Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock and QAnon Is Starting Conspiracies About It
The first statement I'll quickly get out of the way and exposé as fake news, from this rag that certainly doesn't count the truth's illuminating light as one of it's vices, is this silly, naïve, and speculative point presented as if it were just the ramblings of conspiracy nit wits, when in fact it's a common sense question being asked by even fairly mundane pop culture focused YouTubers.
Proof The Will Smith Slap Of Chris Rock Was Fake? People Are CERTAIN It's Fake!
Vice opines...
"The claims it was all a fake were dismissed when Smith was awarded the best actor Oscar for his role in King Richard and he publicly apologized for his behavior. “I want to apologize to the Academy,” a tearful Smith said. “I want to apologize to my fellow nominees.” He didn’t apologize to Rock."
But the apology did nothing to sate the desire of conspiracy theorists from uncovering the “truth” about the incident, and some claimed the slap was set up to boost the Oscars’ ratings."
Hmm, yes, such an wild eyed conspiratorial line of thinking. So very hard to swallow. But wait, let me see if I follow. So there is no way an incident could be staged for publicity/ratings? I mean that's a silly premise made up from whole cloth, right?
Oscar ratings continue to trail previous years but see an uptick for 2022 show
Well, damn. The motive checks out, but I get it, the individuals involved denied there was any fuckery afoot so conspiracy theories caput! Two words, Vice.wrong, two words for you. WARDROBE MALFUNCTION!
Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy
"Timberlake later released a statement saying "I am sorry that anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl. It was not intentional and is regrettable."
Well, there ya go! He vehemently denied what the whole world saw with their lying eyes. He didn't mean for her breast to be cleanly and perfectly exposed when he yanked at her clothing right where the breast was revealing her lovely lady lump, with admittedly had a staged/manufactured looking precision akin to that of breakaway pants. Looks can be deceiving after all though. The collapse WTC 7 on 9/11 looked exactly like a controlled, but the government said it wasn't, so obviously it wasn't. Looks can be deceiving after all. Yes, the nipple cover she had on underneath seemed just a wee bit suspiciously convenient, but a commonly known combination of letters also exists that applies to this odd element of the transpired events. COINCIDENCE!
I mean what other word could possibly exist that would account for everything? Conspiracy comes to mind... if your mind is covered in a tin foil hat that is. Hard pass on that label, man, I don't wanna be censored online and become a social pariah. I could be a truther, but it's easier to be a liar and a conspiracy denier!
Well, holy sa-lamb-e, lookin' good like the Vice Squad in Miami, for you conspiracy "can't be" crowd, so far, what else ya got?
"Conspiracy theorists immediately dismissed the smack as fake, designed to distract the world from the “real horrors” of Hollywood actors trafficking children and drinking their blood."
Contrary to the illusion of a dark propagandist's portrait of popular opinion, mockery is an logical fallacy and I'm fairly certain it is literally not an argument!
Not a rational one anyway, shout out to the nitpicky "not an argument" critics over at irritational wiki. ;-P

So, here will follow a seemingly long winded reply before moving on to a few other craptastic excerpts worthy of a proverbial blood sport of a retort. In actuality, what seems like an disproportionally weighted reply is really just an adequate one bordering on due diligence, but appearing as a tome when juxtaposed with Vice's irreverent take on subjects where children's wellbeing is at stake. So, let's start out on the lighter side of the first two intertwined dark topics Vice has broached, only to then choke beyond all hope of any truth being known. But no worries, a true sceptic and researcher is on the way to save the day...
DRINKING BLOOD?!?! That certainly does sound crazy on its face, but the idea that blood has age defying properties is mainstream Hollywood news...
Kim Kardashian's Blood Facial --- For years, we've been hearing about the "vampire facial," a skincare treatment that involves drawing blood from a patient and reinjecting it under the skin in order to achieve a healthy, youthful glow...
The made-for-horror movie cosmetic procedure is gaining popularity in the U.S. because it's an "organic alternative to those that require chemical injections," according to Dr. Sam Lam, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon based in Dallas, Texas...
We still can't see ourselves trying this blood-sucking beauty treatment. But one brave soul finally took the plunge -- and filmed it -- so we could all see the results: Kim Kardashian.
This concept being taken one step further by consuming the blood of the young isn't really that much of a stretch. Especially considering that "vampire culture" essentially maintains this belief...
The vampire subculture or “real vampires” consists of individuals that identify as non-human vampires. These “real vampires” feed on the energy of non-vampires through either the drinking of blood or through psychic means. The people in the vampire community truly believe themselves to have been born vampires, as opposed to humans.
But the implied possible nefarious means by which such young blood is drained from the veins, is no certainly no joking matter. That is unless you are the POTUS or a Hollywood joker...
Biden Goes Viral With Question To Reporter About Democrats Drinking Baby Blood Oddly enough, it was the second time in the same night Biden brought up the topic.
Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elites ‘Kill Innocent Children & Drink Their Blood’ [DISPUTED]
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Mel Gibson has been suspiciously absent from movies of late. According to his statements, he was likely ousted from Hollywood due to his refusal to go along with their horrific practices with children. The following is a synopsis of Gibson’s alleged statements, which seem to indicate he is very much aware of the dark underbelly of our world.
That said, we cannot confirm if these quotes are actually from Gibson or not. In our initial research, we didn’t find anything that proved these quotes are bogus.
As always, do your own research and exercise personal discernment. If you find any evidence that proves or disproves the below, share it with us in the comments.
Update – March 30th, 2020: We attempted to debunk the following when we first considered posting it and didn’t find anything meaningful. Despite this, some claim Gibson never said these things and as we said, we weren’t able to find any evidence that he did.
We did find one site that claims he never said these things (which you can see here), but the evidence they use to support this debunking is lackluster.
If you find evidence that this is bogus please send it to us so we can post a retraction.
Evan Rachel Wood Accuses Marilyn Manson Of Forcing Her To Drink His Blood After Trying To Ending Romance
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly Drank Each Other's Blood After Getting ENGAGED
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown: Hollywood is Full of Satanists who Drink Children’s Blood
“They sacrifice children at the highest levels in Hollywood. They drink blood of young kids. This is a fact. That’s why the next thing to be exposed will be all the pedophilia that is going to come out of Hollywood and come out of Washington, D.C. The human sacrifice and the cannibalism has been going on for years.”
"I think the elites are real, but they ain't drinkin' babies' blood They're creating chaos so they have somethin' to save you from Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, what's all this division for? It's modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war" --- Rapper Tom MacDonald, Clown World
If the pastor turns out to be right about the pedo problem in Tinseltown then his blood drinking statements cannot be so easily dismissed and derided. And guess what? SPOILER ALERT: He is 100% without any shadow of a doubt doubt correct about the systemic kiddy proclivities of Hollyweird's celebrities!
Now, for a second hand and anecdotal story, but yet still an noteworthy evidentiary point. My ex wife's stepdad is cousins with Poison singer Bret Michaels, and thus she met the band and got all their signatures on the album pictured above. I'll try to add some pictures of their signatures on the album insert later on, as soon as I can locate it, to further support my next statement. She claimed to me, in no uncertain terms, that one of the band members (NOT BRET MICHAELS) propositioned her with sex when she was still a minor and explicitly said so to this person while declining the offer. She said he respected her answer for the most part, except that he made it clear he could care less about such a apparently minor detail as her being underage.
Will Ferrell sings 'pedophile anthems' in SNL infomercial spoof
The above comedy is a spoof, but the anthems exist, and offers some proof of pedos in popular music groups.
Recalling my ex wife's account also led me to this potentially corroborating tidbit to look at real quick before I'll outline the heavy hitting proofs...
Bret Michaels And Miley Cyrus: Pedophile's Dream On Song --- Bret Michaels took a break from being a cesspool of STDs on the Rock of Love Bus to record this ‘affectionate’ duet with the Aussie humpin’ tweener, and to say it is ‘disturbing’ would be the understatement of the millennium!! Wait until he sings about UNDRESSING her!! WTF? Who the EFF is managing this girl’s career and why are they giving her the okay to sing on this kind of track? All the BLATANT CREEPINESS aside, the song SUCKS.
But all of that that is by far the weakest bits of evidence I will be putting forward concerning the topic of...

Pedowood is infested with pedos? Say it ain't so Vice.com sleuths! You rascals quite clearly haven't been truthful in your foray into being conspiracy duh-bunk-turds.
![]() |
http://www.dailymail.co.uk |
The above is a dot worth further connecting, Hollywood and Leftist political structures are one and the same in many respects. One need look no further than the exchange of the root of all evil.
No surprise: 97% of Hollywood execs donate to Democrats
‘Hexit’: Rich elites flee liberal-run Hollywood hellhole, celebs take losses on homes to get out ---Thanks to the voting and political contribution patterns of well-to-do limousine liberals (known in the U.K. as champagne socialists), the formerly Golden State is under a death grip of far-left Democrats consisting of Gov. Gavin Newsom, the state legislature, and Mayor Gil Garcetti who are presiding over a dystopian nightmare with no law and order... Los Angeles elitists are fleeing their once-fancy enclaves after finally realizing that their wealth can longer insulate thems and their upscale neighborhoods from rampant urban decay, which includes out-of-control homelessness and random street violence.
Chrissy Teigen joins long list of celebs, Dems, Biden campaign members donating to bail rioters out of jail
George Gascon recall campaign gets support from left-leaning Hollywood honchos Generous donors fall among Hollywood’s left-learning elite
Here’s How Hollywood Money Is Stacking Up for the 2020 Candidates---Joe Biden hasn’t announced a 2020 bid, but his name recognition and long-time relationships with prominent Democratic fundraisers can’t be overlooked. In October, Katzenberg hosted an event to raise money for Biden’s political action committee, American Possibilities. As of the PAC’s last public filing, it had $2,637,781 on hand; Dreamworks SKG is among the top contributors.
The nation's elections are increasingly about money. And if there's one thing Hollywood has that politicians desperately want, it's money. Money over publicity, it's worth noting. The fine line between mingling with celebrities and looking out of touch (dare we say, "elite") is a difficult one to navigate. This was made clear when President Obama said that though he considers George Clooney a close friend, he appreciates that Clooney is wary of appearing too close to the president. That's somewhat surprising, given that Clooney has raised over $15 million toward Obama's reelection (a friend indeed).
So these birds of feather do flock together in a great deal of ways, including how the pedo issue is infecting both. Their troubles are not isolated bubbles, but rather a feedback loop intersecting like two mirrors facing each other reflecting.
Lights! Camera! Leftism! How Hollywood Went Woke

Joe Biden was aware of this as proven by texts!!!Approximately one third of the explicit photos of minors in Hunter Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl — who is one of his relatives, according a shocking new report.
EXCLUSIVE SOURCE: Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child
Inadvertent confirmation of the diary being real...
Covering For Biden - Again
FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes
Last night several reporters for Project Veritas had their homes raided by the FBI. The government wanted this information to be kept secret but James O'Keefe published this video anyway. James indicates this may have something to do with a copy of Ashley Biden's diary that was offered to Project Veritas
Project Veritas
Former Vice Pedo Joe Biden literally grabbing a little girl's chest in public and on camera... #PizzaGate #BidenGate - “Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude.” “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,”
Joe Biden’s College Roommate Admits Former VP is a Pedophile
In college, Joe Biden was known to be a pedophile | Fellowship Of The Minds
Baxter Dmitry reports for Newspunch, April 3, 2019, that according to Paul Tatchell, a roommate of Joe Biden at the Syracuse University College of Law, Biden admitted he was sexually attracted to children.
Tatchell reportedly said that Biden “used to say it was his ‘civic responsibility’ and that if he didn’t ‘choke the chicken’ or ‘clean the hosepipe’ before spending time around children he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off them.”...
Newly-resurfaced video from decades ago lends support to allegations against Joe Biden; insight from journalist Rich McHugh. - The Legacy Media Is Taking a Pounding Over its Coverup of Tara Reade Allegations Against Joe Biden - Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade speaks out Newly-resurfaced video from decades ago lends support to allegations against Joe Biden; insight from journalist Rich McHugh. - The Legacy Media Is Taking a Pounding Over its Coverup of Tara Reade Allegations Against Joe Biden - Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade speaks out
http://trumpisright.blogspot.com/2020/04/newly-resurfaced-video-from-decades-ago.htmlLeftist "media outlet" Salon made an interesting choice as to what to publish and their ideological brethren defended them to the bitter end...
Salon Shouldn’t Have Unpublished Its Article by a Pedophile Author
Following Salon's coverage of Milo Yiannopoulos, the site has deleted all of its articles by Todd Nickerson, who defended pedophilia.
Salon chose to reverse course ONLY because the other side of the aisle was caught up in an apparent pedo related scandal, which in reality was actually the sadly twisted logic of a pedo victim and NOT an widespread left wing attempt at normalization of being attracted to kids as a sexual orientation...
Paedophilia a 'sexual orientation - like being straight or gay'
No such force fed effort aimed at a massive paradigm shift was being conducted by Milo (a pedo victim) much less a concerted effort as such on the other side of the aisle/anything center right. But to have the appearance of consistency of values they made the strategic decision to finally "do the right thing" for the kids. What a transparent smokescreen that was! True virtue requires no sleight of hand virtue signaling tactics.
The left’s hypocrisies, mistruths and virtue signaling
This MO shows a disconnect between their purported elite status and the audience being played up to. It's logically unavoidably that they have an Them and Us mentality, the latter being in their view the unsuspecting rubes being duped to not see through the lack of a consistent and traditional moral compass. Without this steadfast guide they are instead guided by what position they take by the news of the day and what is seen as the most advantageous play.
Salon Shouldn’t Have Unpublished Its Article by a Pedophile Author
Actor Corey Feldman Says Pedophilia No. 1 Problem for Child Stars, Contributed to Demise of Corey Haim:
In 1977, Polanski was arrested and charged with drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl. As a result of a plea bargain, he pleaded guilty to the lesser offence of unlawful sex with a minor.[140] In 1978, after learning that the judge planned to reject his plea deal and impose a prison term instead of probation, he fled to Paris.[141]...
On 26 September 2009, Polanski was arrested while in Switzerland at the request of United States authorities.[163] The arrest brought renewed attention to the case and stirred controversy, particularly in the United States and Europe.[152] Polanski was defended by many prominent individuals, including Hollywood celebrities and European artists and politicians, who called for his release.[164]
Isaac Kappy was born on February 17, 1977 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. He was an actor and writer, known for Thor (2011), Fanboys (2009) and Terminator Salvation (2009). He died on May 13, 2019 in Bellemont, Arizona, USA.
Isaac Kappy Exposes ALL of PedoWood a couple months before death---STEVEN SPIELBERG IS A PEDOPHILE - ISAAC KAPPY NAMES NAMES #PEDOWOOD #PEDOGATE
The jury has found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on 5 of the 6 charges. However, here is the catch, the judge has ordered that details of Jeffrey Epstein’s network to be sealed.
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

Now prepare yourself dear reader. What follows will include no sugar, or spice, or anything nice. Why? Because it's now time to again quote Vice.cmon
When Will Smith strode onto the stage at the Oscars on Sunday night and smacked comedian Chris Rock for making a joke about Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett-Smith and the rest of the world began tweeting about it, conspiracy theorists immediately cranked up their hive mind to figure out what was “really” happening.
And it didn’t take them long to come up with some truly bizarre theories.
First out of the gate was Max Blumenthal, a journalist who has frequently defended Russia and recently claimed the Mariupol theater attack was actually a false-flag operation carried out by Ukraine’s Azov Battalion.
Blumenthal managed to marry the Oscars’ scandal with the ongoing war in Ukraine.
“Just in time for the flood of Azov atrocity videos,” Blumenthal tweeted about a meme posted by another user claiming the Will Smith slap would take people’s attention away from what was happening in Ukraine.
Last month Putin claimed he was invading Ukraine to “denazify” the country, referring to a longstanding Kremlin propaganda line that Ukrainian-speaking elites in the west of the country are the ideological descendants of the far-right nationalist forces that battled the Soviets in World War II.
Well, Vice used the magic bogyman double punch combination of words "Kremlin propaganda." Might as well translate to liars and the lies they tell. But this is a narrow minded view and black propaganda too, as the facts don't really suit the narrative Vice is feeding you. The Kremlin lies, yes, but a even a cursory glance indicates that the US political structure and it's lapdog media and entertainment branches lies at a similar rate or arguably more than those demonized Ruskies do.
Now examine the impact that a negative connotation of a word like propaganda, or a phrase like the CIA weaponized label "conspiracy theorist" can have. Both of these are used in the derogatory form in the tripe that the Vice writers brazenly spew, but if these buzz words are taken back to basics and literally defined, one can obtain a clear view no longer askew.
Ever since the word “propaganda” got glued to the dissemination of Catholic faith a few centuries ago, it has been carrying a negative connotation of “lying”, “deceit”, “manipulation” and suchlike. Which is misleading. As a matter of fact, the cornerstone of the Catholic propaganda is based on incontrovertible truth. We all are going to die, no one knows what happens to us after that, and everyone is scared sh1tless of the fact. At least, the Catholics try to do something about it. This in turn leads us to the realization that the best propaganda is telling truth.
The CIA Didn't Literally Invent the Term 'Conspiracy Theorist' But THEY ARE Responsible for the Connotation
Did the CIA Invent the Term ‘Conspiracy Theory’?
The original document in question, plus the subsequent media attacks in the years following make it clear that their mockingbird "propaganda assets" created the derogatory connotation. If this isn't true, then nobody should mind the term recently being taken back to its original literal dictionary definition meaning, promoting the often used hashtag: #ProudConspiracyTheorist
How CIA Invented the Term “Conspiracy Theory” to Discredit You
The term conspiracy theory brings to mind all kinds of connotations that range from outlandish to crazy. These associations with the phrase were intentional and exactly what the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) intended.
According to Zero Hedge, the term Conspiracy Theory was created by the CIA in 1967 as a way to discredit anyone who dared to challenge their official version of the truth (1).
Now that you are hip to the tricks, let's see what damage those pesky facts can do when no longer faced with language used to dispel the truth with their preloaded emotive strength. This is the go to tactic when its known at some level that logic simply cannot do what the narrative requires its supporters do. Do not fall prey to attacking the messenger here, as I will provide a plethora of sources with different potential biases that have all decided that the truth is more important than the narrative. Good news for a change!
Sunday Live: World Shocked By Torture & Executions of Russian Soldiers At Hands of Ukrainian Nazi Battalions
NATO-backed paramilitaries use handguns to shoot Russian soldiers in the feet, knees, and genitals before torturing them to death, while Biden calls for the assassination of Putin. Welcome to the next phase of the Great Reset: organized global collapse, mass starvation, and World War III -- tune into this jam-packed live emergency transmission!
Alex Jones breaks down how Ukrainian Nazi battalions have begun torturing Russian forces to the shock and horror of the world. Meanwhile, bumbling Sleepy Joe Biden is leading America perilously close to World War 3 after delivering a series of reckless remarks escalating war footing against Russia.
The following is leftist source, note the use of the word "pretending" in the headline below. Who was doing this "pretending" they speak of? It surely wasn't all those "Putin mouthpiece" Republicans! That sure sounds like an inadvertent confirmation of the virtue signaling and political strategy I spoke of, that serves as a horrible replacement for an unwavering, unapologetic and thus truthful foundation, moral compass grounding that acts as a guideposts, which no retractions ever needed when the news dictates it's expedient.
Also, note the insistence in the full article of labeling national socialism AKA Nazism as far right. In some circles that is known as The Big Lie.
The Soufan Center has compared the Azov Battalion’s international networking strategy to that of Al Qaeda and ISIS. US and NATO support for the Azov Battalion poses similar risks as their support for Al Qaeda-linked groups in Syria ten years ago. Those chickens quickly came home to roost when they spawned ISIS and turned decisively against their Western backers. Right now, Ukrainians are united in their resistance to Russia’s invasion, but we should not be surprised when the US alliance with neo-Nazi proxy forces in Ukraine, including the infusion of billions of dollars in sophisticated weapons, results in similarly violent and destructive blowback...
Similarly, to the last inadvertent admission, again note the "Not acknowledging" portion of the following headline. To not acknowledge is wholly different than simply not knowing something. Yet again, political spin usurps foundational moral underpinnings that if properly applied, in their righteousness value truthfulness to achieve any end goals. There is pride in such a ride. The inverse perversion of this, is an ultimate goal so saintly as to contradictorily have the ends justify the means, but yet is done via stealth with no proud MO in sight. If it is done in the dark there is nothing good at the end of the tunnel that will come into light. If it requires spin doctoring, omissions, and lies outright, you can bet your ass that those lofty goals are actually lowly future woes masquerading as coming from up on high. No path of wrongs can end up at what is right. Nor does peace ever or often come from the aggressor's barrel of a gun. There are shades of grey of course, just as some games end up at 360 degree zero sum. But the narrative that the world has been given is a provocation itself as its been aggressively dumb and one sides as they come.
Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification' claim isn't Not acknowledging this threat means that little is being done to guard against it.
Question: Since it's clear Putin's "propaganda" narrative about the NAZI elements in Ukraine is true, why then do we assume him eradicating it wasn't an actual motive for invasion as stated?
Those willing to dig into the history of the situation will find that the recently reported and verified Ukrainian NAZI atrocities against Russians are not the first, but rather the latest. Of course Russia would be motivated to invade as to (among other things) eradicate this element/threat to them.
Some Considerations on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
According to some OSCE reports, the Azov Battalion was also guilty of crimes against the Russian-speaking population of Donbas. For the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the same Battalion was the perpetrator of rapes and murders in the Donbas region, both before and after 2014 – enjoying, after this date, an absolute immunity granted to them by the Poroshenko's new Ukrainian government and the upper echelons of the Armed Forces, with plenty of applause from the then Minister of the Interior. According to Open Democracy, the money to start the Azov Battalion in 2014 came from many quarters. From within Ukraine they received generous contributions of a couple of billionaire oligarchs who go by the names of Igor Kolomoisky and Serhiy Taruta, both from the Donetsk region and intransigent enemies of the Yanukovych government. From abroad, they got financial aid from European and American sister organisations, as well as from the Pentagon itself.
The same type of questioning as I posed above also applies to the US bioweapons labs in Ukraine that were at first denied to even exist nearly in unison by US media propagandists, but then begrudgingly were admitted to, but then downplayed. Those who provably and blatantly lied about the labs, do not have a leg to stand on when they opine that the securing/investigating/eradicating of said labs was not a real Putin/Russian motive.
Other arguably defensively minded motives of Russia that have been pooh-poohed boil down to a fight against globalist elements that are on record in droves as being in favor of extreme and foundationally unfounded thus unnecessary, population reduction. That's the concise way to frame it within the larger context of the mindset of globalist foes to Russia that if left unabated might eventually turn their eugenicist ideology and rhetoric into larger genocidal threats to potentially any country.
But there is a lot of minutia therein that more simply is about preventing more direct and tangible existential military threats to Russia from their perspective. Below is some info that explores the more mundane details by comparison by looking at the Russian way of viewing these militaristic dangers, through a lens focused on how the US would view similar actions in our neck of the woods.
It's clear to many after doing so that we would not stand for it and furthermore ends in a sobering conclusion that Putin has more legit justifications for his current invasion than did the USA regarding the first Gulf War. I heard this case eloquently stated by an anonymous person often featured on Youngstown Ohio local talk radio, who goes by an alias, as he is scared of negative consequences for publicly voicing his highly informed opinion. Sounds like some fears that people had in the USSR and NAZI Germany for speaking out! Sad. No moral high ground to be found my fellow Americans.
Lastly, after my final original thoughts here, I will provide some more details/proof about the looming (perhaps already in part activated) depopulation agenda threat. This includes a speech by Putin where he speaks of this all encompassing potential or maybe just not fully realized threat. He isn't cryptic about it whatsoever. No minced words or polished spin on this controversial topic from him. Of course it's conspiracy theory land, break out your hates of tin, but newsflash this just in, conspiracy theorists are right again! Conspiracy is a crime. It happens all the time. It's the norm. Not an aberration. The conspirators with their immense powers of information manipulation have claimed this is in truth reversed. It's all well rehearsed, but it's done to cover up a corrupt trail of conspiracy from beginning to end. And to question them along the way is akin to a cardinal sin. Poking fun at the nutters won't save from the evil plans of tyrannical men.
To challenge the status quo, the consensus reality and the very methods that achieved that narrative, authoritarianism, censorship, your own government, or even yourself, is noble, patriotic, and worth any consequences that come if it may stop the plans of humans that are despotic. But if all is well and just swell, such free thinking ought to not cause any blowback from the ones steering the ship. After all, they assure you that their intentions are pure, so unless their wrong and I'm right, such a focused attempt at a mental paradigm shift should be a breeze and done with ease. Walk a mile in my shoes and we'll see what you really believe.
It's the MO of power that the adage teaches us correctly my friends, that power corrupts and absolute power does so absolutely. Globalist consolidation of power via global governmental bodies, has no good place in which to end.
Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists
The myth of overpopulation is an unfounded belief that: the number of people on Earth will exceed the carrying capacity of the planet in the foreseeable future, leading to economic or social collapse, and that actions ought to be taken to curb population growth. Population alarmists who buy into the overpopulation myth believe that the world’s growing population will strip the Earth of its useable resources and will outpace innovation and rates of production. This, they believe, will cause diminishing standards of living, more poverty, more hunger, famine and starvation, water shortages, pestilence, war and conflict over diminishing resources, the evisceration of wildlife habitats, and environmental catastrophes (i.e. global climate change).