Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Adam Taylor comes out of retirement to debunk everyone! ;)


Adam Taylor has been researching the events of 9/11 since August of 2007. He's a former contributor to the blog "Debunking the Debunkers of the 9/11 Truth Movement." He's also worked as a contributing writer and researcher for sites such as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and ScientificMethod 911.org. He's the author of the online AE911Truth.org multipart essay "Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can't Face up to Reality."

New paper written up, which touches on a topic I wrote about before on the blog.


Also, while researching for it, found a paper published in the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.


The lead author, Ivan Nemec, is a member of Scientists for 911 Truth.


He has another paper on the WTC published in a journal here:


Peer-Reviewed 9/11 Truth:


Host Info:


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Monday, March 22, 2021

Response to TicTok Abusing Their Hate Speech Policy to Take Away Free Speech and Censor a Video - YouTube AGE-RESTRICTED Crowder?! War Against Big Tech Heats Up

Response to TicTok Abusing Their Hate Speech Policy to Take Away Free Speech and Censor a Video

Music: Bryson Gray

This vid was removed by TikTok for hate speech. It does not violate the definition of such speech, which is not recognized by the Supreme Court anyway. Free speech is everything except calls to violence. Broader definitions allow this very type of abuse.

Music: Tom MacDonald

Watch "YouTube AGE-RESTRICTED Crowder?! War Against Big Tech Heats Up | Louder with Crowder" on YouTube

Response to TicTok Abusing Their Hate Speech Policy to Take Away Free Speech and Censor a Video - YouTube AGE-RESTRICTED Crowder?! War Against Big Tech Heats Up

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Nova Rockafeller - "DID YOUR BEST" "There's More To You Than The Wars You Lose" #conscioushiphop #inspiration

Nova Rockafeller - "DID YOUR BEST" "There's More To You Than The Wars You Lose" #conscioushiphop #inspiration

9/11 Victim's Family Member Presentation Today

Interview with Matt Campbell

Followed by a Q&A
Sunday, March 21, 2021
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. MDT
(4:00 p.m. EDT and 1:00 p.m. PDT)

Matt Campbell, brother of Goeffrey Campbell, a UK citizen who died in the North Tower of the WTC on 9/11, will be our next Zoom guest.

We are excited that Matt has agreed to tell us his personal journey dealing with his brother's death as well as details of his struggle to find justice for Goeff. In this vein, Matt will also clarify the judicial process in London regarding his request for a second Inquest into his brother's death.

The first Inquest into Goeff's wrongful death was held on January 29, 2013, at which time the Coroner found that the cause of death was due to AA11 flying into WTC 1, causing its collapse at 10:28 AM.

Mr. Campbell's family believes that the substantial evidence that was not considered at the first Inquest overwhelmingly leads to the conclusion that the destruction of the three WTC buildings was caused by an explosive demolition.

This evidence at the Inquest will be organized as follows:
1) Evidence of thermitic reactions
2) Constant near-freefall acceleration of WTC 1's upper section
3) Explosiveness of the destruction
4) Seismic and eyewitness evidence of explosions
5) Demonstrable inadequacy of the impact and fire-induced collapse hypothesis

Based on the strength of the evidence, the Campbell family fully expects that the Attorney General of England and Wales will grant her authority to apply to the High Court, and that the High Court will order a fresh Inquest into the wrongful death of Goeff Campbell.

For more details, see this article from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

This Zoom presentation will be moderated by David Chandler of Colorado 9/11 TruthScientists for 9/11 Truth and 911Speakout.org.

Please join us to learn more and ask questions about this important event!

Matt Campbell is the brother of Geoff Campbell who died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Matt began questioning aspects of the official narrative in November 2001 and first spoke out publicly in 2013. He appears in Tony Rooke's 9/11 documentary Incontrovertible and has spoken at numerous Reinvestigate 9/11 events in the UK and AE911Truth events both in the UK and U.S.

Over the past eight years, Matt has relentlessly pressed officials in the UK and the U.S. in his effort to achieve justice for Geoff. The Campbell family will submit an application in March 2021 to the Attorney General in the UK to request a new Inquest into Geoff's death in the light of new evidence not considered at the first Inquest, which overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that the destruction of WTC 1 (as well as the destruction of WTC 2 and WTC 7) was caused by the use explosives and incendiaries.

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From your friends at Colorado 9/11 Truth,
Marti, Fran, Bob, David, Don, Dorothy, Earl, Joseph, Julie-Ellen, and Michael

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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Wisdom on the Secrets of the Wheel of Karma and the Afterlife, Sins (and Heroism) of the Father, and Collective Racial Guilt...

I came to write this post, first after finding a WW2 tribute video (embeded slightly below) to my grandfather, who I essentially share the exact same name with, including my middle name.

Next, I saw a karmic discussion about "sins of the father" on the comment section of this...

Tom made my boyfriend cry!! Tom MacDonald - "WHITEBOY" reaction

This all then led me to this amazing piece of wisdom.

Sins of the Father, the Ghost in your Genes

Here's the aforementioned video showcasing one of my such ghosts and the inheritance wasn't sin from him, but rather heroism. A bit of a warrior's spirit I've been said to have, if you rather.

So all of this juxtaposed with other knowledge on these topics I've acquired, inspires me to say this... As it pertains to bad things having a karmic staining impact, it's best to remember we are witnessing spiritual evolution school in session. For individuals to criticize others for things such as slavery, the bigger lesson to be learned is that the wheel or karma will hit you in the ass if you misuse/disrespect it like that by abusing others on their journey. Familial karma is stronger than racial collective karma, so whites in general aren't very affected by the relevant stats and for those who are, they are far from karmically alone. Slavery is not a karmic stain that in any way is white owned.

"Here’s the thing… at the height of American slavery, which rested on African slavery—black Africans captured the blacks and sold them to the whites—at the height of American slavery about 1 to 2% of Americans owned slaves. 1 to 2 percent. Oh and by the way, some of those slave owners were blacks. One study has reported that 28% of free blacks owned slaves, far higher than the percentage of free whites who owned slaves."

Same goes for genocide stats in relation to whites and numbers of stacked dead bodies.

History, both past and recent, tells the same gory story of no group's hands being clean.

We are all in this karmic school together.

When one finds themselves directly tangled up with shameful history, their reaction matters, but equally important is the reaction of those negatively affected if and when they should meet. In these cases, the prior victims, get the chance to take the high road and burn off an extra helping of darkness from their soul. To put it another way, if you do no better in similar life situations than those that you speak ill of due to the past, then for you the past will essentially repeat/rhyme, except with you again at the losing end. What comes around goes around is common knowledge. The lesser known wisdom is that it then presents a chance for the cycle to be broken, or else it will continue to spin. The biggest secret on this overall subject is the imense power of being able to forgive yourself and all others, as well as choosing a life path focused on service to others vs service to self, fast tracks you to graduation! The spoon at that point appears to bend itself because of the mind bending realization that there is no spoon.

Simulation theory, BTW, isn't at all at odds with any of this theology. In fact, it can easily be seen as only a new spin on ancient descriptions of enlightenment. Furthermore, Gnostic Christianity and Buddhism themes, which nicely dovetail and compliment each other, are in fact pervasive throughout The Matrix movies. Even the mainstream of and less esoteric branches of these belief systems get along perfectly well together, suggesting some underlying universal truths are indeed being conveyed in slightly different ways. Here are two scholarly books supportive of that conclusion: 

The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus - In this landmark book of interfaith dialogue, the Dalai Lama provides an extraordinary Buddhist perspective on the teachings of Jesus, commenting on well-known passages from the four Christian Gospels including the Sermon on the Mount, the parable of the mustard seed, the Resurrection, and others. Drawing parallels between Jesus and the Buddha--and the rich traditions from which they hail--His Holiness delivers a profound affirmation of the sacred in all religions. Readers will be inspired by the Dalai Lama's discussion of the endless merits of each tradition and uplifted by the common humanity between them. 

Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo A Chö - Francis V. Tiso, a noted authority on the rainbow body, explores this manifestation of spiritual realization in a wide-ranging and deeply informed study of the transformation of the material body into a body of light. Seeking evidence on the boundary between physical science and deep spirituality that might elucidate the resurrection of Jesus, he investigates the case of Khenpo A Chö, a Buddhist monk who died in eastern Tibet in 1999. Rainbow Body and Resurrection chronicles the dissolution of Khenpo's material body within a week of his death, including eye-witness interviews. Tiso describes the spiritual practices that give rise to the rainbow body and traces their history deep into the encounter of religions in medieval Central Asia. His erudite exploration of the Tibetan phenomenon raises the fascinating question of whether there is a connection between the rainbow body and the dying and rising of Jesus. Drawing on a wealth of recent research, Tiso expands his discussion to include the contemplative geography out of which Dzogchen arose some time in the eighth century along the great Silk Road across Central Asia. The result is an illuminating consideration of previously unimagined relationships between spiritual practices and beliefs in Central Asia.

This could all just be a game built for consciousness self-learning, contained in a simulation of biologically entity held conscioussness, further contained in a black cube floating somewhere out in deep space, or some such thing. OR less literally, it could be basically that same description, but is only simulation or dream-like when compared to a heavinly transcendent realm of reality. Karma, like the spoon in The Matrix, too ceases to exist when one's mind is expanded and is ready to let go of all emotional attachment to the lessons they've learned. You are a sovereign extension of source field consciousness creation energy. You have free will. Don't allow any tricksters to convince you otherwise. Stop the wheel. A rainbow body of light and endless potential awaits you.
Christ with Rainbow Aura

“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” – Mathew, 13.43:
WARNING! The Afterlife "Life Review" Is A Trap! - When you die, should you go into the light?

2Pac & The Tibetan Book of the Dead & Tips on Skipping Reincarnation in Favor of Paradise  

Escaping the Matrix - Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation to a Prison Planet/Body - THEY RECYCLE YOUR SOUL by Wes Penre: 

The Rainbow Body - Periodically Updated Research Page

Absolute Very Best Evidence (NOT 100% Proof) for the Existence of Reptilian Humanoids and Energetic Shapeshifting Reptilians AKA Demon Possession:


PETITION: Say 'No' to COVID 'Vaccine Passports'!




Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...




Trump Tweets CIA Whistle-blower Providing Proof Obama Killed Seal Team 6

This post has been popular recently, so I've added all the updates to the story to the page...

Trump Tweets CIA Whistle-blower Providing Proof Obama Killed Seal Team 6


Joe Biden Osama bin Laden/Seal Team 6 Scandal - Dead men tell no tales of bin Laden death hoax!




Joe Rogan is right about Alex Jones being right about a lot and more than he knows...


PETITION: Say 'No' to COVID 'Vaccine Passports'!


Topher - Circle Back

Topher - Circle Back

"No Good Bastards" - Tom MacDonald, Nova Rockafeller & Brandon Hart

I called a grandpa-like figure in my life (after having lost both while still very young) a no good dirty bastard, at 5 years old, for tossing my toys out the window as a punishment. 35 years later and I'm still here taking no shit like these ones. It'll probably get criticized for gloryfying violence. Good fight song though.

URGENT: US Veteran and Activist Joe Biggs Needs Help Fighting Trumped Up Charges Over Capitol Protest


URGENT: US Veteran and Activist Joe Biggs Needs Help Fighting Trumped Up Charges Over Capitol Protest

#1 Bestseller Book: 'The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him' - BYRNE SUGGESTS THAT OVERTURNING ELECTION FRAUD IS NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION

#1 Bestseller Book: 'The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him' - BYRNE SUGGESTS THAT OVERTURNING ELECTION FRAUD IS NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION



PETITION: Go back to paper ballots only #BackToTheBallot - Resident Biden should sign the petition based on past statements

PETITION: Go back to paper ballots only #BackToTheBallot - Resident Biden should sign the petition based on past statements


Friday, March 19, 2021

While Searching for An Updated Version of Artist Lowkey's Song Obama Nation, Perhaps Called O'Biden-Bama Nation 2021 or Something? I Instead Found the Recently Released Song McDonald Trump?

Joe Biden Declares Himself An "O'Biden-Bama Democrat ...

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made a memorable verbal slip up Saturday during a campaign event in Missouri. "We're going to unite this party and unite this country," Biden said. "And...

While Searching for An Updated Version of Artist Lowkey's Song Obama Nation, Perhaps Called O'Biden-Bama Nation 2021 or Something? I Instead Found the Recently Released Song McDonald Trump? 

Hmm. Why give resident Biden a pass and focus (disingenuously) on the last President? Plus the open borders lyrics are not aging well already. How hard is to understand that sovereign nations allow a place to run from any (likely via consolidation of power) tyranny that may result, from the admitted ongoing attempt at global governance and said nations require borders and laws for entry? Do you even freedom bro?

But I digress, the President before last is more relevant now than 45 is. The creep in chief was Obama's Veep after all and Obama the bomber is thought by many to be the shadow man behind the Trump Russia scam and the proxy in uncle Joe's empty suit to boot! 

On that note, bring that shit back one more time, Sam. 

Rush Limbaugh Producer 'Bo Snerdley' lookin' like Suge Knight about to bust a cap on TDS rappers for hatin' on his dead homie in this version of the song...

Thankfully, not everybody raps like ya'll TDS afflicted Dr. Seuss player haters and they are keeping it much less low-key.