Sunday, October 18, 2020

BREAKING CLAIM: Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Shows Hunter Biden Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Girls!

Chicom Dissident Predicts Hunter Biden Laptop Leak ( New footage about H. Biden and Underage Girls )

BREAKING CLAIM: Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Shows Hunter Biden Sexually Abusing Multiple Underage Chinese Girls!

Written by Steve Cannon for USSA News.

H/T Infowars and Natural News: 

The Chinese description of what’s on Hunter Biden’s hard drives has been listened to and were turned over to the Department of Justice and Rudy Giuliani. It is from Biden’s laptop that the emails were acquired by the NY Post.

Natural News revealed that the Hunter Biden laptop has multiple videos of Hunter Biden engaged in extreme sexual abuse of underage Chinese teens, and that there are multiple victims in the videos.

The English translation of, “Lude’s Broadcast,” shown in the video from Hunter Biden’s laptop, is not fully correct. They simply describe the videos as sex tapes and pedo tapes. But at the 3:19 segment of the video, Lude is actually using Chinese words that describe sexual abuse as shown in the Hunter Biden videos.

At the 3:32 mark, Lude describes the sex acts as, “extreme abuse” of children. This implies violence and rape and it confirms that the victims of the Hunter Biden sex acts did not consent.

So, the Hunter Biden hard drives are not only about sex. They are about violence and sexual abuse of minors. And the Chinese communist Party has all of these videos which can be used as leverage against a Biden presidency.


Confirmed: Trump Has Footage Of Hunter Biden Raping And Torturing Little Girls — Set To Release