Thursday, November 22, 2018

Cruelty of Shark Finning | Sharks Attacked - This Young Woman Will Stop at Nothing to End Shark Finning - Shark Fin Soup is Not Healthy - Smithsonian Channel Shark Girl Documentary

Vฤƒn Thแป Nguyแป…n
"Oh hey look at me! I'm a white middle-class born and raised knight in shining armor who had never for one day tasted hardship! I grew up scuba diving with my fancy equipment and expensive underwater camera! Out of all the things I could do and professions I could choose, I choose to be as white, middle class as possible and lecture them filthy ch*nx for consuming our lovely oceanic friends! Which are totally inseparable from our everyday lives! Never mind how many companies I could put out of business, never mind how many fishermen's family I could have ruined, let's all be shark huggers! I can't put a hammer to a nail, I can't write one line of computer code, but let me shape the world in my own image and in my own way! You with me my fellow white middle-class born and raised snowflakes and white washed non-whites who totally share my progressive world view?" 

White liberals is a bane to this world, a spell on humanity and a plague desperately needs to be cured. 

My Response:

Debunker Buster
I'm not a liberal, but you don't know what you are talking about at all with this. You should watch the documentary. She isn't against fishing. She's against ecosystems being upset by unethical fishing. Among other sensible things, she simply wants solutions like there being seasons for certain fishing (just like hunting) so populations are not decimated. This has been implemented in other countries and works, she just wanted the same for her area at the time the film was made. She's also concerned about humans eating fish loaded with mercury like shark fin soup. You really should follow Michael Savage's lead on stuff like this. Conservatives ought to want to conserve ecosystems.

Image result for Shark Fin Soup mercury
Shark fin soup has erroneously been associated with positive heath benefits. However there is no accepted scientific evidence that shark fin provides any medicinal or health benefit. In fact studies show thatshark has among the highest levels of mercury and other dangerous toxins found in fish.

Cruelty of Shark Finning | Sharks Attacked - This Young Woman Will Stop at Nothing to End Shark Finning - Shark Fin Soup is Not Healthy - Smithsonian Channel Shark Girl Documentary