Debunking Eric Dubay's 200 Flat Earth Proofs, Debunking Flat Earth Without Citing NASA, Debunking Scriptural Case for Flat Earth, & More...
First off, I want to note that the laser experiment of which I speak apparently had mixed results. I find this interesting because there were people with different biases present while the experiments were conducted, which very well may indicate a consciousness element (as I've proposed) being a factor in the results...
It's notable that the conscious intent/bias of the experimenter/observer was the explanation given for mixed results concerning the attempted replication of Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Molecule Experiments...
Of course this all depends on how the would be simulation works. Something like a gyroscope test would be next to impossible for an individual consciousness to affect when up against the consensus reality of a globe earth.
It's also possible that I'm way too far gone down the rabbit hole! On that note, I also wish to quickly note that Dubay doesn't believe in Dinosaurs (he thinks they are hoaxes) and uses the Stegosaurus and what would be its apparent inability to have sex as a piece of evidence. This is one I have an answer for! Cover the children's eyes!

OK, now to my question for Eric and his answer that despite lengthy words typed and resource he provided with much info within, still amounted to an omission or avoidance of a direct answer. This is a (potential?) tactic I'm familiar with thanks to NIST and their TNRAT 9/11 reports. As Kevin Ryan stated, this means They'll Never Read All This Shit! Eric was very quick (nearly instantaneous) to provide the reply he did. It's now been quite some time since my reply with nothing more from him.
Remember the Illuminati card game and how well it predicted things? Obviously these are their cards to play!

Red Pill Philosophy (who I am generally more supportive of than Eric although I enjoy watching them both) provided a more direct reply about the Neflix film's experiments in the below video. As I continue to research I will update this page with any more such responses I find. Red Pill Philosophy's response is the first link below and is rather long and rambling. He brings up there being unknown factors at play regarding the laser test such as refraction and gradient. He also states, I would assume correctly, that one test cannot possibly prove the entire case when so many other types of tests have been conducted and I would add have yet to be conducted. I wonder, do any flat earthers believe the flat earth rotates???
"Behind The Curve" Documentary: Flat Earth KILLER!?!?
Debunked: FLAT Earth Laser Test!%3F!%3F