"The FBI Headquarters should not be moved to a far away location, but should stay right where it is, in a new and spectacular building, in the best location in our now crime ridden and filthy dirty, graffiti scarred, Capital" Truth Social
Biden Warns US Military May Get Pulled Into Direct Conflict With Russia
Joe Biden warned that the United States is at risk of being pulled into a direct conflict with Russia if the Kremlin succeeds in its war against Ukraine. InfoWars
Censorship has never ever in the history of mankind happened for good reasons. but yet again flag-its and EVIL AF Google are pretending that isn't so because they are the baddies on the wrong side of history. So yet again, allow me to retort for truth and sport.
You are not the arbiters of truth and adults can make up their own minds.
Social media censorship isn't justified by those sites acting like publishes when they are just platforms, but this isn't even that. It's my personal site and if something is wrong sue me, just don't legally screw me like Alex Jones.
You can't bleed a rock, so either way suck my cock and court orders trying to censor me and this site back fire on you just like every other attempt, so just honor my free speech. I'm going to spend my evening now making videos and posts about this subject again so fuck you! Here's some more great info and factual back up on this subject that of debunks the debunkers on this topic and I dare you to try and stop it...
911debunkers.blogspot.com Censored Via Court Order For Defending Free Speech And Talking About Sandy Hook---Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN and Why is Free Speech Never Brought Up? - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong
Liz Crokin | VAMPIRE HUNTER | Episode 9---PIZZAGATE GOES MAINSTREAM! Elon Musk comments on Pizzagate exposing the truth about it to his 165 million followers on X.
PIZZAGATE GOES MAINSTREAM! Elon Musk comments on Pizzagate exposing the truth about it to his 165 million followers on X. Musk replied to tweets reporting that John Podesta’s pal was arrested on child porn charges and a post pointing out Media Matters founder, David Brock, dated James Alefantis who is the owner of Comet Ping Pong — the pizza joint at the center of Pizzagate. The FBI confirms that pizza is a pedophile code word in a College Station, Texas child porn case. Liz explains how authorities and the Department of Justice have also confirmed that pizza is a pedophile code word and that investigators have been able to bust child sex predators because they used pizza as a pedophile code word to procure children for sex acts and/or child porn in online forums. Liz also discusses how Musk put a laser pointer on Tom Hanks who has faced child rape accusations and been called a “pedophile” by Hollywood insiders. Musk commented on a post on X calling Hanks a “a mutilation blood sacrifice cannibal child rapist reptilian adrenochrome junkie!” Liz details all the evidence suggesting Hanks is most likely a child sex predator who may have been trafficking children.
This same post in question also got another one of my blogs called Rick and Morty Parody Hub completely removed...
Not that this should ever happen, but why have whole blogs removed when individual posts can be removed? Especially when all the other posts are about a cartoon show In this case maybe somebody has too much time on their hands?...
Pizzagate isn't arbitrary and Trump's crusade against sex trafficking/pedophilia isn't mythical---PIZZAGATE HASN'T BEEN DEBUNKED! PROOF IN JUST UNDER AN HOUR
Most Pfizer Covid Jab Deaths Occur Within First 10 Days Of Injection
Japanese researchers have determined that the vast majority of post-Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” deaths occur within the first 10 days following injection. InfoWars
Biden Pardons All Americans on Federal Marijuana Use Charges
Joe Biden took major action ahead of the holiday and pardoned all Americans arrested, prosecuted, or convicted on federal charges for marijuana use .Washington Examiner
How To Know NOT To Go Into The White Light! // Reincarnation Soul Trap---The Reincarnation Trap: This Is How You Escape.---EXIT the REINCARNATION TRAP! Afterlife, Quantum Travel, Extra Terrestrials & ET's---Soul's Dilemma - The Handlers of Reincarnation Cycles… How To Escape the Trap
World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence from Witness Testimonies and Architectural Drawings
The Red Pilling of Tucker Carlson. He’d have gotten there decades ago if he’d bothered to read a few of the right books that challenged his world view, but it took a Tumpian Awakening.
Trump in his Trumpian way was basically arguing for that they just couldn’t deal, they couldn’t deal with any questions about the way things were then operating and when I saw that that just completely exploded my view of the system. I was, like, this system is a lot more fragile than I realized. It’s a lot less legitimate than I realized and then just the whole four years of Trump and like he’d say something that was like truly insane like the intelligence agencies are spying on me and you’re, like, okay, the Intel agencies are not spying like what you know what I mean, right, what are you like, uh, is the moon landing fake too, right, and then you’d find out like a year later actually the intelligence agencies were spying on them and then everyone would be like, “Well, they had to,” and you’d be like, wait, first of all he was right, second, I don’t care whether it’s true, I don’t care who the president is you can’t spy on the president because he works for you (I think he meant to say, you work for him). That’s an attack on our system. “No, it’s totally fine…” I would see stuff like that and I was just, like, you know what, I’m out and ultimately left the city.
I really became convinced that the system was not, uh, going to be enduring, like, this can’t go on. If the system is based on lying that’s a foundation of sand. Like, it will not continue, uh, much longer and that’s how I feel about our system and by system, I mean our political system, our financial system, and our foreign policy assumptions.
Moon Landing Fact or Fiction. Join for only $19.99 for 1 year. Fox Nation ... FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved. Use of this Website (including any ...
Liz Crokin | VAMPIRE HUNTER | Episode 9---PIZZAGATE GOES MAINSTREAM! Elon Musk comments on Pizzagate exposing the truth about it to his 165 million followers on X.
PIZZAGATE GOES MAINSTREAM! Elon Musk comments on Pizzagate exposing the truth about it to his 165 million followers on X. Musk replied to tweets reporting that John Podesta’s pal was arrested on child porn charges and a post pointing out Media Matters founder, David Brock, dated James Alefantis who is the owner of Comet Ping Pong — the pizza joint at the center of Pizzagate. The FBI confirms that pizza is a pedophile code word in a College Station, Texas child porn case. Liz explains how authorities and the Department of Justice have also confirmed that pizza is a pedophile code word and that investigators have been able to bust child sex predators because they used pizza as a pedophile code word to procure children for sex acts and/or child porn in online forums. Liz also discusses how Musk put a laser pointer on Tom Hanks who has faced child rape accusations and been called a “pedophile” by Hollywood insiders. Musk commented on a post on X calling Hanks a “a mutilation blood sacrifice cannibal child rapist reptilian adrenochrome junkie!” Liz details all the evidence suggesting Hanks is most likely a child sex predator who may have been trafficking children.
Pizzagate Conspiracy Theorists Were Right about This Person---Who Or What Else Might They Be Right About?
Pizzagate isn't arbitrary and Trump's crusade against sex trafficking/pedophilia isn't mythical---PIZZAGATE HASN'T BEEN DEBUNKED! PROOF IN JUST UNDER AN HOUR
Dr. Aseem Malhotra tells Joe Rogan that a reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna's original clinical trial data shows that their COVID mRNA vaccines *INCREASE* your risks of serious adverse events, hospitalization, and death...
Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:
147 Republicans Vote to Reauthorize FISA Program So DOJ-FBI Can Continue To Spy On Americans
147 worthless Republicans voted on Thursday to reauthorize the FISA program abused by the FBI to spy on candidate and then President Donald Trump the entire time he was in office. Gateway Pundit
Alex Jones’ Newest Predictions Are CHILLING!---Who Is More CENSORED: Alex Jones or Gavin McInnes?---"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice #289: Alex Jones
Alex Jones’ MOST ACCURATE Prediction Ever!---CNN Has On-Air PANIC ATTACK After Alex Jones is Unbanned by Elon Musk | Total MELTDOWN 🔥
Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:
Alex Jones in the News Again for Sandy Hook Lawsuits - What Exactly Did He Say FOR REAL NO SPIN - Jones Has Been Targeted for What He Gets Right Not Something He May Have Got Wrong:
Harvard Stands by Plagiarist President ‘Unanimously’
Harvard University president Claudine Gay is going to keep her position — for now — despite failing to tackle antisemitism on campus, and despite failing to state that calling for the genocide of Jews would violate Harvard’s code of conduct Breitbart
TSA Designates Special Airport Screening Line for Migrants Without Required ID
Illegals are now being shuffled through a “special” security screening line set up by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), specifically for migrants — many without any identification whatsoever. The Guardian
Jun 2, 2014 ... ... waiting for the building to come down: Firefighter Thomas Donato: "We were standing, waiting for seven to come down. We were there for quite ...
Jun 6, 2010 ... Apparently Pat was not aware that this testimony was addressed in MacQueen's paper "Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral ...
... rapid." - Source: Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories · ScootleRoyale at 2:03 PM. Share. ‹ › Home · View web version.
Sep 2, 2010 ... Nobles claims that NIST actually explained what caused the period of free fall in Building 7's collapse. ... Waiting for Seven: "The majority of ...
Sep 8, 2019 ... Are there more problems with the UAF/Hulsey/AE911Truth WTC7 Draft Report or the NIST WTC 7 Report? ... Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings ...
Aug 29, 2012 ... ... Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories". Andy also issues 9/11 Truth action alerts. 9/11 Free Fall is now a ...
Aug 31, 2009 ...Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories. The demolition expert in the video above does not think the Twin ...
Mar 29, 2014 ... ... 7 and 8, 7, 8. Battalion 3 to Dispatch, we've just had another ... Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories
Feb 28, 2009 ... Excerpt from "Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories" by Prof. Graeme MacQueen: Mark Roberts, for example ...
Mar 30, 2014 ... ... 7 and 8, 7, 8. Battalion 3 to Dispatch, we've just had another ... Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories
Nov 27, 2012 ...Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories End of email. As far as scientists, many contacts can be found at the ...
Dec 28, 2018 ... 'Grand Jury Investigation of Collapse of WTC Twin Towers and Building Seven ... waiting for the Japs to strike." (Infamy ch 16 sec 2); 7 December ...
Dec 28, 2008 ... (7) Afghanistan is a landlocked country (truthers may need to be ... Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories
Nov 27, 2011 ... ... seven public, and two independent media outlets aired analytic ... "Wait a minute, you have been saying for days that this molten metal can ...
Nov 27, 2013 ... ... waiting in the wings because Pierre Finck was doing so badly... JM: So ... They had no axe to grind. And Jim, seven out of seven people now ...
Aug 31, 2011 ... ... seven minutes they spent on WTC7 and the red/grey chips. The program ... Do not wait for others. Do not be hindered by infighting. Remember ...
Jan 31, 2017 ... That they are seven majority Muslim countries does not mean there is ... The results will be worth the wait. Finally, we would like to remind ...
Feb 25, 2012 ... NIST Lies: Final Report on World Trade Center Building Seven ... We won't wait for the bombs to drop to make our voices heard. Tell President ...
Mar 31, 2019 ... The Panel methodology has produced, seven years later, 51 ... He does not say "wait a minute...over the gas station does not seem to match ...
Aug 31, 2018 ... ... wait often 30 minutes or more for a Spanish speaking officer to come ... This collection of twenty-seven memoranda, most one page but a few ...
Feb 27, 2011 ... ... seven minutes before that….losers and clowns and trolls all of them. ... my lawyer told me i should wait until there a new investigation, and its ...
Dec 25, 2014 ... my lawyer told me i should wait until there a new investigation, and its ... Yet, more than seven years on from 9/11, this record remains ...