Firefighters for 9/11 Truth Panel Presentation via Zoom
Sunday, June 14, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. MDT
(9:00 p.m. EDT and 6:00 p.m. PDT)
Join us on Flag Day as we connect with several firefighters standing together for 9/11 Truth and reclaiming our power.The firefighters include:
Christopher Gioia (NY Area Fire Commissioner, Franklin Square & Munson Fire Department)
Erik Lawyer (Retired Seattle Fire Department and founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth) [Bottom right photo]
Korbin Nikolai (Vancouver Fire Department)
Paul Kayley (British Firefighter and producer of Calling Out Bravo-7)
Tony Robbins (Fire Captain, N. Kansas City Fire Department)Erik will introduce the other firefighters and share more about the new mission of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth. Then the firefighters will share their perspectives about 9/11, firefighter outreach, and the latest 9/11 developments.
The presentation will be approximately one hour followed by Q & A. This Zoom presentation will be moderated by David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truth and
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Or, find your local number here:å.This presentation is sponsored by Colorado 9/11 Truth.
New Mission of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth:
1) Braving the Truth - We are willing to learn, act, and influence responsibly and peacefully from what is discovered. We invite those who are ready to discover more about what 9/11 reveals, to help us raise awareness about it and push the need for a new 9/11 investigation that follows the legally recognized national standards.
2) Healing Our Trauma - We are committed to healing our traumas (PTSD) and supporting others who are ready to do the same. We do this to break the cycle of conflict in society caused through blame, division, shame, fear, and anger.
3) Supporting Better Solutions - Specifically, we shall investigate and promote solutions that we know will provide answers to the flawed systems that have taken us to where we find ourselves today, including the economic, the political, and the social.If you are not familiar with Erik Lawyer, here is a sample video: if you are not familiar with Christopher Gioia, here is a sample video:
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From your friends at Colorado 9/11 Truth, Marti, Fran, Bob, David, Don, Dorothy, Earl, Joseph, Julie-Ellen, and Michael