It's been two years now since the publishing of the Active Thermitic Material ... paper, and over the last two years the debunkers have gone to great lengths to deny this forensic proof of demolition. We at Debunking the Debunkers have been following the thermite denialists closely, and have written many articles debunking each and every one of their feats of mental gymnastics. Below are 46 posts from our archive that tear to shreds their ludicrous paint claims, hypocritical peer-review arguments and conspiratorial chain of custody suggestions.
So JREFers, from John-Michael, Faith, Adam, Stew, Spooky and myself, since you obviously have nothing of either substance or coherence to put up, please just shut up!
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
RIP Official 9/11 Story
9/11 - The Loaded Gun - Red/Grey Nanothermite Chips
Steven Jones Tells 9/11 'Debunkers' to Put up or Shut up!
9/11 Truth on Danish TV
Nano-thermite Demolishes 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John-Michael Talboo and Stewart Bradley of Debunking the Debunkers
Debunking the Rebunking
Who Needs Debunking When Insults Are So Easy
What in the World is High-Tech Explosive Material Doing in the Dust from 9/11?
More About That Exploding Paint
Debunking Scott Creighton's Debunking of Nano-Thermite
9/11 Truth Movement: Year in Review
Skeptical bias against 9/11 Truth?
Debunker Paint
Crazy Conspiracy Theories
Skeptics' Guide to 9/11 Bias
Thinking Clearly about The 911 Forensic Evidence - when you have Eliminated the Impossible, whatever Remains Must be the Truth.
Debunkers = Fish in a Barrel
Controlled Demolition Expert Mark Loizeaux Produces Signed Confession Regarding Destruction of WTC Buildings on 9/11!
New Video: Evidence
Beam Yourself Up Curley!
Sometimes I Forget
Super-Duper Thermite: A Year in Review
Thermite Denial - A Year in Review
Pat Curley's Shooting Blanks
Nanothermite Debunking Rebuttal - deRoy
The Sounds of Loud and Clear
An enemy within
Put up or Shut up: A Year in Review
Bias and 911 Truth/Skeptics
Dusting-off Corley: Is this the official response to the discovery of energetic materials in the WTC dust?
The Truth About TruthBurn
Why Do People Ask Retarded Questions?
Three Pictures ... Your Argument is Invalid!
Pat Curley Claims to Find Strawmen, but Only Exposes His Failed Logic and Poor Research
Amplifying the Sounds of Loud and Clear
Slicing Through Every Single 'Debunker' Argument, One at a Time
Hitler knows what Nano-Thermite in the WTC dust means, JREFers don't
'Debunker' Pat Curley: the King of Scientific Peer-review
Knee Deep in Crap
Debunking the Debunkers on Pumpitout Radio
Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal, Gone?
O Hai, Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal!
Listening to Debunker Arguments is Like Watching Paint Dry...
Listening to Debunker Arguments is Like Watching Two Coats of Paint Dry...