Updates: Flat earthers debunked themselves twice in the Netflix documentary Beyond the Curve: https://www.elitereaders.com/flat-earthers-debunk-themselves-netflix-documentary/?cn-reloaded=1
SpaceX DECIMATES Flat Earth Nonsense!! - SpaceX Proves The Earth is NOT Flat - SpaceX: More Falcon Heavy landing proof. Live Video of Earth as seen from Elon Musk's Tesla roaster. Flat Earth debunked again. - SpaceX stream live Car CGI glitch? No...
Thanks to blog contributors Steve from SpookyWeather and Ziggi for their help in compiling some of this info.
He doesn’t really offer 200 proofs, because he repeats himself again and again.
They aren’t ‘proofs’ because they are consistently wrong, illogical, based on false statements or on misunderstandings.
And the earth really isn’t flat!
Stop the below video one at 1.22 min and you will find a curve by placing a straight-edge on the screen. It's not a big curve because it's a small section but it's there.
SpaceX DECIMATES Flat Earth Nonsense!! - SpaceX Proves The Earth is NOT Flat - SpaceX: More Falcon Heavy landing proof. Live Video of Earth as seen from Elon Musk's Tesla roaster. Flat Earth debunked again. - SpaceX stream live Car CGI glitch? No...
Thanks to blog contributors Steve from SpookyWeather and Ziggi for their help in compiling some of this info.
PLEASE CHECK OUT PART 2: Flat Earth & Fake NASA Conspiracy COMPLETELY Debunked into Oblivion - Case Closed Forever (RIP) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikmOG...
Mathematics proving sphere Earth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz5re...
Top 10 Ways to Know the Earth is Not Flat - www.smarterthanthat.com/astronomy/top-10-ways-to-know-the-earth-is-not-flat/
Amateur astronomer Gino Arcari's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBpBJ...
Flat Earth & NASA Hoax Debunk SLAMDUNK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YzeG...More than 200 proofs that the Earth is not Flat - There is a person called Eric Dubay who claims to offer 200 proofs that the earth is flat. He is wrong in every way.
He doesn’t really offer 200 proofs, because he repeats himself again and again.
They aren’t ‘proofs’ because they are consistently wrong, illogical, based on false statements or on misunderstandings.
And the earth really isn’t flat!
I don't expect you to take my word for that. It's the last thing I'd want.
Please read these refutations, follow up the evidence links, try the experiments I suggest so that you can see for yourself.
Please read these refutations, follow up the evidence links, try the experiments I suggest so that you can see for yourself.
Stop the below video one at 1.22 min and you will find a curve by placing a straight-edge on the screen. It's not a big curve because it's a small section but it's there.
A lot of the videos in this playlist have good info, but many would also be more successful if they dropped the brat factor.
Remember the Illuminati card game and how well it predicted things? Obviously these are their cards to play!

Here is a recent episode Coast to Coast AM where it is suggested that flat Earth material is disinformation to discredit truthers. The program centered around "an alleged 15-year old interview with filmmaker Stanley Kubrick in which he admits to faking the Apollo 11 moon landing footage." This too was posited as deliberate disinfo aimed at getting people to discount that very idea.