Jim Swartz was a full-time, full bore, 9/11 Truther. His day job was a contractor in the Chicago area. Born October 1, 1968, he died at his job site February 25, 2016. This, his last video, was made February 7, 2016. His last words, “Just remember appreciate, love, joy, happiness, moving forward in unity” is a fitting epitaph.
Jim was a great volunteer, had a wonderful personality, and was friendly to everyone. He stepped up whenever AE911Truth desperately needed help, no matter what the job was, and he enjoyed brainstorming different outreach ideas, especially those that were out of the box. Jim was extremely dedicated to AE911Truth and he was attending Toastmasters to learn to be a stronger speaker in order to help the cause.
He will be greatly missed but his love and guidance can become part of each of our paths. We can follow his lead and expand the truth movement through the Truth Action Projects or just our own personal path, sticking to the irrefutable facts, avoid arguing among ourselves and “moving forward in unity.”
Produced: 2016, Episode: SES-JS-MFU, Category: Education, 18:41
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