Friday, September 6, 2024

The official story of Todd Beamer makes less sense than the fake transcript...

I'm not a big "fake phone calls on 9/11 guy" and don't think this is the kind of evidence (even if true) that will get us anywhere, but I have a few thoughts and questions...

Why would anyone release a fake transcript that is acknowledged to be mostly accurate. It wouldn't be to use it as excuse to bash any 9/11 conspiracy theorists that pick up on it, now would it? 

AZGOP's senator of the year: 9/11 'never added up' and was an 'inside job' 

The "no evidence" link directs the reader to Popular Mechanic's reporting on 9/11 debunked here and elsewhere long ago...

Debunking the Debunkers: Debunking the REAL 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can't Face Up to Reality

This story, as well as thinking about how AI voice micmicing is so easy now made me rethink this issue recently. 

Of course, technology being used now doesn't mean it was or even could have been applied in the past...But not so fast...

So, I reread debunking materials from members of the truth movement... 

This piece makes some great points, but doesn't address many details about Todd Beamer and admits the uniqueness of his case...

Critique of David Ray Griffin regarding Call fakery from 9-11 Planes - 911Truth.Org 

Here is Griffin's response...

A Response to Paul Zarembka's Critique of Phone Call Fakery - 911Truth.Org 

Then there is this one, again many good arguments...

Critique of David Ray Griffin's 9/11 Fake Calls Theory 

Here's one part, however that I found weak...

I went back to the studu by Dewdney and it seemed like he used to component experts and did argue to conditions were comparable. Regardless, the studu includes credible letters written by professional individuals from all over the world including the USA, conducting their own experiments with the same type of results. Also, the second debunking effort that I'm speaking of again has nothing relevant to say regarding the Todd Beamer call. This one call possibility being faked can certainly be seperared from the other phone call fakery argument. As always, I'm open to hearing debunking of the following...

Point PC-1: The Alleged Calls of Todd Beamer, Flight UA 93 | Consensus 911 

Point PC-1A:  The Todd Beamer Call from UA Flight 93:  A Serious Problem in the Timeline | Consensus 911 

How did someone make 19 calls on Todd's phone after the plane crash?