Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Comical False Flag Assassination Attempt Against Iraqi PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi – Redpilled Reality

Comical False Flag Assassination Attempt Against Iraqi PM Mustafa al-Kadhimi – Redpilled Reality

When one actually went to his house to see what happened, they found after an alleged explosion that the door was blown away but intact. You don’t have to be a sympathizer of the resistance to know in an explosion like that targeting a house, the door wouldn’t just be blown away but the door itself would be at least damaged if not shattered.

How in the hell were the paintings so neatly tucked away so nicely and not damaged at all?

Are we really supposed to believe an explosive drone wouldn’t shatter glass but it would it would blow the window away?

Whats up with the shopping bag looking unaffected at all?

The walls in many parts of the house remain completely intact and untouched by the damage from the alleged explosion.

Actual explosions will produce debris and significant damage but the sofa is completely unaffected.

Of course right after the attack happened, all the usual suspects were blaming so called Iran backed militias, for this assassination attempt, while providing no evidence, but then again when do they ever tell the truth?

Nothing about this assassination attempt remotely makes logical sense, especially when you consider the capabilities of these Iraqi forces, that the usual suspects call Iran backed militias.

