Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Parkland: 3 Witnesses; Multiple Shooters; Bulletproof Armour - Student Cristina Vega, Teacher Stacey Lippel, and former student, Alexa Miednik interviewed by various MSM outlets. - David Hogg Trouble with His Lines, Being Coached

A friend recently told me, "I think things might turn out like those dystopian movies – like The Running Man, or Elysium? Maybe with less population? The crooks will definitely still run around with guns. Be like South America. Big anti gun laws and all the gangsters are loaded. It makes me think of Alita. In the movie guns are outlawed under penalty of death. So they fight using swords, tasers, and fists."

Suspect Down
You can add the kid shot in the foot. He gives a different description of the shooter on TMZ.

Yes. Young Kyle Laman says he was wearing a big, black sweater, a hoody. Also they say Kyle, with foot almost shot off, ran down 3 flights of stairs, meaning he would have to had been on the non-existent 4th floor. Even if he was on the 3rd floor the "official" timeline states that Cruz did not fire a shot on the 3rd floor but only went up the stairs to ditch his gear, the gear that no one agrees on, and then leave.

Nasser A USA
So let me get this straight, at least two students are speaking to reporters – live – and a teacher at the school where the shooting happend – three credible people with evidence that there was more than one shooter – never ended up on CNN or any other major media outlet – and yet the anti-gun – anti-Trump agenda continues their lies.

Parkland: 3 Witnesses; Multiple Shooters; Bulletproof Armour - Student Cristina Vega, Teacher Stacey Lippel, and former student, Alexa Miednik interviewed by various MSM outlets. - David Hogg Trouble with His Lines, Being Coached


Cruz Demeanor In Court, MKULTRA? 'Voices' Prompted Massacre - 3 Witnesses: Multiple Shooters, 'Shots Were Coming from Other Part of Building' from Where She Was WALKING with Cruz - 'I Was Surprised You Weren't the One Who Did It' 'Obviously, Definitely, Another Shooter Involved' - ‘Active Shooter Drill’ Hours Before, Secret Service Changed Safety Protocol Weeks Before:

Stop Blaming Trump For The New Zealand Massacre - MUST-LISTEN ---> Interview with 'Top Newsman in New Zealand' Who Breaks Down All the Suspicious Things about the Mosque Killings Including Shooter Drill Taking Place the Same Day - Did Gladio do New Zealand as a false flag to demonize Trump and shut down the Right? - MK-Ultra Mind Controlled Perp?:

Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis

If I argued for destroying the right to privacy because a few people misuse private chat features to sell drugs or whatever, you'd think I was nuts, right? And gun control won't do anything anyways. The UK has plenty of it and they now need metal detectors in schools and are melting down as a society.

Editor's Note: Metal detectors is a great idea, as is armed guards and trained civilians, and as Styx points out, better mental health treatment, teachers, and parents, would be just grand as well.

Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis


5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment:

Debunking Gun Control Advocate Statistical Analysis - DAVID HOGG: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth! | Louder With Crowder: