I only ever voted for a Republican president twice with my Trump votes. I also voted for Gore, Kerry, Obama twice, all Democrats. Yet, not that long ago I went with calling myself Conservative once in awhile, even though I've long shunned being pigeonholed with labels and believe wearing one often shuts down logical thinking and conversations/debates.
I was also a past promoter of not voting as a vote of no confidence.
I'm torn on that subject a little, but I get it and don't be surprised if I ever give such ideas a platform again in the future. I will say this though, if both presidential choices suck, just don't vote or go third party. The logic on not casting a ballot is that it gives no credence to a broken system and that if voter turnout becomes insanely low that the system would fall under its own weight. Mass mail in ballots, rife with fraud BTW, put a serious damper on that now I would think.
While voting third party is essentially the same type of thinking reversed, in that it seeks to boost third party legitimacy and will in turn grow the influence of said party. I hope these explanations on voting or not didn't come off as being as clear as mud, lot's of moving parts to consider.
I actually considered myself independent through all my Democrat votes because I've never been a partisan and fully on board with party positions. Nowadays, a few things have happened of note when exploring my political journey, one is that the Dems used to be anti-war like myself. A great old school, anti-war,
former Democrat, is comedian Jimmy Dore. From what I've see, he is another one who seeks to end the hyper partisan division, embrace broad political unity on specific issues, and to end the war machine, to name a few.
Another reason for my political evolution is the woke leftist (liberals are not leftists) fringe taking over the party. Lastly, I got older and more conservatives over time.

BUT, when I deeply reconsidered things over the course of a few days, I first of all remembered just how blessed I am to be a part of the truly bipartisan 9/11 truth movement. The 9/11 truth cause is self-evidently historically meaningful, but the unity of the diverse political persuasions to fight for a common goal is more so and needs to be celebrated and replicated.
In this video tribute I made for, Professor Graeme Macqueen, (who recently passed on) he echoes my sentiments, but adds that academics often look down on people with no higher education, but that the truth movement proves the common man is pretty smart and clever. Paraphrasing of course, go see the video to fact check my comprehension skills. When I look at our Idiocracy though, I wonder if that statement is more true when it comes to those that seek to join political/activist movements?
http://mindtreasury.blogspot.com/2023/04/911-truth-advocate-graeme-macqueen-has.htmlI then remembered all kinds of liberal positions I've had over the years that just aren't talked about anymore. Sometimes that is because we put the issue to bed by consensus or generally acceptance/tolerance of the majority of Americans. Many, if not almost all of my friends and family are Libs too and while I have always got along with these individuals, for the most part, the past few years has seen some drama and lost friends who were overtaken by partisanship and propaganda. However my hands aren't clean either, I am, let's just say... a very passionate person, but have taken it down a notch for awhile and now more than ever. I pick my battles wisely and use love and understanding to advance any points about things to those close to me. The 9/11 topic, interestingly, is one shared by most of those close to me.
I contemplated all the division again and refuse to let it sneak into my personal life. Furthermore, I also refuse to be manipulated by the powers that be via divide and conquer strategies. At this point,
my punk rock anarchist roots have
been resurrected FFS! The whole system is actually so corrupt that I agree that a radical counter punching great reset of the system, by we the people, might be necessary. There FBI/CIA/The Man, I said it myself, I'm a radical, you can now quote mine and cherry pick me, or combine separate things to make a new meaning of my words. Yay! A few things that they will leave out regarding my rad skateboard, er, I mean, statement: I'm an 80's baby so being radical and totally tubular is just in my DNA. In addition, I'm a peaceful man who has decried violence by individuals against Gov institutions many times.
The most important thing about all this is my overarching commitment to happiness that I'm cranking up to 11. I try to pray and meditate daily and watch comedy and it centers me. So yeah, I might be a bit center right or whatever, but I'm shunning their labels again and playing the game my way. We need a pro human political party!
YouTuber, Benny Johnson, recently showed a text communication he apparently had with, Tucker Carlson. He showed a photo of Tucker holding up a vicious New York Times newspaper hit piece about himself, yet he's got a shit eatin' grin on his face. Carlson, paraphrasing, said that they are miserable, I'm happy, I win!
That is some fire ass wisdom right there!
I could not again locate the specific video despite trying and normally I would drive myself nuts looking for it. Not worth all that. Here's his main page though:
https://www.youtube.com/@bennyjohnsonBesides all that, it's about damn time people researched for themselves instead of always asking for an additional source. A newfound respect for those actually taking the time to do write ups might ensue.
And another thing while we're at it, don't just scroll through a damn manipulated feed from big tech tyrants on social media anymore either. Keeping in touch with people is fine, I guess, although phone books and email addresses also work, but people are lazy. Instead, really contemplate what info you are looking for and find it, Use an alternative, unmanipulated or at least much less manipulate search engine such as:
Yandex.com or
There are others I don't know anything about as well. In other words, realize that they mixed personal relationships with politics for a reason. To keep you in a digital ghetto where they manipulate what you can and cannot see. Your free mind might just disagree. Lastly, believe me I get it, I had a hard time breaking my habit of using Chrome and just Googling everything. Now I search for the same thing 3 times by habit.
Song time!
"Call me conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat
I'm somewhere in the middle, but y'all don't know what to do with that"
Hell Yeah!
They gon' try to call you names, label you with things 'til you're ashamed
You're a sexist or a racist, white supremacist or gay
They'll attack your reputation, claim that you're the one to blame
And try to make you hate yourself for ways that you behave
They're just names, embrace them, and they'll never cause you pain
They're just words that another person thought up in they brain
They're just names, they do not define you, that's insane
And they'll just call you something different if you change
Call me racist, I don't make no BLM donations
I can stand with black folks without a branded corporation
All this systemic prejudice, if you live in this nation
You privileged, black or Caucasian
Call me transphobic, but I support you and your policies
I just can't ignore the very basics of biology
All I see is men and women tryna live in harmony
Not a hundred genders, that you wanna be
Call me snowflake 'cause I'm offended, I ain't stone-faced
Social justice warriors destroying us with woke ways
Mad because they voted for the POTUS with the most hate
Man, I miss the old days
Call me loser, call me bigot, call me stupid, call me bitter
Call me ugly, call me cracker, call me douche or call me triggered
You can call me what you want 'cause at the end of the day
Man, they're just names
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thing
We ain't tripping 'cause we heard it all before
Give a damn, about the names, dawg, we feel no pain
Your words ain't gonna hurt us anymore
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thing
Y'all are tripping, but I hope you find the Lord
Give a damn about the names, dawg, we feel no shame
Call us anything you want, I'm getting bored
They gon' try to call you names, label you with things 'til you're ashamed
Repeat it 'til you really start believing what they say
They gon' stamp it on your forehead and scream it 'til you break
They love to say they're woke, they're not awake
They're just names, afraid of anyone who ain't the same
So they classify your thoughts as controversial, not okay
Then they cancel you 'til everything you have, all gets erased
They tryna tell the world you're bad, they're just names
Call me conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat
I'm somewhere in the middle, but y'all don't know what to do with that
The system got you so obsessed with classifying right or left
You never call a person human, call 'em names instead
Call me sexist, men run the world 'cause they're aggressive
But behind every man, there's a woman just as successful
We will never be equal in every way, that ain't helpful
Our differences are why we're great together
Call me white devil, I know you think the system favors me
My privilege is residual, benefits from the slavery
Subconscious prejudice embedded in the system made for me
Don't mean I never struggled to survive, I guess we ain't agree
Ignorant and jaded, call me dumb, uneducated
Call me idiot or redneck or delusional or crazy
Call me anything society has taught you to say
'Cause at the end of the day, they're just names
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thing
We ain't tripping 'cause we heard it all before
Give a damn, about the names, dawg, we feel no pain
Your words ain't gonna hurt us anymore
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thing
Y'all are tripping, but I hope you find the Lord
Give a damn about the names, dawg, we feel no shame
Call us anything you want, I'm getting bored
Your sticks and your stones might break my bones
But your words don't hurt, so give me your worst
Stupid, loser, ugly, poser
Moron, liar, crazy, loner
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thing
We ain't tripping 'cause we heard it all before
Give a damn, about the names, dawg, we feel no pain
Your words ain't gonna hurt us anymore
Go ahead and call us names, dawg, do your thing
Y'all are tripping, but I hope you find the Lord
Give a damn about the names, dawg, we feel no shame
Call us anything you want, I'm getting bored