The incidents brought up during election: the Mexican wall (was about jobs/drug crime), the Muslim ban (was a reaction to a report that said there was no vetting of people coming from war zones in the ME), the racial profiling when it came to apartments in the 70s-80s (was a widespread practice in high crime inner city areas?), and the refusal to immediately disavow an ex-KKK leader (probably because he was wrongly thinking the interview question was some kind of set up - he called the guy a racist in 2000, and Pat Buchanan whom he labelled a Nazi, when he refused to join the 'Reform Party') ... these incidents were all skewed by the media.
This doesn't mean that DJT is not without problems, but understand the context, and recognize the media has been lying its pants off (like with Syrian chemical weapons, Russian aggression etc. which has facilitated the deaths of tens of thousands of people).
And we KNOW the media colluded with the HRC campaign against Trump because we have a list of network people dining with their directors thanks to wikileaks. If they lie about war they'll have no problem lying about DJT.
And we KNOW the media colluded with the HRC campaign against Trump because we have a list of network people dining with their directors thanks to wikileaks. If they lie about war they'll have no problem lying about DJT.