Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sandy Hook Conspiracy Meme Debunked

I ran each of these faces separately through an AI face comparison app that requires a similarity percentage exceeding 80% to be considered a match. The results were 46% as can be seen in second image. 

There, debunked a dumb conspiracy theory again, but I have a related question for you to ponder that might just be some conspiracy fodder...

And the answer is...



"Alex Jones Confronts FBI Agent Regarding Waco Massacre" on YouTube

Kind of doesn't fit the official narrative about heartless Jones, does it? 

Yep. Ironically, the outrage came from the same guy they sued for the equivalent of the GDP of France and Canada respectively for being a heartless asshole to the memories of dead kids. 

Nevermind that a group of academics wrote a book that he was discussing. It wasn't his pet theory, but yet he is big dog they are obviously just opportunistically trying to send to the pound. 

🎶🎶Can't take a look, it's no longer in a book, it's a censored shame, bro!🎶🎶🎶  

The publisher and all retailers alike, almost over night, decided free speech rights weren't worth the fight vs the might of what is argued is self-evidently fake conspiracy tripe. Was the establishment really that shook by the Hook book that they had to hide it from the prying eyes of the majority of gals and guys that should be able to disern, without even being wise, that it's all tin foil wrapped lies? 
Doubtful, because their propaganda apparently worked. 

Either that, or apathetic jerks are more rapidly multiplying as liberty quietly dies. Almost no protests from anyone, least of all from those who imagine racist plots an awful lot, but conveniently are temporarily blind enough to not see the obviously inspired style of the NAZI book burning piles. Or perhaps it was all for looks, as those who first pushed this conspiracy theory, comparitively got off the Sandy Hook hook for this purportley dangerous paper cut hazard masquerading as a book. 

Meanwhile, Mein Kampf and Gender Queer get some second looks, but still sit comfortably on many school library shelves next to some fancy book nooks and can be ordered online anytime. OR did some sneaky  crooks get Jones on the hook with a fake look into Sandy Hook and then reeled him in with  conspiracy fan fiction spiel?

It is certainly a possibility that the book was an intentionally set trap by at least some of the authors while others might also be dupes.  This is due to the overall circumstances, but especially because of the involvement of a man, who in my humble opinion, I personally exposed as a blatant liar and "truther" (duper?) who's wild arguments aren't even softened with a smile. Just plain vile as he libels a more respected researcher. Treating what should be a valued ally as a rival with excuses as believable as a little child with denials of cookie theft, all while covered in chocolate chips and sugary crumb piles. 

Debunking the Debunkers: Is (((Jim Fetzer))) a Liar? You Be the Judge! 

But I digress...

This kind of a reaction by the powers that shouldn't be, for having a purportedly dumb opinion, is actually not counter to a conspiracy narrative, but rather seems exactly like what nefarious conspirators would do. 

Probably not though, they likely just conspired to use grieving parents as tools for destroying a man's hard earned life savings because you don't like his politics and overarching opinion that deep institutional corruption abounds. 

Nothing says fighting for kids and that there is no such deep criminal rot in the halls of power than these tactics. Using deceased children as criticism shields and political weapons in an unprecedentedly corrupt lawfare scheme seems like a tyrant's wet dream. Plus you get to attack free speech rights at the expense of the foundational integrity of the justice system. 

Two honest lawyers break it down...

Watch "Everything You Need To Know to Understand the Alex Jones Trial - Viva & Barnes Live!" on YouTube 

Here's the real kicker though, you know who gave Jones the the wild conspiracist idea that government could be so evil as to conduct funerals for mock victims???

*Jeopardy Theme Plays*

If you guessed the same government that is trying to demonize and annihilate a man for wondering if said government followed through on such plans, then you win the prize of obviously seeing a sign that opened up your eyes...

"Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
"Conduct funerals for mock-victims"

These plans were put to ink on official documents by these geniuses and presented to JFK with some other dim ideas...

When Kennedy denied their noble brainstorming, did these lunatics decide to liteteally, violently, and publicly remove his mind? Sounds familiar to some recent events. Except magic bullets are more believable than trained killers defeated by slightly sloped roofs. 

Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong: