Sunday, September 8, 2024

Clear Contradictions In Georgia Shooting Official Story---Legal Questions Surround Father Being Charged

Regardless of the other material in this video, it 💯 proves that there are huge contradictions in the official story and witness testimony. Several videos of students clearly imply that the shooter had been a student for a long time. The official story said he had his first half day before the shooting and his first full day of school was the day of the incident. 🤔🧐

Watch "Georgia High School - Colt Gray & Freddie Gray" on YouTube 

It's notable that on X, Laura Loomer, questioned why incidents like this always happen during election season. 🧐🤔

Father of Georgia school shooting suspect charged — will more Parents be held responsible? 

A few thoughts... The article essentially says that the father is being charged because he knew how disturbed his son was and still bought the gun. 

A thing a lot of people are getting wrong is that children can indeed own and shoot guns with adult supervision. Charinging him in the way they have is crazy though. Criminal negligence makes sense, but, these charges are crazy AF. Funny that we can easily prove criminal negligence regarding 9/11. The 9/11 Commission even considered referring NORAD to the justice department. But alas, many of the NORAD and FAA officials involved in 9/11 got promotions, see permanent top post. Incompetence excuses fall apart when no accountability. 

Just like with Alex Jones, new legal standards are being set without the normal process taking place that actually should put such tactics on trial. 

Regarding Jones...