Borrow some information from this post and write your representatives on this issue.
If you rather write than call.

Cameron and Obama relaunch Blair and Bush's disastrous War on Terror
Last week President Obama set out a
plan to consolidate and grow his bombing campaign in Iraq and
extend it to Syria. If there was any uncertainty that David
Cameron would back the plan, it was quickly cleared up when the
Prime Minister over ruled foreign secretary Phillip Hammond who
suggested that, because of issues of legality, the UK would not
Since the new war on the Islamic State began last month, the US has already conducted 162 air strikes in Iraq and this new phase of Obama's plan began with air strikes in Iraq on Sunday, supported by a French reconnaissance mission. Saudi Arabia, one of the UK's most important allies in the region, has also committed to participate in air strikes in Syria despite its documented support for the Islamic State in Iraq.
The horrific killings by IS militants are being used to justify a new military intervention in Syria that the UK parliament voted against last year under the weight of public opinion. Over the coming days we must be vigilant and act to prevent further UK involvement in this new round of the War on Terror.
We do not know the exact timetable. The outcome of the Scottish referendum may delay Cameron, and he is due in New York next week. It may be from talks in the US that a coordinated attack is launched. We ask all our groups and supporters to petition against bombing of Iraq or Syria in the next few days and to be prepared to hold and support protests the day following a bombing involving British forces.
The latest on Iraq, Syria and Isis from the Stop the War web site
1914-2013 One Hundred Years of War
One Hundred Years of War, a conference to mark the centenary of the First World War and to explore the prospects for peace today.
At a time when the British government is involved in and planning new military interventions abroad, it is vitally important we learn the lessons of history.
The conference's keynote speaker will be Adam Hochschild, author of To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914–1918.
Other speakers include Priyamvada Gopal, University of Cambridge researcher in colonial and postcolonial literatures; Neil Faulkner, historian and author of No Glory: The Real History of the First World War; Seumas Milne, associate editor of the Guardian; Jeremy Corbyn MP and Lindsey German, convenor of the Stop the War Coalition.
Early bird discounted tickets are available if you book before 1st October.
You can book your ticket here on Eventbrite or by calling the box office on 020 7561 4830.
Full details of the conference can be found on the Stop the War web site and you can also share the event with your Facebook contacts.
Stop the War Coalition | | 020 7561 4830
If you rather write than call.
Cameron and Obama relaunch Blair and Bush's disastrous War on Terror
Since the new war on the Islamic State began last month, the US has already conducted 162 air strikes in Iraq and this new phase of Obama's plan began with air strikes in Iraq on Sunday, supported by a French reconnaissance mission. Saudi Arabia, one of the UK's most important allies in the region, has also committed to participate in air strikes in Syria despite its documented support for the Islamic State in Iraq.
The horrific killings by IS militants are being used to justify a new military intervention in Syria that the UK parliament voted against last year under the weight of public opinion. Over the coming days we must be vigilant and act to prevent further UK involvement in this new round of the War on Terror.
We do not know the exact timetable. The outcome of the Scottish referendum may delay Cameron, and he is due in New York next week. It may be from talks in the US that a coordinated attack is launched. We ask all our groups and supporters to petition against bombing of Iraq or Syria in the next few days and to be prepared to hold and support protests the day following a bombing involving British forces.
The latest on Iraq, Syria and Isis from the Stop the War web site
Will Obama's bombs stop the ISIS beheadings? Russell
- If the US and Britain really want to fight Isis, here's what they should do Sami Ramadani
- Why
ISIS is Israel's key ally in stopping the creation of a
Palestinian state Jonathan Cook
- Obama and Isis: Bingo! Here comes another force of evil to be 'vanquished' Robert Fisk
One Hundred Years of War, a conference to mark the centenary of the First World War and to explore the prospects for peace today.
At a time when the British government is involved in and planning new military interventions abroad, it is vitally important we learn the lessons of history.
The conference's keynote speaker will be Adam Hochschild, author of To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914–1918.
Other speakers include Priyamvada Gopal, University of Cambridge researcher in colonial and postcolonial literatures; Neil Faulkner, historian and author of No Glory: The Real History of the First World War; Seumas Milne, associate editor of the Guardian; Jeremy Corbyn MP and Lindsey German, convenor of the Stop the War Coalition.
Early bird discounted tickets are available if you book before 1st October.
You can book your ticket here on Eventbrite or by calling the box office on 020 7561 4830.
Full details of the conference can be found on the Stop the War web site and you can also share the event with your Facebook contacts.
Stop the War Coalition | | 020 7561 4830