Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Epstein Body Bore Telltale Signs of Homicide, Medical Examiner Claims

Epstein Body Bore Telltale Signs of Homicide, Medical Examiner Claims The body of disgraced money man and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in his Manhattan federal prison cell in August, bore telltale signs of homicide despite an official ruling that he killed himself, a pioneering forensic pathologist revealed to “Fox & Friends”

Did this Happen in the Home of Magna Carta? Julian Assange Injustice System Update

Did this Happen in the Home of Magna Carta? Julian Assange Injustice System Update

Climate Doublethink At The New York Times (Tony Heller)

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 31st, 2019.]

Debunking Potholer54 and Global Warming/Climate Change Propaganda:

Tulsi Gabbard Needs To Be Stopped... She's Telling People The Truth About US Wars

No wonder Democratic Party bosses and mainstream media are trying to bury presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard. She is the only candidate, perhaps the only politician in the US, who is telling the American public exactly what they need to know about what their government and military are really up to: fighting illegal regime-change wars, and to boot, sponsoring terrorists for that purpose.

It didn’t come much clearer nor more explicit than when Gabbard fired up the Democratic TV debate this week. It was billed as the biggest televised presidential debate ever, and the Hawaii Representative told some prime-time home-truths to the nation:

“Donald Trump has blood of the Kurds on his hands, but so do many of the politicians in our country from both parties who have supported this ongoing regime-change war in Syria that started in 2011… along with many in the mainstream media who have been championing and cheer-leading this regime-change war.”
The 38-year-old military veteran went on to denounce how the US has sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists for its objective of overthrowing the government in Damascus.

  It was a remarkably damning assessment of US policy in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East. And it was by no means the first time that Gabbard has leveled with the American people on the brutality and criminality of Washington’s so-called “interventions”.

The other 11 Democratic candidates on the stage during the TV debate looked agog after Gabbard’s devastating and calmly delivered statement. All the others have proffered the false narrative that US forces are in Syria to “fight terrorism”. They deplore Trump’s announcement last week to pull back US troops from northeast Syria because, they say, it will undermine the fight against Islamic State (IS or ISIS) and other Al Qaeda affiliates. They also condemn Trump for “betraying Kurdish allies” by his partial troop withdrawal.

President Donald Trump talks about “ending endless wars” and “bringing our troops home”. But he still premises his views on a credulous belief that the US under his watch “defeated ISIS 100 per cent”. In that way, he essentially shares the same corny view as the Democrats and media that America is a force for good, that it is the “good guys wearing white hats riding into the sunset”.
On the other hand, Gabbard stands alone in telling the American people the plain and awful truth. US policy is the fundamental problem. Ending its regime-change war in Syria and elsewhere and ending its diabolical collusion with terror groups is the way to bring peace to the Middle East and to spare ordinary Americans from the economic disaster of spiraling war debts. American citizens need to know the truth about the horror their government, military, media and politicians have inflicted not just on countries in the Middle East, but also from the horrendous boomerang consequences of this criminal policy on the lives and livelihoods of ordinary Americans, including millions of veterans destroyed by injuries, trauma, suicide, and drug abuse.

Following the TV debate this week, it seems that Gabbard won the popular vote with her truth-telling. A major online poll by the Drudge Report found that she stole a march on all the other candidates, winning approval from nearly 40 per cent of voters. Top ticket candidates Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden were trailing behind with 7 per cent or less.

Gabbard has clearly struck a deep chord with the US public in her honest depiction of American wars.
Despite her shattering exposé and seeming appreciation by the public, most mainstream media tried to bury her after the TV debate. Outlets like Vox and CNN declared that Warren was the winner of the debate, whose talking points were mainly about domestic policy issues. Like the other candidates, Warren plies the propaganda narrative of US forces “fighting terrorism”. Vox even slated Gabbard as “a loser” in the debate and claimed she had made “blatantly false” statements about the US’ role in Syria.

Other mainstream news outlets chose to ignore reporting on Gabbard’s demolishing of the official propaganda about American wars. Earlier this week, CNN and the New York Times smeared her as a “Russian asset” and an “apologist for Assad”, referencing a visit she made to Syria in 2017 when she held talks with President Assad.

The Democratic National Committee is claiming that Gabbard does not have sufficient support in polls it deems worthy for her to qualify for appearing in the next TV debate in November.
International events, however, are proving the Hawaii Representative right. US troops, as with other NATO forces, have been occupying Syrian territory illegally. They have no mandate from the United Nations Security Council. The pullback of US troops by Trump has created a vacuum in northeast Syria into which the Syrian Arab Army is quickly moving to reclaim the territory which US-backed Kurdish fighters had de facto annexed for the past five years. Several reports show the local people are joyfully welcoming the arrival of the Syrian army. The scenes are reminiscent of when Syrian and Russian forces liberated Aleppo and other cities previously besieged by terror groups.

America’s war machine must get out of Syria for the sake of restoring peace to that war-torn country. Not because “they have defeated ISIS 100 per cent”, as Trump would conceitedly claim, nor because “we are betraying Kurds in the fight against terrorism”, as most Democrats and US media preposterously claim.

Peace will come to Syria and the Middle East when Washington finally ends its criminal regime-change wars and its support for terrorist proxies. Tulsi Gabbard seems to be the only politician with the intelligence and integrity to tell Americans the truth.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 30th, 2019.]

NATO Behind Creation of ISIL: Webster Tarpley (2014)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, an author and historian, from Washington, to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: In your perspective, if the United States and its Western and regional allies had not actually supported and created armed groups in Syria to fight against the Syrian government would we be seeing the same situation as we’re witnessing today with ISIL?

Tarpley: I think the fact of the matter is that NATO forces, the United States, Britain and France, are very much behind the creation of ISIS or ISIL. The general idea is that these were fighters that were trained in those NATO camps in Jordan.
The money comes from Saudi Arabia. The main moneybag seems to be Prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal. He’s the brother of Saud Al-Faisal, the Foreign Minister, also the brother of Prince Turki, the former Ambassador here to the United States.
The people composing this group have been brought in from Libya at the end of 2011. I’m afraid Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi played a role in that. They were transferred to Turkey and then moved into northern Syria. It’s a well-known group of death squad fanatics starting off as unemployed men with no future despair and so forth, and then given this to do.
To sum up this entire argument in one picture, I would urge people to look at the Voltaire Network. You can find an article there by my friend, Thierry Meyssan. It’s a picture from the Spring of 2013, from April 2013, in the area of Idlib in northern Syria. Here we see none other than former Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who is of course a top official of the National Endowment for Democracy, International Republican Institute operation, sitting down in the strategic consultation with General Salim Idris of the so-called Free Syrian Army, right, the heroes of democracy, pro-Western and all that.
Also sitting there is this guy, we have to give him three names, at that time he was called al-Badri, and then he became Baghdadi, he became the head of ISIS, and now I guess he calls himself Caliph Ibrahim. Anyway, that guy at the moment that McCain sat down with him was already wanted by the United States for terrorism and killing – a $25,000 reward. He was a member of al-Qaeda. He was listed as a member of al-Qaeda on the list of the sanctions that had been imposed vis-à-vis terrorists in Syria.

What this shows is that when we talk about ISIS we’re dealing with the new CIA-Arab legion, in the same way that al-Qaeda, the original one from 1980, was the CIA-Arab legion created with the help of US intelligence, British intelligence, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. This is now a new version of that, jazzed up for the social media and so forth.

Press TV: What about that, Mr. Tarpley, that the Obama administration did not basically do anything in dealing with the situation in Syria? -Although we have a lot of information saying that actually the Obama administration along with his Western allies were some of the main entities behind supporting those who were said to be the opposition against the Syrian government.

Tarpley: About a year ago we had this fake chemical weapons provocation that was cooked up by NATO forces, Saudi Arabia and others. The goal was to get the United States to bomb Syria, and of course Obama wisely decided to defer to US and even British public opinion, and to the Congress [who] all opposed to bombings. Obama was on firm ground with that.
The question right now is if you really think that ISIS is the end of the world, that this is the negation of civilization, which in many ways it is, what could you do? You could issue an ultimatum to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the rest of the [Persian] Gulf states, the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council, and you could say, ‘boys, stop sending arms and money to ISIS’.
We also know we have Turkey, a NATO ally. This is right near where ISIS based itself and where it emerged. Up until the day before yesterday, about, that border was open so that the Saudis and the Qataris could send in their support to northern Syria, that “Raka” area, and get that aid in. Why didn’t the Turks close that border?
We also have to remember, Turkey has a huge army. Why don’t they just come across, brush ISIS aside, shut this thing down?
We were also told that ISIS was the end of the world but Maliki had to go. But now he’s gone so something at least has happened.
However, the most dangerous is the drumbeat among the neo-cons and among the humanitarian bombers, the Samantha Powers rangers, we might call them. They’re saying it’s time to bomb Syria. Now here’s the problem. What are the targets supposed to be?
I think the lesson of this entire thing is you have got to work with existing governments. Any government is potentially an ally against this type of situation, against non-state actors, people who are bringing chaos into the area.
I think the most important imperative is to drop this absurd campaign against President Assad of Syria and join with Assad. Help Assad crush what’s left of that rebel insurgency in the ISIS area and all over.
Indeed, I would ask my colleague there from the Hudson Institute, if ISIS is as I think we can agree a negation of civilization, why not join with Assad? –Because we’re hearing in the last 48 hours that the key to all of this is in Syria. Maybe it is. Why not join with Assad and the legal, recognized government in Syria, the UN member state, to crush them and certainly not to start mission creep where they start bombing Syrian targets that are loyal to Assad and indeed helping ISIS that way?

Press TV: Mr. Tarpley, your take on some of our viewer’s opinions. We have a wide range blaming Press TV actually, for what ISIL is doing to many others.
But I want to look at in general, what we see is we have some of the viewers talking about the Western individuals involved in all of this, and I want to look at this. We know that when the situation started in Syria, Syrian President Assad and his government continued to say that there were thousands of fighters coming in from these Western countries and basically that continued to be ignored.
Now we see a lot of these Western governments saying that the biggest threat to them right now are these same fighters when they return to their home countries. Why at that point in time was it totally ignored but now at this point in time it becomes number-one priority, at least that’s what they’re saying?

Tarpley: Partly because it’s become a political and public relations embarrassment for Obama. Now that’s an opportunity to get something done.
The CIA and other intelligence services, they do what they want. They don’t ask Obama or any president. So, they’ve been creating this ISIS. This is simply their method of work.
Now we’ve got a situation where there’s a public interest in this subject and Obama feels that he has to do something. The question would then be what? I would recommend working with existing governments.
The history of all this stuff though goes back to this shadowy network inside the US government, the rogue network or invisible government. It goes back to John Negroponte, the US Ambassador in Baghdad about ten years ago. This is when these death squads began to emerge. His disciple was Ambassador Robert Ford who became then the US Ambassador to Syria at precisely the time the death squads emerged.
There never was a phase of democratic agitation in Syria that was not accompanied by gunfire. It was there all the time. You remember there had been violent opposition to the Assad family going back to the 1980s, so there never was this mythical democratic phase.
The other thing to say is there are no moderates in the Syrian opposition. We even see an institutional figure like Fareed Zakaria of CNN pointing out that this is simply an illusion. Indeed, I would even go further.

If you look at that picture of McCain with General Idris of the FSA and General Baghdadi, who is now the caliph or calls himself the caliph, you’ll see there is no difference. The Free Syrian Army is the same thing on the ground as Nusra, as the Islamic Front, as ISIL, ISIS or whatever you want to call it, and now the Islamic State. These are all the same people. They just put on a different hat. If they have to talk to you as senator, they’ll dress up one way. If they have to go out and talk to some people newly arrived from Chechnya or northern Libya, Cyrenaica or Derna, they’ll put on a different getup. It’s all the same thing. There are no moderates.

Press TV: The role in this terrorist group with ISIL and social media, we’re seeing a little different take as far as a terrorist group this time around being extremely internet savvy and using social media. Why aren’t they being shut down?

Tarpley: Because there’s an interest in not having them shut down. I would point out that the coverage in the US mass media is the glorification of ISIS. Why? They’re supermen; they are ten feet tall; they are so sophisticated – sophisticated is the most common word. They know how to use the social media...

Press TV: Why is that the case, that they’re portrayed like that in the world?

Tarpley: They’ve got to build it up. Let me just point out that James Foley, the poor victim - we deplore his killing - he went to Libya to essentially do positive publicity for terrorists. He went there when Gaddafi was killed. He was then moved over to the Aleppo area.
His troubles began when he wrote an article saying the people of Aleppo don’t like the terrorist rebels, the people of Aleppo are getting nostalgic for Assad. Then in a couple of months he was kidnapped. Maybe they decided to use this poor guy in a different way.
You can compare it also to the pro-al-Qaeda propaganda coming from people like Bernard Lewis and/or Michael Scheuer from the CIA bin Laden unit. They were writing that bin Laden was a hero, that he was the George Washington of the Arab world and so on and so forth. This is what the CIA does when they want to build up this ogre, this poobah, and then use that to manipulate public opinion around the world, including the US, the Arab world, Europe and so forth.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 30th, 2019.]

Media Runs INSANE Theories About Trump And Baghdadi, Proves The Ridiculous Double Standard (Tim Pool)

Media bias is palpable. They constantly rag on Trump and others for presenting ideas "without evidence" but then run these absurd unproven claims as if there is any merit to them.

Gone are the days of thorough journalism and fact gathering and now we just have media double standards, fake news, and media lies that favor anti-trump and often leftist world views.

Pool criticises the media for saying that the picture of Trump watching the Baghdadi was staged. It might have been. The Bin Laden assassination raid was a hoax.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 30th, 2019.]

Proof Gov Wrong About Collapse of WTC Building 7? (New Evidence 2019)

Proof Gov Wrong About Collapse of WTC Building 7? (New Evidence 2019)

PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It

PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It

STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism

PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It

PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It

STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

"DR PIZZA" ARRESTED BY FEDS...PIZZAGATE WAS ALWAYS REAL!! - Leftist tech journalist "Dr Pizza" was arrested by the FBI. Sick stuff in the court filings related to his charges.

"DR PIZZA" ARRESTED BY FEDS...PIZZAGATE WAS ALWAYS REAL!! - Leftist tech journalist "Dr Pizza" was arrested by the FBI. Sick stuff in the court filings related to his charges.


STFU Up Tom Arnold! Roseanne Isn't Racist, Your Buddy Arnold Schwarzenegger Is. Pizzagate Hasn't Been Debunked and There's An Intellectual Case for Conspiracism:

PizzaGate Is Real, And John Podesta Needs To Go To Prison For It:

Jeffrey Epstein "Procuring" 8-Year-Olds Pretty Much Proves PizzaGate:

Washington Post praises ISIS leader

Trump News

Washington Post proves why Trump calls media “enemies of the state” — paper praises ISIS leader killed by U.S. special forces
10/28/2019 / By JD Heyes

The Democrat Party activists who pretend to be journalists have so much hatred for President Donald Trump and his supporters they have done all they could to undermine and depose him since before he even took office. 

Their behavior has led the president to characterize members of the mainstream media as “enemies of the people.” Naturally, that ticks them off but the characterization couldn’t be more accurate — and the latest organization to prove it is the Washington Post.

On Sunday, the president announced that U.S. Special Forces operators, acting on intelligence, infiltrated a compound in northern Syria where ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was hiding with several of his men.

As our forces cut through his men and cornered him in a one-way corridor, al-Baghdadi blew himself up with a suicide vest he was wearing.

Naturally, the president took the opportunity to not only praise our forces, but take a major swipe at our terrorist enemies. And that was just too much ‘Merica for the anti-American Leftists at the Post.

An obituary by the Post read like a lionization of al-Baghdadi, who led a terrorist organization that slaughtered thousands of people and beheaded every Christian ‘infidel’ they could get their hands on.

Buck Sexton
 Democracy Dies in- wait a second has the Post lost its damn mind?

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11:14 AM - Oct 27, 2019
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“Austere?” “Religious scholar?” “Dies at 48?” Unbelievable.

Needless to say, the temperate treatment of a murderous terrorist thug outraged Americans inside and outside of the Beltway.

Sebastian Gorka DrG
 “Religious scholar?”

This is how the treasonous @washingtonpost describes a mass murderer who had Americans beheaded and our Muslim allies burnt alive. 

Yes you are THE ENEMY of the American People and all that is sacred.

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12:16 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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Oh yes, we forgot: These animals would soak people in gasoline, lock them in cages, and light the fuel, all for their viewing pleasure.

The Post also claimed that al-Baghdadi “maintained a canny pragmatism as leader,” and, “Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer.”

Elliott Schwartz
 The obit also waits until the 34th graf to inform readers he was a serial rapist of hostage sex slaves. …

Elizabeth Harrington
WaPo's actual obit for a terrorist monster:

"austere religious scholar w/ wire-frame glasses"

"Mr. Baghdadi maintained a canny pragmatism"

"Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer but preferred to spend his free time at the local mosque"

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11:33 AM - Oct 27, 2019
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The biggest enemies to our republic are from within
And what fawning obituary of a terrorist animal would be complete without burying the worst behavior — like being a serial rapist and keeper of sex slaves? (Related: ISIS terrorists urged to start poisoning grocery food across America with deadly cyanide.)

Guess al-Baghdadi lost his “shyness,” huh?

How “pragmatic” to have several sex slaves instead of just one.

Of course, it wasn’t just the Washington Post that idolized this terrorist. Foreign Left-wing media, like the Times of London, did the same thing. As Zero Hedge reports, that paper described al-Baghdadi this way: “A promising young footballer and a student of the Koran who became a terrorist, mass murderer and the world’s most-wanted man.”

‘Student of the Koran.” That’s a cowardly way of hiding the fact that al-Baghdadi was an Islamic extremist who oversaw the murder of tens of thousands of people just because they did not share his religious views.

The disgustingly positive treatment of al-Baghdadi led to several mocking tweets.

Jason Howerton
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

11:46 AM - Oct 27, 2019
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Jason Howerton
 · Oct 27, 2019
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

Jason Howerton
Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.#WaPoDeathNotices

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12:00 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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Jason Howerton
 · Oct 27, 2019
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

Global entrepreneur and self-made billionaire, Pablo Escobar, dead at age 44.

2:06 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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Jason Howerton
 · Oct 27, 2019
 Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.#WaPoDeathNotices

Hugh Fowler
Jeffrey Epstein, philanthropist, socialite, child lover, unexpectedly and far too soon.

1:19 PM - Oct 27, 2019
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In addition to the mainstream media, it’s become obvious that former President Obama and the sycophants who enabled all of his corruption are just as seditious as the media that protected them.

During an interview Sunday on CNN, network contributor James Clapper, a serial liar and former director of national intelligence, actually suggested that killing al-Baghdadi was going to put the rest of us more at risk because it would ‘inspire’ remaining ISIS fighters, or something stupid like that.

“What is going to be interesting is to the extent to which this negatively affects ISIS or does it galvanize ISIS, the remnants of ISIS, which still survives as an ideology and has franchises in other places besides Syria,” he said. 


The biggest enemies to our republic are coming from within. And many of them use their First Amendment right to undermine and destroy the very country that protects more than half the world from authoritarianism and tyranny. 

Sources include:

Tagged Under: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, anti-America, beheading, enemy of the state, fake news, ISIS, Journalism, left cult, Left-wing, lies, mainstream media, murder, news cartels, outrage, President Trump, propaganda, sex slaves, Special Forces, terrorist, treason, Washington Post, WashPost


Washington Post proves why Trump calls media “enemies of the state” — paper praises ISIS leader killed by U.S. special forces
10/28/2019 / By JD Heyes free speech video platform rolls out new features: Video categories, channel subscribes, viewer donations and more
10/27/2019 / By Mike Adams
Obama’s deep state in crosshairs of Trump’s Justice Department as “Spygate” review becomes a criminal probe
10/27/2019 / By JD Heyes
The communists trying to overthrow President Trump via ‘secret kangaroo court’ impeachment trial have forgotten history
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With Democrats brewing a volatile hell-broth for America that could unleash colossal turmoil, Americans better get prepared quickly for the coming fallout
10/27/2019 / By News Editors
Of course! An Obama-appointed federal judge orders Justice Department to turn over redacted grand jury info from Mueller report to House Democrats
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Confirmed: Robert Mueller tried to tie Trump team to Russia – and six of eight events were deep state “set ups”
10/26/2019 / By News Editors
Deep state in total panic as Durham’s investigation confirmed to have transitioned to CRIMINAL phase… indictments imminent
10/25/2019 / By Mike Adams
What’s with the Drudge Report’s Leftward tilt? Is Matt angry with POTUS Trump?
10/25/2019 / By JD Heyes
Democrats may destroy audio evidence exonerating Trump in lawless effort to gaslight America with testimony falsehoods
10/25/2019 / By JD Heyes
NYT edits story to hide Hillary’s accusation Russia is grooming Tulsi Gabbard
10/24/2019 / By News Editors
House Republicans bust up secret ‘impeachment’ hearings to demand Democrats release witness transcripts they know will exonerate Trump
10/24/2019 / By JD Heyes
In the age of President Trump, everyone who disagrees with “America First” is now deemed a “Russian asset”
10/24/2019 / By JD Heyes
The pathocracy of the deep state: Tyranny at the hands of a psychopathic government
10/24/2019 / By News Editors
Republicans say ‘smoking gun’ impeachment testimony is actually ‘fourth-hand’ hearsay
10/24/2019 / By News Editors
New website builds target list of Trump donors so that Antifa Leftists know who to terrorize and exactly where they live
10/22/2019 / By JD Heyes
GOP be warned: Impeachment will set off Democrat push to reverse Trump’s SCOTUS appointments, tax cuts and regulatory reforms
10/21/2019 / By Mike Adams
Sicko RINO Mitt Romney creates phony “Pierre Delecto” Twitter account so he can bash Trump and praise himself
10/21/2019 / By JD Heyes
A CALL TO ACTION: “Stand” – We will remember the 129 Republicans who refused to stand with President Trump…
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ALERT: Antifa puppetmasters to engineer “patriot” slaughter of Leftists to spark violent uprising against conservatives
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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Trump says ISIS leader al-Baghdadi died ‘whimpering and crying and screaming all the way’


President Trump confirmed in an address to the nation Sunday that a “whimpering and crying and screaming” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who as leader of the Islamic State unleashed a rein of jihadist terror around the globe, died during a US special forces raid in Syria.
“Last night the US brought the world’s No. 1 terrorist leader to justice,” Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Reception Room. “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.”
“He was the founder and leader of ISIS. The most ruthless and violent terror organization anywhere in the world. The United States has been searching for Baghdadi for many years.
Capturing or killing Baghdadi has been the top national security priority of my administration,” Trump said.
Trump said the special forces executed a “daring” nighttime raid and “accomplished their mission in grand style.”
“He died after running into a dead end tunnel, whimpering, crying and screaming all the way,” the president said.
Al-Baghdadi, who had a $25 million bounty on his head, was targeted in a raid carried out in Idlib province in northwestern Syria not far from the Turkish border, the president said.

More from the NY Post

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New York City fireman Johnny Schroeder was among first firefighters inside World Trade Center on 9/11

Friday, October 25, 2019

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OPCW Cherry-Picked Facts on Douma to Blame Assad – expert panel

The international chemical weapons watchdog likely skewed its own investigation of the 2018 chemical weapons incident in Douma, Syria to come to a predetermined decision, a damning conclusion based on whistleblower testimony said.

The April 2018 incident in the Damascus suburb was quickly blamed on the Syrian government by the West. Within days, the US, the UK and France launched barrages of cruise missiles in retaliation. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the international chemical weapons watchdog, later backed the justification, all but pointing the finger at Syria in its final report, which was released in March.

Now a panel of experts says the report was based on a flawed conclusion and likely deliberately steered toward the West-favored outcome. The accusation is based on evidence and testimony of an OPCW investigator, who came forward with damning evidence that his own organization had breached its mission.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, October 26th, 2019.]

Thursday, October 24, 2019

9/11 Insider Trading: ABC News Report, 20 Sep, 2001

9/11 Insider Trading: ABC News Report, 20 Sep, 2001

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A suspicious package near the World Trade Center prompted the closure of streets during rush hour Tuesday. The package was deemed safe and a man described by police as "emotionally disturbed" was taken into custody. (Oct. 22)

Charlie Kirk FREAKS OUT At Legitimate Questions from REAL Conservatives

Charlie Kirk FREAKS OUT At Legitimate Questions from REAL Conservatives

Tuesday, October 22, 2019




‘You may try to hide behind technology, but we will find you and we will arrest and prosecute you’

Ivanka Trump praised the US Justice Department over the weekend after the agency completed its largest bust of Internet child porn distributors ever.
On Sunday, America’s First Daughter tweeted out a DoJ press release detailing its takedown of the website Welcome To Video, “the largest child sexual exploitation market by volume of content.”
In the Wednesday press release, the DOJ announced it was bringing federal charges against 23-year-old South Korean national Jong Woo Son, who was allegedly operating the website from servers also located in the country, in addition to charges against hundreds of other site users residing in the United States and abroad.
“An additional 337 site users residing in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State and Washington, D.C. as well as the United Kingdom, South Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Czech Republic, Canada, Ireland, Spain, Brazil and Australia have been arrested and charged,” the DOJ wrote.
At least 23 children from the US, the UK, and Spain, who were sexually exploited by users of the site, were also rescued, according to the DOJ.
During a news conference last week, investigators revealed they’d seized over 8 terabytes of child exploitation videos from the site.
The press release names several men who were arrested domestically during the bust, including father of two Michael Lawson, who reportedly “admitted to engaging in child sexual exploitation and purchasing and downloading images and videos with bitcoin from his home,” according to the Justice Department criminal division’s deputy assistant attorney general Richard Downing.
“He installed cameras in his residence and captured video of prepubescent friends of his children using the bathroom and showers,” Downing said.
Efforts to arrest users began in 2017 and involved tracing and following the flow of bitcoin transactions on the blockchain, since the website was reportedly among the first of its kind to allow users to use the cryptocurrency to conduct transactions.
A forfeiture complaint seeks to recover some or all of the illicit funds and return them to the victims.
“Our message for those who produce, distribute and receive child pornography is clear: You may try to hide behind technology, but we will find you and we will arrest and prosecute you,” Ivanka wrote in a follow-up tweet, quoting the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, Jessie Liu.
"Our message for those who produce, distribute and receive child pornography is clear: You may try to hide behind technology, but we will find you and we will arrest and prosecute you."

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Is the lack of action and active misdirection by mainstream media hosts complicity in child trafficking?