Special Rights Isn't Equal Rights---Psychologist Wants to ‘Expose and Shame’ Professors Giving Black Students Lower Grades Than Whites---OG Street Definition of Racism vs. Insanity of Modernity
Psychologist Wants to ‘Expose and Shame’ Professors Giving Black Students Lower Grades Than Whites Fox News "We must do what we can to enable young African-American students to make their way through this hostile environment."
If you want equality of outcome as opposed to opportunity (or "equity" as the buzzword buzzes) then take an IQ test, see if you score low, and if you do demand a monthly hardship/disability check for your plight. That makes more sense than punishing those who get good grades by rewarding the reverse. Of course, common sense isn't currently that common as of late, so even discussing IQ as it relates generally speaking to race is considered racist. So good luck getting the Government to pay cash to those who genuinely need it based on IQ. The fake news media spin doctors regarding this story would rather have you think racist teachers are being unfair, or perhaps just that somehow asking for special privileges for blacks in a meritocracy system makes sense because of slavery or some such tripe. Heaven forbid a discussion of why such a request might be happening because of a disadvantage! That would be helpful perhaps, but seems a bit racially charged and helping others is obviously less important than being wrongly perceived as a racist. In my predominantly black hometown of Indianapolis, AKA Naptown, our folk definition/understanding of the evils of racism was thus...
Applying group stereotypes to individuals and/or calling for terrorism or violence against a group one sees as wholly inferior is certainly racism as I always knew it. One could also have in group preference/prejudice, which was in my experience always seen as a lessor offense, just as was being too quick to judge based on stereotypes, but that was racist to larger degree than just being prejudiced.
All that said, the only truly vile type of racist, as in the epitome of that word's already evilly negative connotation, is the violent cross burning KKK types. Luckily those rejects were always a vocal minority and are long since extinct, absent the LARPing feds.
We Alex Jones types saw to it that those few toothless wonders fell for good to our protests, but nowadays I get old protest songs against the KKK censored for being racist because AI doesn't understand humor and satire and YouTube/Big Tech doesn't respect free speech human rights. Hell, wow even acknowledging general group truths in the form of some stereotypes is racism. And who needs threats of real world intimidation and violence when now a days words are considered literally violence and Make America Great Again is considered a white supremacist battle cry. And nope, no need to think your race is the top dog cream of the crop. Simply admitting than any racial group excels at something more overall than another means you are a supremacist. Even if that something is professional sports, where Larry is a legend, but gaged his success against black defenders. That's a racist slippery slope that no good anti-racist would even consider sliding on, LOOKING AT YOU LARRY, YOU RACIST! π€‘ π
In a 2004 interview with ESPN, Larry Bird revealed how much he admired the athleticism of African-American players. It almost always makes them the better defenders, aided to no lesser degree by their nature: “It is a black man's game, and it will be forever. I mean, the greatest athletes in the world are African-American."
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The American Psychological Association Has Lost Its Mind
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