Tuesday, August 14, 2018

ANTIFA Were The True Threat at Unite The Right 2 in DC & Charlottesville - Tucker: Why Is the Media Covering Up Far Left Extremist Violence?

Saddle Tramp
I still haven't seen proof that Heyer was struck and killed by the car. Do we even know what is going on with the trial of the man that was driving the car? Trump knows what really happened that day. And that's why he made the comments he did.

Making a Murderer Charlottesville: Debunking the Myth of Heather Heyer - Heather Heyer Died of Massive Heart Attack - Graphic content - Heather Heyer was not hit by car:


Did Charlottesville Driver Panic?:


patriotic douchbag
Antifa must love Nazis and fascists their Behavior is something Hitler would be proud of

Debunker Buster
Dinesh D'Souza argues that Spencer is a leftist fascist and that ANTIFA are leftist fascists, but yet he shows Spencer getting hit in the head by ANTIFA? He doesn't say this, but one way to look at it is that Spencer is a national socialist and that ANTIFA are globalist socialists. The other difference between them, is that ANTIFA is for a multicultural society and Spencer is not. Spencer takes this too far with ethno-nationalism, but multiculturalism is not good either. Multiethnic is fine. Multicultural is a recipe for disaster... https://911debunkers.blogspot.com/2018/08/thoughts-on-dinesh-dsouza-film-death-of.html

+Debunker Buster Why do you hate other cultures?

Debunker Buster AmericanNohbuddy ™
Some cultures are better than others.


I love American culture. I dislike cultures that are very hateful. Don't throw the hate label at me.

Multiethnic Societies Can Flourish, but Multicultural Societies Will Collapse:


ANTIFA Were The True Threat at Unite The Right 2 in DC & Charlottesville - Tucker: Why Is the Media Covering Up Far Left Extremist Violence?


'Cops And Klan Go Hand In Hand!' - Far-Left March in Charlottesville Turns Anti-Police - NBC Learns Antifa Dislike Police And News Media, after Reporter Gets Attacked - Antifa Attacked Journalists, Why Is Media Staying Silent? - Info Wars Cameraman Surrounded & Blocked By Antifa in Portland - A New Bike Lock Attacker - Antifa Attempts Murder Again with music - Let Antifa assault police and Journalists while costing their cities millions protesting "hate":


CNN and Media Silent as Antifa Attacks Police and Journalists? - Mainstream Media and Huffington Post Defends the Antifa Attack on Police and Journalists:
