Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Landmark study: University of Alaska Fairbanks on WTC 7 concludes: “did not collapse due to fire” - New Building 7 report says what we already knew, small fires don't destroy skyscrapers

Recently there was a major study released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks on WTC7. This is the first major study by a university in regards to answering the questions about the way in which WTC7 fell on 911. The study concludes that WTC7 did not fall due to fire but instead other means and directly questions the research from the government agency NIST. I go into this and a number of other things in this video.

Landmark study: University of Alaska Fairbanks on WTC 7 concludes: “did not collapse due to fire” - New Building 7 report says what we already knew, small fires don't destroy skyscrapers