Patriot Jesse Ventura on 'Fox & Friends' back in 2010
FAUX News - faux/fÅ/ Adjective:
1. Artificial or imitation: "faux pearls".
2. Not genuine; fake or false: "her faux New York accent".
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Yes, Ventura has endorsed the theory that Directed Energy Weapons were used to demolish the buildings on 9/11 and the theory that the plane that hit the Pentagon actually flew over it while a bomb exploded, and no he doesn't always have all his facts as straight as we like around here. That said, he does promote a lot of good 9/11 and other info that is widely distributed to the masses. So rather than ignore him we opt to point these things out and hope people find our blog through searching for him and then are able to separate the wheat from the chaff. So, here is his entire book, 63 Documents The Government Doesn't Want You to Read, in audio format.
The full audio book of Jesse Ventura's American Conspiracies