming the Israeli intelligence agency the Mossad would be much more accurate given the evidence, but blaming them solely is misguided given the facts. Furthermore, some Mossad agents tried to warn the US of the impending attacks, so any Mossad agents involved in 9/11 were likely rogue...

Many people subconsciously make the mistake of only seeing the issues concerning 9/11 in black and white, as opposed to shades of gray. This is known as the black-or-white fallacy. In this case, the false dilemma is: 9/11 was either carried out by Al-Qaeda or it was "an inside job."

Just because the evidence suggests that rogue elements of the US government and intelligence apparatus, as well as other international intelligence agencies, were involved, doesn't mean bin Laden and Al-Qaeda hijackers weren't involved.

Elsewhere, I have defended Omar on things she has said.

I am in the process of writing a small blog defending David against Jim Fetzer's attacks warped in his would be criticism of Israel. Jim is a liar IMHO plain and simple. I do hope that you understand I have very nuanced views. That I give no one, no group, a pass, but I try to be fair and am not a bigot. My controversial views or questions on anything from UFOs... the Holocaust...  

...stand or fall on their own merits and have nothing to do with 9/11 research necessarily. This is a trap that has been set for us...

Myth #4: Conspiracy theorists believe in UFOs / Aliens / Apollo Moon / Holocaust denial

This is a straw man and an ad hominem fallacy. Not all conspiracy theorists believe in the same things, nor does believing in aliens invalidate their arguments on other theories. The only thing linking these things is that they are all perceived to be conspiracy theories. Each should be evaluated on its own merits.

However, if a theorist bases their beliefs on poor argumentation, then other conspiracy theorists may want to distance themselves from him/her or question that theorist's ability to support their own ideas. Many such people are accused of being deliberately planted to discredit other theories, a technique called the 'poisoned well'. The media then proceeds to discredit an entire investigative movement based on a few silly theories - a strawman attack.

When the media lumps anybody who doesn't trust the government version of 9-11 into the category of flat earthers and holocaust deniers, any real conspiracy there might have been is given the ultimate defense. Namely, a pre-emptive, universal ad hominem on anyone who would dare talk about it publicly, the archetypal 'tin foil hatter'.

Sorry, the 9/11 truth movement is full of liars, fools, crooks, ingrates, and likely some government disinfo people too. Despite this, the good evidence noted on this site stands.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Thank You From Bob McIlvaine

My Son Believed that ‘Knowledge Is Power’
Today, He Would Proudly Support Our Efforts

Thank you for making the FBI Lawsuit possible.

Dear Fellow 9/11 Truth Advocates,

Last night, we reached the fundraising goal for the FBI 9/11 Review Commission Lawsuit, of which I am proud to be a plaintiff along withAE911Truth, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, and Barbara Krukowski-Rastelli, who lost her son, William, on 9/11.
On behalf of both organizations and Barbara, I would like to thank you for your generous donations to this most important lawsuit.
Growing up, my son Bobby had a poster on his wall that said “Knowledge Is Power.” He was an avid student who thought deeply about the social history of the U.S. and the world. His senior thesis, “Shadows Across the Snow: Blackness and the White Literary Mind,” dealt with the subtle and constant preoccupation with race in mainstream literature by white Americans. He had a tremendous ability to understand and empathize with others.
If Bobby were alive today, I know that he would proudly support the efforts of the 9/11 Truth Movement. That is because underlying everything we do for this cause is our belief that by expanding our knowledge — in particular, our knowledge of what happened on 9/11 and our knowledge of why it happened — we have the power to make the world a much better place.
Not everybody believes in the power of everyday people to change the world. But you do. I thank you for having that belief and for being part of this endeavor to uncover more about what actually took place on 9/11.
Yours truly,
Bob McIlvaine
Father of Bobby McIlvaine


A Message to the 9/11 Grand Jury - ATTENTION POTENTIAL 9/11 GRAND JURY MEMBERS! - The NIST 9/11 report, is inadmissible in a court of law in the United States, because it fails the *Daubert* standard + Listen to These Three NIST Whistleblowers: