Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Since Presidents Being On Trial Is Now a Thing...

Lying to get us into wars, (Vietnam, Iraq, etc) covering up Saudi involvement in 9/11, (Bush, Obama) influence peddling to foreign enemies (Biden), illegal surveillance of citizens and Trump (Obama), private email servers with classified info on it and a trail of over 100 suspicious deaths, (Clintons) drone striking American citizens (Obama), withholding hostage release until after the election (Reagan) I could go on forever. This is so blatant and not so clever. 

Wanna bring Trump to the justice we need.? Tell the truth and hold him accountable for Operation Warp Speed experimental gene therapy "vaccine."

We have had some US President's involved in some very suspect and outright criminal behaviors in the past, but alas, we get this crap...

1,236% Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vaccination — Study

1,236% Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vaccination — Study