Sunday, August 11, 2024

30 quotes from various members of the 9/11 Truth movement, expressing their views and arguments about the events of September 11, 2001

Here are 30 quotes from various members of the 9/11 Truth movement, expressing their views and arguments about the events of September 11, 2001:

1. David Ray Griffin (Theologian and Author):
"The 9/11 Commission Report is an impressive work of fiction. It completely ignores the evidence of controlled demolition."

2. Richard Gage (Architect, Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth):
"The official story is a lie. There is overwhelming evidence that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by controlled demolition."

3. Steven E. Jones (Physicist):
"The collapse of the Twin Towers was not consistent with the laws of physics. It defies the principles of Newtonian mechanics."

4. Cynthia McKinney (Former U.S. Congresswoman):
"We have been lied to. The truth behind 9/11 is being covered up by those in power."

5. Robert Bowman (Former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development):
"If our government had nothing to do with 9/11, why are they so afraid of a real investigation?"

6. Paul Craig Roberts (Economist, Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury):
"9/11 has been used to create a police state in the United States. The official story is full of contradictions and implausibilities."

7. Jesse Ventura (Former Governor of Minnesota):
"We still don't know the whole truth about 9/11. The official account leaves too many questions unanswered."

8. William Rodriguez (Former Janitor at the World Trade Center):
"I heard explosions before the plane hit. The official story is hiding something."*

9. Kevin Ryan (Former Lab Director at Underwriters Laboratories):
"The steel in the towers could not have failed as quickly as it did due to fire alone. There must have been another cause."

10. Peter Dale Scott (Former Canadian Diplomat and Author):
"The shadowy elements within the U.S. government have a long history of manipulating events for their own ends. 9/11 fits this pattern."

11. Sibel Edmonds (Former FBI Translator):
"The truth about 9/11 has been systematically suppressed. There are people in the government who do not want the truth to come out."

12. Ray McGovern (Former CIA Analyst):
"The 9/11 Commission was a whitewash. The evidence points to something far more sinister."

13. Michael Meacher (Former UK Environment Minister):
"It is clear that the official story of 9/11 is a cover-up, and a proper inquiry is long overdue."

14. Kurt Sonnenfeld (Former FEMA Videographer):
"My footage of Ground Zero suggests there were explosives in the buildings. The official story cannot be trusted."

15. Gore Vidal (Author):
 "The Bush administration's version of what happened on 9/11 is as credible as a bad comic book."

16. Morgan Reynolds (Former Chief Economist at the Department of Labor):
"The collapse of the towers was a controlled demolition, plain and simple."

17. Rosie O'Donnell (Actress and Television Personality):
"The buildings didn't fall down the way they said they did. There's more to the story."

18. David Icke (Author and Conspiracy Theorist):
"9/11 was an inside job, a false flag operation to justify the 'War on Terror' and the erosion of civil liberties."

19. Daniel Ellsberg (Former Military Analyst):
 "The truth behind 9/11 is being withheld from the public. We need a new investigation."

20. Dylan Avery (Filmmaker, *Loose Change*):
"The official narrative of 9/11 is a lie. Our film exposes the inconsistencies and the questions that remain unanswered."

21. Bob Bowman (Former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development):
 "Our government is hiding the truth about 9/11. The evidence for an inside job is overwhelming."

22. James H. Fetzer (Philosopher and Author):
"9/11 was a staged event, a pretext for wars of aggression and the erosion of civil liberties."

23. Paul Hellyer (Former Canadian Defense Minister):
"The evidence suggests that 9/11 was a false flag operation. We must demand the truth."

24. Philip J. Berg (Attorney and Former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania):
"The evidence we have indicates that 9/11 was orchestrated from within the U.S. government."

25. Ellen Mariani (9/11 Widow and Activist):
"The 9/11 Commission Report is a fraud. My husband's death deserves a real investigation."

26. John-Michael Talboo (Researcher and Activist):
"The anomalies surrounding the 9/11 attacks are too significant to ignore. The evidence demands a thorough and independent investigation."

27. Barry Zwicker (Journalist and Media Critic):
"The mainstream media has failed to critically examine the official 9/11 narrative. There are glaring inconsistencies that need to be addressed."

28. David Ray Griffin (Theologian and Author):
"The official story of 9/11 is not only implausible but also impossible when scrutinized with the facts."

29. Michel Chossudovsky (Economist and Author):
"9/11 was a carefully planned operation to justify military interventions abroad and the erosion of civil liberties at home."

30. Annie Machon (Former MI5 Officer):
"The official 9/11 narrative is riddled with lies and half-truths. We must question everything we were told."