Contact your Senator via email HERE.
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is set to vote on an
Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) against ISIS in Iraq
and Syria. The vote is somewhat symbolic, as it’s just a committee vote,
and the full Senate and House will not vote on any AUMF before the new
Congress convenes in January, meaning they would need to start from
scratch on this issue.
However, the vote could be an indicator
of the depth of support, at least in this important committee, for yet
another endless war in the Middle East. The Obama Administration wants
at least a three year authorization (stretching beyond the end of the
president’s term in office), with no geographic limitations, and no
prohibition on deploying U.S. ground troops. Sure looks like a slippery
slope to another endless war.
I need you to call your senators today, especially those on the Foreign Relations Committee. Check the committee roster here Regardless of whether you have a senator on the committee, it’s a good day to tell the Senate, “No More War!” Thanks to our colleagues at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, you can call toll-free at 877-429-0678. Today is International Human Rights Day, and we at Peace Action certainly believe peace is a fundamental human right. Please call your senators today, toll free at 877-429-0678, on behalf of peace and stopping yet another endless war. Yours in Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director Peace Action
- For years Peace Action has advocated the repeal of both war
authorizations for Afghanistan and Iraq, passed well over a decade ago.
While we opposed both authorizations at the time, many who supported
them now agree that they are outdated and far too broad and should be
repealed (we agree).
The Obama administration has been leaning on both authorizations for its military intervention in Iraq and Syria, though now it wants Congress to pass a new AUMF. We oppose a new AUMF as Peace Action thinks not enough energy has been spent on a political solution to the Syrian civil war and on starving ISIS of resources (oil, antiquities and sex trade revenue, weapons and foreign fighters). Please call your senators today, toll-free at 877-429-0678, and thank you for all your support as we observe this season of peace. |